W3VL: Women's History Logo


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  • Australian Women’s Archives Project – Showcase Particular groups of Australian women are recognised through the AWAP Showcase. The Showcase consists of informative articles and a collection of on-line biographies.
  • She's Game: Women Making Australian Sporting History This website highlights the achievements of Australian women who have contributed to Australian sporting life and culture. Short historical notes, entered into a searchable database linked to this exhibition, have been prepared for over 100 women, teams and organisations. From the Australian Women's Archives Project.

  • Archives and Libraries

    • Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives Established in 1978, the primary goal of the Archives is to recover and preserve any materials that record the lives and experience of Lesbians and Gay men in Australia. The ALGA collection is the biggest repository of historical materials about homosexuals and homosexuality in Australia.
    • Australian Women's Art Register An archive and repository of slides, published material and other written sources documenting Australian women artists, their art practice, their images and their writings. A diverse range of media and art disciplines, including craft, design, photography, installation, are represented in the archive, as well as various styles and all eras from the Victorian period. The Register is located at the Richmond (formerly Carringbush) Library in Melbourne.
    • Australian Women’s Register The searchable-on-line Australian Women’s Register is a growing source of biographical data about Australian women and their organisations, with hyper-links to the archival repositories and libraries where their records are held and to other sources of information. It is part of the Australian Women's Archives Project (AWAP), established in 2000 by The National Foundation for Australian Women (NFAW). See also the Australian Women’s Archives Project – Showcase.
    • Beyond the Picket Fence Australian women's art in the National Library of Australia. Web version of an exhibition which was held from 8th March to 4th June 1995. Many reproductions - in two formats, with explanatory texts - of drawings, paintings, prints and photographs from the late eighteenth to the late twentieth century.

    Special Topics

    • 1891 Women's Suffrage Petition The 1891 Women's Suffrage petition is a roll of linen cloth abour 260 metres long. Pasted on to it are the signatures of approximately 30,000 women collected in 1891. The petition was presented to the Victorian parliament to urge the Government of the day to grant women the right to vote. Although the right to vote was not won until 1908, the petition is an icon of the women's suffrage movement in Victoria.
    • Australian Electoral History: Milestones for Women Fact sheets and links to other resources for the history of women and parliamentary representation in Australia. From the Australian Electoral Commission.
    • Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives Established in 1978, the primary goal of the Archives is to recover and preserve any materials that record the lives and experience of Lesbians and Gay men in Australia. The ALGA collection is the biggest repository of historical materials about homosexuals and homosexuality in Australia.
    • Australian Nursing and Midwifery History Project ANMHP is a project hosted by the School of Nursing, at the University of Melbourne to promote the conservation of nursing's and midwifery's historical heritage and to foster historical scholarship on nursing and midwifery. General information and links to resources for Australian nursing history.
    • Australian Women's Art Register An archive and repository of slides, published material and other written sources documenting Australian women artists, their art practice, their images and their writings. A diverse range of media and art disciplines, including craft, design, photography, installation, are represented in the archive, as well as various styles and all eras from the Victorian period. The Register is located at the Richmond (formerly Carringbush) Library in Melbourne.
    • Australian Women’s History Forum (AWHF) An over arching body incorporating Women’s History Month. The site offers news about events and books, a listing of key events in Australian women’s history, a timeline of milestones and anniversaries, links to relevant sites such as the Australian Women’s Archive project, Women's History Month resources and a forum for comments on the site, suggestions of names, places and key events.
    • Beyond the Picket Fence Australian women's art in the National Library of Australia. Web version of an exhibition which was held from 8th March to 4th June 1995. Many reproductions - in two formats, with explanatory texts - of drawings, paintings, prints and photographs from the late eighteenth to the late twentieth century.
    • Brave Women of Oceania Web pages documenting the history of women in the South Pacific area during World War II and the Vietnam War.
    • Of Love and War This online version of an Australian War Memorial exhibition looks at the impact of war on the lives of Australian servicemen and women, the lovers they left behind or those they met while serving. Visitors can contribute using Flickr Commons and a Blog.
    • Women & Politics in South Australia Website "... celebrating the role of women in the social and political development of South Australia. South Australia was one of the first places in the world to give women the vote in 1894, and was the first in the world to enable women to enter Parliament."
    • Women Lecturers in Melbourne, Australia 1880-1905 Women's names from the classified advertisement columns headed 'Meetings & Lectures' of The Age newspaper in Melbourne, Australia, for the period 1880-1905. There were many women involved in public life at the time, and yet little has been written about many of them. The list of names and the subjects on which the women spoke was compiled by Helen D. Harris.


Last updated 11 February 2013