W3VL: Labour History Logo Special Topics

1789 | 1848 | 1968 | Anarchism | Art & Culture | Civil War | Gender | Fraternities, Friendly Societies and Freemasons | Gypsy, Romany History | Individuals | Industrial & Technical History | Jewish Labour | Labour | Marxism | Migration, Ethnic Relations, Exile | Miners | Peace Movement | Situationism | Slavery and Forced Labour | Utopianism, Millennialism, Communalism | Youth and Student Movements

    • 1968 in Europe: Online Teaching and Research Guide This website provides a range of written and audio-visual resources as well as articles, bibliographies, chronologies and links related to the experience of the sixties in Europe. It accompanies 1968 in Europe - A History of Protest and Activism, 1956-77, a book edited by Martin Klimke and Joachim Scharloth.
    • 1968 in West Germany at the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC. A guide to sources and literature by Philipp Gassert and Pavel A. Richter.
    • 1968-2008: Retour Aux Sources A website commemorating May 1968 in Paris. Besides a chronologie of the events of May-July 1968, it has a calendar of conferences, debates, seminars, and other commemorative events, a list of related websites, a bibliography, media events, and a newsletter. This is an initiative of CODHOS (Collectif des centres de documentation en histoire ouvrière et sociale).
    • A Dozen Posters from Paris May '68 A small selection from the IISH collection on the May-June events in Paris 1968, which also includes many broadsheets, pamphlets, and bulletins.
    • Archival Data Online Repository at the Data and Program Library Service of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Direct access to datasets on Urban Racial Disorders 1961-1968, Slave Movement During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century, Russian Imperial Bureaucracy 1762-1881, Rolls of Emigrants to the Colony of Liberia 1820-1843, French Intendants de Province 1661-1790, among others.
    • GERME (Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Mouvements étudiants). Documents on the French student movement, 1968-1986. Under construction.
    • Paris, May '68 at the University of Toronto Library: "icons of revolution", a poster exhibition.
    • Prague Spring 1968 at the ThinkQuest Library. An educational site.
    • This Is Baader-Meinhof maintained by Richard Huffmann. Biographies, documents and photographs from the German decade of terror, 1968-1977. - See also Rote Armee Fraktion.
    Art & Culture
    • 20th Century Avant Garde Information about archives, collections, guides, selected literature relating to artists, groups and art movements such as Constant, Warburg, Duchamp, Guy Debord and the Situationist International, Otto Neurath and Gerd Arntz, Dada and Fluxus; by Co Seegers.
    • Arbeiterfotografie Digitized German labour photo's from 1925 to around 1935, with some additions from after the War until around 1980; from the Deutsche Fotothek (Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden)
    • Arbeiterlieder der deutschen und der internationalen Arbeiterbewegung maintained by Bobby Dunker (Bonn). Annotated texts., University of Helsinki, Finland, 3 - 5 March 2005.
    • Art to the People at the International Institute of Social History: prints and illustrations by Walter Crane, Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen, Albert Hahn, Frans Masereel and Gerd Arntz.
    • Canti di Lotta della sinistra italiana maintained by Domenico Donato. Texts of mainly Italian revolutionary songs.
    • Financial Fiction Genre maintained by Roy Davies. A page on "banking and finance in fiction", from the 17th century on.
    • Fritz Hüser Institut für deutsche und ausländische Arbeiterliteratur (Dortmund). This institute is entirely devoted to working-class culture and literature. Information about the collections.
    • Graphic Witness Dedicated to social commentary through graphic imagery by artists working from the turn of the 20th century to the present.
    • H-Labor-Arts H-Labor-Arts is a network to discuss the cultural and artistic artifacts of working people. It is a member of H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine.
    • Labor Arts A virtual exhibition of art devoted to labor issues and particularly the trade union movement, at NYU Bobst Library, New York, NY.
    • Landelijke Stichting Strijdmuziek The Dutch Foundation for Political Music, offering texts, scores and a newsletter.
    • Links zu Seiten mit Arbeiterliedern maintained by Bobby Dunker. Links to German-language sites.
