Social History Yearbook 2000

Social'naja istorija. Ezhegodnik 2000
(Social History. Yearbook 2000.)
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2000, 351 p.
All articles are in Russian, with English summaries
- Preface
- Social History Today
- Charles Tilly: Micro, Macro, or Migraine?
- Russia at the Turn of the 19th Century
- V.M. Bukharaev: Provincial Townsmen at the End of the 19th-Beginning of the 20th Centuries: Between Old and New
- T.G. Leont'eva: The Life and Emotional Experiences of the Country Priest (1861-1904)
- O.S. Porshneva: Social Behaviour of the Russian Peasantry in the Years of the First World War (1914-February 1917)
- Soviet Society
- T.M. Smirnova: A Social Portrait of 'Former People' in Soviet Russia 1917-1920 (according to the registration documents of 'persons of former bourgeois and official status' in Moscow and Petrograd, Autumn 1919)
- O.S. Berezkina: Party Forums of the 'Transition Period': Correlation of Formality and Reality (1921-1927)
- E.A. Osokina: 1936-1941: Entrepreneurship and the Market in the Period of 'Free Trade'
- Jeffrey Burds: The Soviet Struggle against Banditry in 1944-1953
- Labour History
- Jan Lucassen: Work Incentives in Historical Perspective: Some Preliminary Remarks on Terminologies and Taxonomies
- Marcel van der Linden: Work Incentives in Russian Industry: Some Preliminary Suggestions
- Population History
- V.L. D'jachkov: About the Fate of Woman, the Role of Man, and Our Place under the Sun, or What Happens as a Result of Wrong and Irresponsible Demographic Behaviour
- O.E. Kosheleva: 'St Petersburg Dweller, Peasant So-and-So': Peasantry in St Petersburg's Population in the Period of Peter the Great
- The History of Private Life
- A.V. Stogova: The Vicissitudes of Friendship, or Advice to a Young Lady of the 17th Century
- N.L. Pushkareva: 'For Her Tears' Sake': a Micro-Analytical Essay on the Emotional Relations in a Family of 'New Russians' in the 16th Century
- Ju.E. Arnautova: 'Saint, Help Me or I Will Lose My Child': Children and Children's Ailments in the Mirror of Medieval Miracle Books of the 12th-13th Centuries
- Jürgen Schlumbohm: 'No Passion, No Sympathy for the Wife', but 'Ten Children Brought into the World with Her': a Commentary on the Autobiography of a Nuremberg Tailor of the 18th Century
- Discussion
- B.N. Mironov: The History of the USSR from a Sociological Point of View: about A.G. Vishnevskii's Book 'Sickle and Ruble: Conservative Modernization in the USSR'
- Summaries
- Information about the authors