Social History Yearbook 2001/2002

Social'naja istorija. Ezhegodnik, 2001/2002.
(Social History. Yearbook 2001/2002)
Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2004, 624 p.
All articles are in Russian, with English summaries
Click on a title for the English summary
- Preface
- History and Theory
- Savelieva, I.M., Poletayev, A.V., History as knowledge of social reality
- Micro and Macro History
- Labour History
- Pushkareva, I.M., Pushkareva, N.L.,"The New Labour History" in Foreign Historiography.
- Tjazhel'nikova V.S., Sokolov, A.K., The Attitude to Work: Continuity and Discontinuity in Soviet Work Ethics.
- Mukhin, M.Ju., Work Incentives in Soviet Industry in the 1920s-1930s (A case study of the Kujbyshev Electrical Factory, Moscow)
- Oulianova, S.B., Mass Economic-Political Campaigns as a Means of Enhancing Labour Motivation in the 1920's. (The campaign aimed at increasing labour productivity in Leningrad industry in 1924-25)
- Gender History
- Ethno-Social History
- Popkov, V.A.,Diaspora: Identity and Networks.
- Russian Youth Abroad
- Andreev, A.Ju., Russian Students in German Universities in the 18th - early 19th Century: a Social Analysis
- Gutnov, D.A., Young Russians in Paris, 1900-1910: a Social Approach to the History of the Russian Emigration
- Sal'nikova, A.A., Russian Emigrant Children's Writings as a Source on the Social History of Russia, 1917-1920.
- Social History of War
- Criminal History
- Soviet Social History of 1920s-1930s
- Personal Sources in Social History
- Bezrogov, V.G., Autobiography and Social Experience.
- Braun, E.D., The World of Gentry in the Age of the Wars of the Roses: the Social Dimension
- Information Resources
- N.L., The Collections of the State Social and Political Library - A Treasure Trove of Facts and Sources on Social History
- Pushkareva, I.M., New Sources on the Labour Movement in Pre-Revolutionary Russia: "Labour Movement in Russia. 1895-1917. A Chronicle".
- Kessler, G., Labour History of Twentieth Century Russia; Perspectives for Further Research, Roundtable discussion, Institute of General History Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 October 2001
- Summaries
- Information about the authors