    • Memento Park Budapest - a kommunista diktatúra gigantikus emlékei Statuepark, Budapest. A large collection of statues and more from the communist period (fka Szoborpark).
    • National Arts & Crafts Archives at the Arts & Crafts Society (Ann Arbor, MI). A guide to materials on the Arts & Crafts Movement (1890-1929).
    • New Deal / WPA Art Project New Deal Art During the Great Depression. As part of the New Deal, artists were hired to create paintings and sculptures for about 900 mail centers around the country, thus putting Americans back to work and goosing the economy. This is a list of cities and sites.
    • Revolutionary Tides: The Art of the Political Poster, 1914-1989 Online version of temporary exhibitions at the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University and the Wolfsonian–FIU, Miami Beach (Flash required).
    • SocialEast Forum on the Art and Visual Culture of Eastern Europe The goal of SocialEast is to encourage comparative research into the art history of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, as well as consider wider issues in socialist visual culture. The website contains general information and announcements, and promises a database.
    • Songs of Irish Labour maintained by Helena Sheehan. Texts and sound files, links to related sites.
    • Tattood Stalin An exhibition of photographs of Soviet prisoners' tattoos. Information about the exhibition, a few photographs and symbols; at the Hungarian Statuepark website, www.szoborpark.hu
    • Union Songs Text and music, selected by Mark Gregory.
    • Virtual Museum of Political Art based in Linz. Sections on totalitarian art and socialist realism, among others
    Civil War
    • Frauen machen Geschichte: Frauenakademie des Renner-Institut Online course materials on the history of women's rights and social democracy in Austria; compiled by Angelika Zach.
    • Gender & Work Database A searchable database ("library") of over 2000 citations of, or links to journal articles, books, sections of bookspapers, and grey literature. At York University, Canada.
    • Gender Issues in Contemporary Industrialization An annotated bibliography by Diane Elson and Caroline Wright (Winword 6 file)
    • Girls fight for a living Online exhibition. Photographs with descriptions of women in several occupations: industrial work, journalism, the arts, the military, social reform work, and jobs they took over from the men who were fighting in World War II, including Baseball. From the University of Louisville Special Collections: Rare Books.
    • Powering the Electrical Revolution: Women and Technology A section of the IEEE Virtual Museum The history of electricity, electronics, and computers devoted to women and the communications industry, electricity and the housewife, women building the electrical industries, women and computers, and women as engineers.
    • Race, Gender, Class Bibliography "The first, unique bibliography which contains items ONLY if they emphasize the three dimensions of race, gender, and class in their discourse and analysis", compiled by Jean Ait Amber Belkhir, and published on the website of the American Sociological Association.
    • Socialism and Sexuality An international academic network promoting scholarly work on the sexual ideologies and programs of radical social movements. Conference information, discussion list.
    • Sophia Smith Collection - Labor in the US at Smith College (Northampton, MA). Overview of related archival holdings.
    • Sources for Women's and Gender History in IALHI-Member Institutions Links to guides and other descriptions of source materials related to women's and gender history in archives, libraries, document centres, museums and research institutions specializing in the history and theory of the labour movement.
    • Tanaka Sigeto's Homepage at Osaka University. Electronic papers on changes in the sexual division of labour in Japan.
    • Vie quotidienne et Mémoire collective en Pays horloger An oral history study of the Swiss watchmaking industry by Laurence Court (1995). Of the thirteen persons interviewed, seven are women.
    • ViVa Women's History A current bibliography of women's history in historical and women's studies journals, maintained at the International Institute of Social History. The database contains more than 9.000 bibliographic records descibing articles published from 1975 onwards.
    • Winning Equal Pay: the value of women's work A partnership initiative between London Metropolitan University and the Trades Union Congress to record the long campaign to achieve equal pay for women. This interactive website will show filmed interviews with women who fought for equal pay, digitised images and documents, plus contributions from historians and other experts.
    • Women in the U.S. Postal System An online exhibit created by the National Postal Museum that takes a close look at the role that women have played in the United States Post Office.
