C.V. Gerritsen and the Formation of the Nieuw-Malthusiaansche Bond

Gerritsen door Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig Van Houten's ideas made enough impression to inspire the formation of an organization among his followers. Prominent among them was another young radical politician, Carel Victor Gerritsen (1850-1905). With B.H. Heldt and J. Smit he founded the Nieuw-Malthusiaansche Bond (NMB) in 1881. Initially it took much of its programme from the Malthusian League of Charles R. Drysdale. In the first years of its existence activities were limited to a careful and strictly theoretical exposition of this programme.

Annie Besant, De wet der bevolking

Dutch translation of The Law of population

J.M. Smit, Ons programma

The Dutch Neo-Malthusians' programme

Gerritsen's lecture

Report of a lecture by Gerritsen

C.V. Gerritsen, Een krachtig middel

Neo-Malthusianism against poverty

Pinkhof, Kunstmatige beperking

Dr. Pinkhof against Neo-Malthusianism

Gerritsen, Kunstmatige beperking

Gerritsen's reply to Dr. Pinkhof

Isidore Hen, Open brief

Open letter to Gerritsen

De pest in Frankrijk

Gerritsen vs Pinkhof
