W3VL: Women's History Logo


Africa | Albania | Argentina | Asia | Australia | Austria | Balkans | Belarus | Belgium | Brazil | Brunei Darussalam | Cambodia | Canada | China | Croatia | Cyprus | Czechia | Denmark | East Timor | Eastern Europe | Estonia | Europe | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Ireland | Italy | Japan | Laos | Latin America | Luxembourg | Malaysia | Mexico | Middle East | Myanmar | Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Scandinavia | Singapore | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom | United States | Viet Nam


    Archives and Libraries

    Research Institutions

    Special Topics

    • Fonds Suzan Daniel General information about the Belgian gay/lesbian archive and documentation centre.
    • Jongens en meisjes, een duik in het verleden (Boys and girls - diving into the past). An interactive website designed for educational purposes by the Belgian The Archive Centre on Women’s History AVG - CARHIF.
    • Recht van de Lage Landen = Low Countries Law Digitized documents, articles and a bibliography on witchcraft trials in the early modern southern Netherlands on this legal history site maintained by Jos Monballyu, Leuven University (Belgium).

    Discussion Lists

    • Kenau Discussion list for women's and gender history in the Netherlands and Belgium. Subscription information in Dutch.


    • Sophia Belgian women's studies network. Sophia aims at stimulating research and education in women's studies, while establishing contacts between the Dutch-and Frenchspeaking communities in Belgium and between the women's movement and the academic world.

Last updated 11 February 2013