1945-2000: Mass Media and Censorship II

Records of the legal case Janmaat (leader of the Centrumpartij) versus NOS, 1982
Records of a legal case prompted by supposed sabotage by the Dutch Broadcasting Foundation (NOS) of a programme by the extreme-right-wing Centrumpartij (Centre Party / CP) during a 'broadcast for political parties' on 19 August 1982. It was claimed that the programme was intentionally disrupted. The CP demanded retransmission, but this was refused by the NOS. The CP brought the case to court and won. The NOS was ordered to broadcast the programme again, in unabbreviated and undisrupted form, or be liable to a penalty payment of 200.000 guilders.
Read the records of the legal case(pdf)
See also Archief Hans Janmaat
Read the records of the legal case(pdf)
See also Archief Hans Janmaat
Call number: IISH
Archive Janmaat CP