    • Women Working in the United States, 1800-1930 This site provides access to digitized historical, manuscript, and image resources selected from Harvard's library and museum collections. Featuring ca. 500,000 pages and images documenting women's roles in the U.S. economy between 1800 and the Great Depression.
    • WWW Virtual Library Women's History at the International Institute of Social History.
    Fraternities, Friendly Societies and Freemasons
    • Association of Masonic Museums, Libraries and Archives AMMLA General information, listings of museums, libraries and archives, interactive information service.
    • Asturias Republicana Website devoted to the history of the First Republic and the Second Republic in Asturias. Transcripts of documents, memories, some photographs, biographies. The section "Entre Repúblicas" contains documents and a bibliography relating to freethinking and Freemasonry.
    • Australian Centre For Fraternal Studies The Centre for Fraternal Studies (CFS) is a research, conservation and display facility furthering the study of fraternalism and the neglected world of fraternal associations, ie, in the main, trade unions, friendly societies and Freemasons.
    • Biblioteca Pública Arús (Barcelona). A century-old library with ca 65,000 vols on Spanish anarchism, freemasonry etc. Overview of the collection.
    • Centre for Research into Freemasonry at the University of Sheffield. Access to the online version of Lane's Masonic Records of England and Wales, Draffen's Scottish Masonic Records, an Introductory Bibliography of English-Language Works and other resources.
    • Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica (Salamanca). Republican and other (notably masonic) records seized by the victors during and after the Spanish Civil War.
    • Deutsches Freimaurer Museum The library of the German Masonic Museum in Bayreuth is considered to be the largest special collection in German speaking countries with approximately 16,000 volumes. General information, online catalogue.
    • Friendly Societies Research Group A UK based international network to promote research into the history and operation of friendly societies. General information, an online newsletter, a list of -mainly British- current societies.
    • Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism
    • Library and Museum of Freemasonry The repository for the archives of the United Grand Lodge of England and the Supreme Grand Chapter of England, their predecessor bodies, buildings and sites associated with Freemasonry, charitable bodies associated with Freemasonry, some individual Freemasons and some lodge and chapter records.
    • Masonic Library & Museum Association - MLMA An international organization of librarians, archivists, curators, and directors. General information, links to some American Masonic libraries, and an E-Book Library containing online articles on freemasonry.
    • Secret Societies Documents and illustrations of Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, Carbonari, Burschenschaften and other putative secret societies and clandestine organizations.
    Gypsy, Romany History
    • Gypsies (Romanies) and Travelers The University of Toledo has a large English-language collection of books and other materials on Gypsies and Travelers. "DX" is the United States Library of Congress subject category for 'Gypsies', which why this website is titled 'DX: Gypsies (Romanies) and Travelers.'
    • Gypsy life in Dutch childrens' books 1825-1990 The imagery of gypsy life in a wide range of Dutch childrens' books collected by the anthropologist dr. Jean Kommers from Nijmegen University. This collection, now at the IISH, covers the period from 1825-1990 and holds more than three hundred book titles.
    • University of Liverpool Library: Special Collections and Archives These include the Sports Archives, Social Work Archives, the papers of John and Katharine Bruce Glasier, the Gypsy Lore Society Archive, the Scott Macfie Gypsy Collection, the Rathbone family papers, the Josephine Butler papers, and the David Owen Archive.
    Industrial & Technical History
    • All Sewn Up: Millinery, Dressmaking, Clothing, and Costume Digitized millinery, dressmaking, clothing and costume books (1907 – 1940’s) from the UW-Madison collections. These books from the first half of the 20th century include the history of clothing, styles of dress, fashion drawing, and design and construction of hats, clothing and costumes. At the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections group.
    • American Textile History Museum
    • Annotated Bibliography on Women's Hats and the Millinery Trade 1840-1940 by Christina Bates; English and American titles; at Civilization.ca, a Canadian site.
