Research Institutions
Specialized Research Institutions Lists of Research Institutions
Specialized Research Institutions
- Basler Initiative für Gender studies in der Osteuropaforschung (BIG-O) BIG-O is an organization based in Switzerland, at the Historisches Seminar, Universität Basel, to promote women's and gender studies of Eastern Europe. The website offers information about the organization and its projects.
- Bedford Centre for the History of Women The Centre (Royal Holloway, University of London) organises lectures, seminars and conferences, and conducts and supports original research. It disseminates information about research being carried out world-wide in the field of women's history and the history of gender
- Centar za zenske studije Zagreb Centre for Women's Studies in Zagreb, Croatia. General information in Croatian and English, links.
- Centre for Gender and Diversity The Centre was established at the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, to provide an institutional basis for the scattered tuition and research activities in the field of Women Studies at the various faculties. Its website contains general information in Dutch and English.
- Centre for Gender and Women's Studies Trinity College, University of Dublin.
- Centre for Gender Studies Ghent University
- Centre for Women, Family and Gender Studies (Moscow). A non-governmental non-profit volunteer organization working in cooperation with the Network of Interdisciplinary Women's Studies in Europe (NOISE).
- Centro de Estudios de Población (CENEP) Centre for population studies in Argentina. Its subject areas include the social and demographic aspects of human reproduction, the family, and gender and population.
- Duoda Centre de Recerca de Dones, Universitat de Barcelona General information about the women's studies centre of the University of Barcelona in Catalonian and Spanish.
- Frauenforschungs-, -bildungs- und -informationszentrum FFBIZ Berlin Women's Research, Education, and Information Center. Information in German and English about the Centre's collections.
- FrauenStadtArchiv Dresden Archival and research centre. The website gives access to biographical databases ("Sammlungen") containing information on individual women, women's trades and occupations, and women's organizations in Dresden and Saxony.
- Gender Institute of the London School for Economics General information, news, online working papers.
- Hedwig Hintze-Institut Bremen and Hedwig Hintze-Gesellschaft für Historische Forschung und Bildung The Hedwig Hintze Institute and Society (Bremen, Germany) were founded in commemmoration of the persecuted Jewish historian Hedwig Hintze (1884-1942). General information in German.
- Homepage Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Vrouwenstudies (NOV) Netherlands Research School of Women's Studies, Utrecht, Netherlands. Information in English.
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology The former Archive for Sexology at the Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin.
- Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen The Netherlands. General information in Dutch and English on the Institute's courses, research program and documentation centre; access to its online catalogue.
- Institutet för kvinnoforskning vid Åbo Akademi General information in Swedish and English; online catalogue.
- Instituto de estudios de la mujer Universidad de Granada, Spain. Information about research and other activities. The Institute's publication series Feminae includes a considerable number of historical works.
- Kentro Ereunon gia Themata Isotetas KETHI The Greek Research Centre for Gender Equality has branches in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Iraklion and Volos. The website contains general information in Greek and English, and statistical data on employment and education.
- Kvinnforsk - Senter for Kvinneforskning og kvinner i forskning University of Tromsø, Norway. Information in English, links to other centres for women's studies in Norway.
- Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies An organisation based in Cyprus which promotes and contributes to projects of social, political, and economic themes relating to gender. Its website contains general information and a directory of Mediterranean gender organizations; the pages that promise a 'Bulletin' and 'Reports & Articles' are under construction.
- Moscow Center for Gender Studies (MCGS) An independent nonprofit research institution. The Russian pages provide access to the Centre's library, online catalogue and collection information.
- Mr. A. de Graaf Stichting The Mr A. de Graaf Foundation is the Dutch national centre for research, documentation, public information, policy development and advice on the issue of prostitution and related phenomena. Information on the foundation's activities, online catalogue.
- NIKK - the Nordic Institute for Women' Studies and Gender Research An interdisciplinary Nordic research institution based in Oslo, Norway. Its aim is to advance, initiate, co-ordinate and inform about Women's Studies and Gender Research in and outside of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden).
- Projektzentrum Genderforschung der Universität Wien Austrian gender studies information website at the university of Vienna. General project information in German, a database of research and researchers, announcements, calls for papers.
- Rosa Luxemburg Institut / Verein für interdisziplinäre Forschung und Praxis (ViF) (Vienna). An interdisciplinary research institute and Association for Interdisciplinary Research & Praxis aiming to "produce theoretical and empirical contributions serving Women's interests".
- Simone/SAGESSE Women's Studies Research Centre at the university of Toulouse le Mirail. General information in French, online catalogue of its Centre's documentation centre.
- St. Hilda's College Oxford's only college solely for women.
- Vrouwenstudies Universiteit Antwerpen The centre for women's studies at the University of Antwerp. General information in Flemish.
- Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung TU Berlin General information, access to the catalog for the holdings on women's and gender studies within the communication and history library at the Technical University Berlin. Text in German and English.
Lists of Research Institutions
Last updated 23 February 2009 |