1600-1700: Subdued Freedom I

Lauweren-Krans Gevlochten voor syn hoocheyt Wilhelm de Heer Prince van Oranjen, &c. Over sijne eeuwig roembaere handelinge, gepleegt tot ruste deser Vereenigde Lantschappen, in't Jaer 1650... Door C.G.
Gedruckt, op de onbekende parsse, van Hollandts ware Vryheidt
[Laurel Wreath, Bound for his highness William the Lord Prince of Orange etc. Regarding his eternally glorious actions carried out to settle these United Provinces, in the year 1650. By C.G. Printed on the unknown press of Holland's true liberty]
In 1650 Stadtholder William II prepared a coup d'état to break the power of the region of Holland. He marched with his army to Amsterdam and laid siege to the city. On 6 November 1650 he died of smallpox, at the age of just 24. His opponents were able to exploit the situation and ushered in the First Stadtholderless Period (1650-1672).
This pamphlet was banned by the Hof van Holland (the main court of the province of Holland) on 23 November 1650, i.e. just a few weeks after the death of William II. It was deemed to foment unrest and division. The author was said to be the preacher Jacobus Stermont. The pamphlet attempts to get around the censorship laws with the statement "Gedruckt, op de onbekende parsse van Hollandts ware vryheidt, 1650" [Printed on the unknown press of Holland's true liberty, 1650].
In 1650 Stadtholder William II prepared a coup d'état to break the power of the region of Holland. He marched with his army to Amsterdam and laid siege to the city. On 6 November 1650 he died of smallpox, at the age of just 24. His opponents were able to exploit the situation and ushered in the First Stadtholderless Period (1650-1672).
This pamphlet was banned by the Hof van Holland (the main court of the province of Holland) on 23 November 1650, i.e. just a few weeks after the death of William II. It was deemed to foment unrest and division. The author was said to be the preacher Jacobus Stermont. The pamphlet attempts to get around the censorship laws with the statement "Gedruckt, op de onbekende parsse van Hollandts ware vryheidt, 1650" [Printed on the unknown press of Holland's true liberty, 1650].
Call number: KNAW
AB E1395