    • Bibliography on the Garment Industry Entrepreneurship in the garment industry - particularly in its golden age, from 1860 to 1975 - was a crucial element not only in the history of New York City's economy (and the U.S. economy), but also in its social history and the rise of the Jewish middle class. Yet while the labor side of this rich industrial history has been well told, surprisingly little has been written about the business side. A bibliography, primarily intended for use by business historians interested in pursuing scholarship in this fertile field, is now available, compiled by Shirley Idelson. It includes primary and secondary sources on traditional business concerns such as manufacturing, retail, entrepreneurship and management as well as related topics like immigration, fashion, labor, and gender.
    • Brickmakers Index maintained by David Cufley. Information on an index of brickfield workers and owners, mainly from the South East of England. The database is not available to the general public. With an accompanying bibliography.
    • Fries Aardewerk maintained by G. Den Ouden. An overview of the Frisian ceramics industry, with historical notes.
    • HISCO - Web-Based Information System on the History of Work This project aims at creating an occupational information system that is both international and historical, and simultaneously links to existing classifications used for present-day conditions.
    • History of Printing by Bruce Jones at the University of California at San Diego. A hypertext document with images.
    • History of Refractories in Australia A history of Newbold General Refractories in Sydney, by Michelle Watson (1996).
    • I.A. Recordings (Telford, Shropshire). Dedicated to recording past and present industry processes on film and video. Overview of the productions, industrial archeology links
    • Media History Project maintained by Kristina Ross. Extensive searchable collection of history links for print, electrical, mass and digital media.
    • Nederlands Textielmuseum (Tilburg). With a specialized library and documentation centre. General information.
    • Povazske Muzeum (Zilina). The Povazie museum is the only museum in the world entirely devoted to the tinker trade. Its collections include almost 2 500 pieces of objects related to the tinker trade.
    • Salt Made the World Go Round maintained by David Bloch. Materials relating to salt and its influence from ancient civilizations up to the Industrial Revolution.
    • Society for the History of Technology - SHOT The Society was formed in 1958 to encourage the study of the development of technology and its relations with society and culture.
    • Southern New England Telephone Company at the University of Connecticut: an exhibition on its first fifty years, 1878-1928.
    • Telegrapher Web Page maintained by Thomas Jepsen (Chapel Hill, NC). "Research resources for the history of telegraphy and the work of women in the telegraph industry".
    • TextileMuse The searchable online catalogue of Arthur D. Jenkins Library collections, the Textile Museum, Washington DC.
    • Vie quotidienne et Mémoire collective en Pays horloger An oral history study of the Swiss watchmaking industry by Laurence Court (1995). Of the thirteen persons interviewed, seven are women.
    • Whole Cloth at the National Museum of American History. A curriculum on "the history of textiles, and the technology and science of their invention and use". The site includes a section "Labor and Industrial Life".
    Jewish Labour
    • A Short History of Labor Day Documents, graphics, and basic information about Labor Day and May Day parades and celebrations; from the Samuel Gompers Papers Project
    • Access to ILO Databases at the International Labour Organization. The ILO's main databases include: Labordoc, the library's catalogue; ILOLEX database on international labour standards; LABORSTA database of labour statistics covering the economically active population, employment, unemployment, wages and related variables; NATLEX information on national laws including labour, social security and related human rights issues; ATLAS information system.
    • Africa - Labor at Stanford University. Some links to labour-related and labour history sites.
    • African Americans, Labor and the Left A catalogue from Bolerium books, 'purveyors of rare and out-of-print books, posters, and ephemera on social movements', listing 800 titles.
    • After Slavery This international research collaboration (Queen’s University Belfast, the Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina and the Du Bois Institute at Harvard University) promises to make available scanned copies of original documents from freedpeople, their allies and adversaries; contemporary images and interactive maps; extensive searchable bibliographies; blogs, podcasts and online interviews featuring some of the leading scholars in the field and other materials.
    • American Social History Project at the City University of New York. Print, visual and multimedia educational tools.
    • American Studies Web: Working Class and Labor Studies A link collection from the University of Georgetown.
