1600-1700: Subdued Freedom I

Leger-praetje, tusschen ses persoonen, Jaep Soet, Klaes Swaer-hooft en Jan Goet-hart, zijnde drie boeren; met Keesje Maet en Broer Jochem, varende luyden, met een bode; Over den toestant van ons Ruyters en Soldaten
)[Army chat, between six persons, Jack Sweet, Claude Heavyhead and John Goodheart, being three farmers; with Charlie Maet and Brother James, with a messenger. About the state of our Knights and Soldiers]
In the Rampjaar [disastrous year] of 1672 the Netherlands was beleaguered by no less than five opponents: England, France, and the bishops of Liège, Cologne and Munster. Tensions were high and rumours abounded. Who could still be trusted? Was treason in the offing? On 20 August 1672 two important members of government, the brothers Johan and Cornelis de Witt, paid for this situation with their lives. After being murdered their lifeless bodies were dragged to the scaffold, hung up by their feet and horribly mutilated by the crowd that had gathered at the 'Gevangenpoort' [Prisoners' Gate] in The Hague. Body parts were carried off as trophies. According to some, Stadtholder William III was behind the murders of the De Witts.
On 16 September 1672 the Hof van Holland banned this pamphlet in which the author(s) defend(s) the brothers Johan and Cornelis de Witt.
In the Rampjaar [disastrous year] of 1672 the Netherlands was beleaguered by no less than five opponents: England, France, and the bishops of Liège, Cologne and Munster. Tensions were high and rumours abounded. Who could still be trusted? Was treason in the offing? On 20 August 1672 two important members of government, the brothers Johan and Cornelis de Witt, paid for this situation with their lives. After being murdered their lifeless bodies were dragged to the scaffold, hung up by their feet and horribly mutilated by the crowd that had gathered at the 'Gevangenpoort' [Prisoners' Gate] in The Hague. Body parts were carried off as trophies. According to some, Stadtholder William III was behind the murders of the De Witts.
On 16 September 1672 the Hof van Holland banned this pamphlet in which the author(s) defend(s) the brothers Johan and Cornelis de Witt.
Call number: KNAW
AB E2320