W3VL: Women's History Logo Reference

Lists of Women's and Gender History

Women's History Month

Women's Studies

General History

    Lists of Women's and Gender History
    • ACRL WSSLINKS: Women's History Sites This part of WSSLINKS which is developed and maintained by the Women's Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries will list annotated links of various comprehensive sources of U.S. and global women's history.
    • Feminist Studies Collections: Women in History Collection of links to internet resources. Part of a larger feminist studies site maintained at the Stanford University Library.
    • Gender History and Studies Link collection from the Department of History, Tennessee Technological University.
    • Genesis The Genesis project is a mapping initiative to identify and develop access to women's history sources in the British Isles. The database holds descriptions of women's history collections from libraries, archives and museums from around the British Isles. A list of web resources relating to the study of women's history, is also available.
    • Histoire saisie par le genre et la différence des sexes Links to online articles, bibliographies, and other mainly French online resources for women's history and women's studies; maintained by Daniel Letouzay.
    • Women's History Resources Link collection maintained by the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian.
    • Women's Studies: History From Women's Studies Resources compiled and edited by Karla Tonella, University of Iowa.
    • WWWomen: History Link collection from the WWWoman Company.
    • Yahoo: Women's History
    Women's History Month
    Women's Studies
    • Academic @ Russian Feminism Resources Russian and English web pages. Bibliographic information and links to online articles, and courses and syllabi. Created and maintained by Elena Leonoff in Tver, Russia.
    • AOIFE The Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe is a European association for Women's Studies based on institutional membership. It links institutions dedicated to initiating and supporting feminist education and research in Europe.
    • Asociación Universitaria de Estudios de las Mujeres General information about this Spanish organization; a directory of women's and women's studies centres in Spain, a calendar of events.
    • Association for Feminist Anthropology A section of the American Anthropological Association. Besides general information, the website contains news on scholarships, grants, etc., links, book reviews, and a mailing list.
    • Association Nationale des Etudes Féministes ANEF General information about this French organization for women's studies.
    • ATGENDER, the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation "Networking is ATGENDER’s main project" and "Sending out regular newsletters is but one of the good practices of ATHENA that ATGENDER will continue".
    • Braunschweiger Zentrum für Gender Studies A cooperative project of the TU Braunschweig, the Fachhochschule Braunschweig-Wolfenbütel, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
    • Canadian Women's Studies Association /L'association canadienne des études sur les femmes General information.
    • Center for Women's Studies (Tehran) An interdisciplinary gender research center at the University of Tehran. General information, TOC of its journal Women's Research.
    • Centro de Estudios de la Mujer Santiago de Chile, Chile. An independent, non-profit organization founded in 1984 by women social scientists and economists. It conducts research, training, communication and consulting programs, concentrating on the fields of labor and employment, citizenship and political participation, and public policy planning. Information, also in English, on the Centre's activities, a list of publications, and related links.
    • Deutsche Stiftung Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung German Foundation for Gender Studies. General information, announcements, directories, bibliographies.
    • Gender Campus Information on gender studies and equality in Swiss universities and colleges of higher education.
    • Institute for Gender and Women's Studies At the American University in Cairo. The IGWS is a multipurpose and interdisciplinary research center that serves scholars interested in gender and women's studies in the Arabic speaking Middle East/North Africa, Turkey , the Caucasus, Iran, Central and South Asia and Africa.
    • Institute for Women's Studies and Research IWSR (Tehran) General information in Farsi about this NGO and its activities, news, reports, and a database; some information in English.
    • Institute of Women's Studies at Birzeit University Birzeit, Palestine. General information, links.
    • Iran: Women Many links, from Pars Times.
    • KIT Specials These guides refer to printed and online resources from the collections of the Royal Tropical Institute and the internet. The gender related 'Specials' deal with issues such as HIV/AIDS, Gender & natural resources management, gender & governance, and Muslim women.
    • Koordinationen for kønsforskning i Danmark The Co-ordination for Gender Studies in Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology.
    • Kvinfo - Danish Center for Information on Women and Gender Access to the Kvinfo research library, the 'Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon' (an online biographical dictionary), a database of experts, and other online services.
    • NIKK: Overviews and Links: Women's Studies: Europe Research centres, networks, programs, associations, archives, libraries and documentation centres, museums, journals.
    • Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero - PAGU General information on this centre for women's studies in São Paulo, a bibliography, online catalogue.
    • Regional Network of Info-Docu Centers An international project coordinated by the Zenska Infoteka (Zagreb, Croatia) in cooperation with the Open Society Institute - Network Women's Program. One result of this initiative is a Regional Women's Directory Database which contains information about hundreds of groups from Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kososvo, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, and Ukraine.
    • Salon 21 A European women's and gender studies internet forum for calls for papers, symposia, reports, comments, and discussions. It is part of the research platform 'Repositioning of Women’s and Gender History in the New European Context', established at the University of Vienna.
    • Siyanda An on-line database of gender and development materials. Siyanda is hosted by BRIDGE, the gender and development research and information service located at the Institute of Development Studies (UK)
    • Sophia Belgian women's studies network. Sophia aims at stimulating research and education in women's studies, while establishing contacts between the Dutch-and Frenchspeaking communities in Belgium and between the women's movement and the academic world.
    • UNECE Gender Database This database provides free gender data on 56 countries in the European Union, non-EU Western and Eastern Europe, South-East Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and North America; it is also available in Russian.
    • WeAVE A European women's and gender studies network for academics. The website provides discussion rooms, as well as a chat facility for registered members, listings of current news and events, and links to women's studies institutions, associations, and online resources.
    • WISE Women's International Studies Europe European association for individuals and institutions involved in women's studies. The website contains general information about WISE activities, the European Journal of Women's Studies, the WISE-L discussion list, and a fundraising guide.
    • Women in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies A group of colleagues concerned with feminist studies and with the role of women in British Luso-Hispanism.
    • Women's / Gender Studies Association of Countries in Transition A directory of centres developing programs focused on women's/gender issues in countries in Central & Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia), but also in Haiti and South Africa. The site also features an online newsletter and articles, and a list of weblinks.
    • Women's Studies (Chicago) Online guides to resources in the library of the University of Chicago and other electronic and printed resources in Chicago and the web.
    • Women's Studies / Women's Issues Resource Sites Women's Studies Online Resources will help you find information-rich, high-quality web sites focusing on women's studies or women's issues; women- or gender-related e-mail lists; women's studies files from the WMST-L File Collection; links to women's studies programs around the world and to the Center for Women and Information Technology; financial aid for women; updates to Internet Resources on Women; and more. By Joan Korenman, University of Maryland Baltimore County.
    • Women's Studies Euromap Information about European Women's Studies and Research Programmes.
    • Worldwide Organization of Women's Studies (WOWS) General information about this federation of women's studies associations, and a directory of member organizations.
    • WSSLinks: Women and Gender Studies Web Sites The WWW Virtual Library of Women's Studies, developed and maintained by the Women's Studies Section of the Association of College & Research Libraries.
    General History

    Last updated 24 November 2009