    • Annuaire du socialisme / Socialism Directory / Directorio del Socialismo Links to French, English and Spanish websites on the history of labour and socialism History
    • Archives of Indian Labour The AIL is a repository of documents related to labour movement, personal narratives, memoirs and video and audio material. Eight special collections comprising 40,000 printed pages, 100 hours of taped interviews are stored in digital form and made online available. In addition several special reports and articles on labour history of India, a detailed inventory of material and sources on labour history and papers on technical aspects of digital archiving are included.
    • Archivio Biografico del Movimento Operaio (ABMO): Biographical Archives of the Workers' Movement published in 2012 by the Istituto "Sergio Motosi" per lo Studio del Movimento Operaio Internazionale and the Istituto di Studi sul Capitalismo. When complete, the database will contain biographies of thousands of well and lesser known figures from the Italian labour movement.
    • Between a Rock and a Hard Place A history of American sweatshops 1820-present, at the National Museum of American History.
    • Beyond Steel: An Archive of Lehigh Valley Industry and Culture Digitized letters, books, photographs, maps, essays, and oral histories from the Lehigh University Digital Library, PA.
    • Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung und zur Theorie und Praxis der politischen Linken - Online-BizGA An online bibliographic database of publications related to the German labour movement and the political left, from 1976 onwards. At the library website of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
    • Bibliography of Comparative Labor History A collective H-Labor product.
    • Biografisch Woordenboek van het Socialisme en de Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland on the site of the International Institute of Social History (in Dutch).
    • Bisbee Deportation Documents About 1,600 court documents filed in 1919 and 1920 in Cochise County Superior Court relating to the Bisbee Deportation, that started as a labor dispute between some members of the International Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union and the three mining companies in early June of 1917. From the Arizona Memory Project website.
    • Bisbee Deportation of 1917 The Bisbee Deportation of 1917 was an event specific to Arizona that influenced the labor movement throughout the United States. What started as a labor dispute between copper mining companies and their workers turned into vigilante action against the allegedly nefarious activities of the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.). This site is a research-based collection of primary and secondary sources for the study of the deportation of over 1,000 striking miners from Bisbee on 12 July, 1917. Materials include I.W.W. publications, personal recollections, newspaper articles, court records, government reports, correspondence, and journal articles that are part of the collections of three libraries: The University of Arizona Library, the Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, Arizona, and the Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Arizona.
    • Brave New Work World "Life and work in the revolutionary new world economy", with a press digest on contemporary labor conditions, updated daily.
    • Bridgeport Working at Bridgeport Public Library: images of, and interviews on, working life in Bridgeport, CT, in the 20th century.
    • California Labor History Map This interactive website enables users to explore, by location, date, or text search, over 1200 key events in the state’s labor history. Detailed short essays describe the larger historical context surrounding many of these events. You may first need to download Shockwave.
    • Cantinières and Vivandières of the French Army Cantinières and vivandières were women who served as official auxiliary personnel to French (and other) army combat units from early modern times until about the time of World War One. Their official task was to sell food and drink to the soldiers of their regiment to supplement the always inadequate army rations. On this site Thomas Cardoza provides information about cantinières and vivandières focusing specifically on cantinières and vivandières of the French army, but also on cantinières and vivandières from other countries and cantinières serving such non-military entities as the sapeurs-pompiers (firefighters).
    • Catholic-Labor Network Links to papal social encyclicals and other documents and articles which concern Catholic and labor issues.
    • Causa La Causa is a web exhibition at the Walter P. Reuther Library on the formation and rise of the United Farm Workers of America, the life of its leader, Cesar Estrada Chavez, and the people of the UFW.
    • Chairman Smiles at the International Institute of Social History: 145 posters from Cuba, China and the former Soviet Union.
    • Changing Labour Relations in Asia at the International Institute of Social History. Overview of this international research program, online research papers (PDF).
    • Child Labor in America 1908-1912 at the History Place: photographs by Lewis W. Hine.
    • Chronologie der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung von den Anfängen bis 1918 By Dieter Schuster, with a preface by Rüdiger Zimmermann and indexes by Hubert Wolteringat; the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
    • Cradle of Collective Bargaining: History of Labour and Technology in Hamilton and District A visual history of the rise of trade unionism in Hamilton and the changing conditions of work in the city from the early decades of the century through to the 1950s. It is based on the photographic collection housed in the Labour Studies Programme at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, and supplemented with photos and written documents drawn from union archives held at the University library.
    • Discussion Papers in Economic and Social History at Nuffield College (Oxford). Abstracts and full text.
    • Documenting Louisiana Sugar 1845-1917 Two searchable databases that allow users to examine in micro and macro detail the evolution of cane sugar. At the University of Sussex, UK.
    • Eight Hour Day 2006 marks the 150th anniversary of the Eight Hour Day in Victoria. Action taken by stonemasons on 21 April 1856 led to the establishment and maintenance of the Eight Hour Day, recognised internationally as a world first. The website contains news and announcements of a series of events to mark the anniversary, a history of the eight hours day, fact sheets and other resources.
    • Fabian Society Online Archive Around 580 pamphlets are now available on the website of the London School School of Economics and Political Science. In addition, some of the earliest Fabian Society minute books are also available online.
    • Farmworker Movement Documentation Project A compilation, by LeRoy Chatfield, of primary source accounts from the volunteers who worked with Cesar Chavez to build his farmworker movement, 1962-1993. The accounts include: essays, music, online discussion, art, photos, video, cartoons, and glossary.
    • FES-Netz-Quelle: Geschichte und Politik Online publications and documents concerning the history of the German and international trade union movements, the women's movement and other social and political issues, from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung library website.
    • Flint Sit-Down Strike Audio Gallery Online multi-media exhibition documenting one of the most celebrated strikes in American history, the Flint Sit-Down Strike of 1936-1937, at Michigan State University.
    • FNV Geschiedenis On the occasion of its centennial the Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions FNV presented a new website on its history. It contains a timeline, small biographies of all its presidents and an online poll; all texts are in Dutch.
    • Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Digital Collection The processed portion of this collection documents the business activities and concerns of management and workers in the Atlanta mill during the early twentieth century, including materials relating specifically to the 1914-1915 strike in Atlanta. Correspondence and operative reports also provide some documentation of union activities and working conditions at other Fulton Bag mills.
    • Gewerkschaften und industrielle Beziehungen Database at the Freie Universität, Berlin. Searchable database containing 7,000 citations of books, articles, working papers, brochures, proceedings etc. on labor relations in Germany, the EU and Eastern Europe.
    • Glasgow Digital Library Digital collections about the history of Glasgow and Scotland including resources on the 'Red Clydeside' period in Scotland's political history (1910-1932), ebooks on Glasgow's radical tradition, and the social, political and economic developments in Victorian Britain (1837-1901)
    • Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism By Richard H. Robbins at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. Includes a web guide arranged by topics such as "consumer", "laborer", "hunger and poverty", "corporate material", etc.
    • Guide to Sources of Labour Information at the International Labour Organization. Core information resources in the field of labour; a practical aid for librarians.
    • HISCO - Web-Based Information System on the History of Work This project aims at creating an occupational information system that is both international and historical, and simultaneously links to existing classifications used for present-day conditions.
    • History from Below in the Ottoman Empire and the Modern Middle East: An Archive A website devoted to labor history during the late Ottoman and modern Middle East era. It contains originals and translations of books, articles and contemporary original documents. It is a joint project of Binghamton University, SUNY, and the London School of Economics and Politics.
    • History of US Labor Law from Congressional Digest, June-July 1993.
    • History Of Work Information System A new website with information on occupations in the past: tens of thousands of occupational titles from various countries from the 16th to the 20th century, descriptions, images, and links.
    • Human Factor: 1920s and 1930s Industrial Photography Exhibit at Harvard Business School's Historical Collections The introductory exhibition and web site include a selection from the over 2,100 images that comprise the Industrial Life Photograph Collection, featuring the work of such artists as Margaret Bourke-White and Lewis Hine.
    • Human Relations Movement: Harvard Business School and the Hawthorne Experiments (1924-1933) New Exhibit & Website at Harvard Business School's Baker Library. 'Baker Library’s exhaustive archival record of the experiments reveals the art and science of this seminal behavioral study—and the questions and theories it generated about the relationship of productivity to the needs and motivations of the industrial worker.'
    • IALHI Web Museum Highlights from the collections of members of The International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI): more than one hundred items from twelve institutions documenting the world's labour movement.
    • Illinois Labor History Society Articles about the Haymarket Tragedy and other important events in Chicago labour history, educational materials, links to other American labour history websites.
    • Images of Japanese Labor Posters of the Japanese Labor Movement in Post-1945 Japan. Virtual exhibition from the Ohara Institute for Social Research.
    • In Their Words: The Story of BC Packers A history of the British Columbia Packers Limited, Steveson, once the largest fishing and fish processing company in British Columbia. The website features interviews with men and women employees of BC Packers. (Macromedia Flash Player).
    • INDOC database on Indonesian labour The INDOC database contains 17,858 references to articles on labour in Indonesian newspapers since 1996. At the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    • Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Resources at Middle Tennessee State University. "An IRRA resource document for faculty, students and practitioners".
    • International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts An Association of institutional and individual members, aiming to promote and disseminates studies on labour and social conflicts in an interdisciplinary, global, long term historical and non Eurocentric perspective.
    • Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Besides information on the Institute the website contains texts of the Japan Labor Review, the Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, the Japan Labor Bulletin, statistical data, research reports, and other resources for Japanese Labour.
    • Jim Crutchfield's I.W.W. Page Includes digitized versions of constitutions, by-laws, and other official documents from the past, as well as pamphlets and other publications of the IWW.
    • Kheel Center Labor Photos The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives' collections contain about 350,000 images that document labor history in the 20th century. The International Ladies Garment Workers Union ILGWU photographs (1885-1985), are now searchable at the Kheel Center website.
    • Kommission Arbeitskulturen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde. Information about the Commission's activities and publications, contact information.
    • Labor Beat (Chicago, IL). Overview of its shows and videos.
    • Labor History Links A comprehensive bibliography of information, documents and links of U.S. labor history sites on the internet. It was developed by labor historian Rosemary Feurer for the Labor and Working Class History Association.
    • Labor History on the Internet Many links on a website from the History Department of Tennessee Technological University pointing mainly but not exclusively to American resources.
    • Labor History Weblinks Links to mainly U.S. resources for labour history, developed for Labor and Working Class History Association by Rosemary Feurer, Northern Illinois University
    • Labor Research Portal at the Institute of Industrial Relations Library, University of California at Berkeley. Links to academic, political and union sites.
    • Labor Trail The Interactive Labor Trail: Chicago's History of Working-Class Life and Struggle is a map of 140 significant locations in the history of working-class culture in Chicago and Illinois to which users can contribute. Highlights include historical photographs, audio and video recordings of legendary activists and Chicago historians talking about their experiences as activists and workers. From the Chicago Center for Working-Class Studies.
    • Labor-Management Conflict in American History An ehistory website on American labour conflicts including those in the Pennsylvania coal fields and the Chicago strike of 1905; from the Department of History at The Ohio State University.
    • Labordoc References to print and electronic publications, including journal articles, from countries around the world, on all aspects of work and sustainable livelihoods, and the work-related aspects of economic and social development and human rights.
    • LaborFest Established in 1994 to institutionalize the history and culture of working people in an annual labor cultural, film and arts festival. It begins every July 5th, the anniversary of 'Bloody Thursday' in San Francisco when two workers were shot who were supporting the longshoremen and maritime workers strike of 1934. Events information and links to other groups.
    • Le site des médecins du travail des hôpitaux: dossier histoire French texts on the history of occupational health on the website of Association nationale de médecine du travail et d'ergonomie du personnel des hôpitaux.
    • Links for American Labor History A website maintained by John Russell at Indiana University.
    • List of Comparative Industrial Relations Resources A bibliography by Oliver Clark (1993).
    • Los Angeles at Work An exhibition of Chamber of Commerce photographers, 1920-1939, at the Los Angeles Public Library.
    • Manchester's Radical History The Manchester Radical History Collective's blog devoted to the city's radical and grassroots history.
    • May Day on the Web (Edmonton, Alberta). Includes History and Links pages.
    • Misgeld, Klaus, A Complicated Solidarity. The Swedish Labour Movement and Solidarnosc IISH Research Paper no 45
    • NATLEX at the International Labour Organization. A bibliographical database on national labour laws.
    • New Zealand Labour History Articles by Kath Clark and David Verran on New Zealand trade unions and their leaders.
    • Occasio: Digital Social History Archive at the International Institute of Social History is a collection of Internet documents concerning social, political and environmental issues, for the greater part available online.
    • Ohio State University - Department of History Offers a series of 'Internet Documentaries'. Topics include temperance and prohibition, child labor and child reform, coal mining, labor management conflict, and lynching in American history
    • On the Job A century of Canadians at work. Photographic exhibition at the Library and Archives Canada.
    • Oral History Project in Labor History Transcripts of oral history interviews conducted by Elizabeth Balanoff in 1970 with labor movement leaders in the Chicago area. PDF files, at Roosevelt University.
    • Pacific Northwest Labor History Projects This page is a gateway to a set of labor and civil rights history projects sponsored by the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies http://depts.washington.edu/pcls/, at the University of Washington. They bring together nearly one hundred video oral history interviews and several thousand photographs, documents, and digitized newspaper articles. Included are films, slide shows, and lesson plans for teachers.
    • Pacific Northwest Labor History Projects A gateway to a set of labour history projects sponsored by the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies at the University of Washington. Each project features research papers, documents, photographs, and other resources. Topics include the Seattle General Strike, Communism in Washington State, and the labour press in the region's history.
    • Portal zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung This German labour history site brings together text documents, online periodicals, databases, visual collections, and historiography. The material covers all subjects from the beginnings of the labour movement, trade unionism, social democracy and the political left.
    • Programmatic Documents of the Socialist International and the European Trade Union Confederation at the library of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Bonn). Full text of party and election programs etc. Searchable database.
    • Programmatische Dokumente und Statuten der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung und der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands Online database at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung containing more than 1.200 digitized programs, thematic leaflets and statutes of the German Trade Union Movement and the Social Democratic Party of Germany from the 19th century onwards.
    • Radical Tradition - Aotearoa New Zealand maintained by Takver in Brunswick, Victoria. Articles on New Zealand's labour history and its anarchist currents.
    • Radical Tradition - Australia maintained by Takver in Brunswick, Victoria. Articles on Australia's labour history and its anarchist currents.
    • Recovering Internationalism, Creating the New Global Solidarity Labour, Social Movements and Emancipation in the 21st Century. A compilation of chapters, papers and online essays, written by Peter Waterman
    • Scottish Labour History Collections This list contains summary details of all collections of significant size received to date by the Manuscripts Division of the National Library of Scotland in the field of Scottish labour and trade union history, including personal papers of individuals active in these movements.
    • Updated Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro
    • Sources for Labour History A Research Guide from the National Archives. See also the Ministry of Labour Records Research Guide.
    • Southwell Union Workhouse (1834-1871) Documents from Southwell Union Workhouse, England: correspondence between the union and the central authorities concerning individual paupers and workhouse staff as well as source material to study poor relief, education, public health, local politics and labour history, such as trade unions, Chartism and friendly societies. This is a joint project by The National Archives in partnership with the National Trust.
    • Sparrows Point Steelworkers The story of the steelworkers of Maryland Steel and subsequently Bethlehem Steel, Baltimore, MD, through oral history interviews, photographs and music. It is a project of the Labor Studies Program of the Community College of Baltimore County, MD
    • Spoorwegstaking van 1903 Railway strike educational game (in Dutch)
    • Stakingen in Nederland Strikes in the Netherlands: online database containing data on more than 16,000 strikes and lockouts in the Netherlands (1830-2000) compiled by Sjaak van der Velden, at the International Institute of Social History (Dutch text).
    • Strikes! at the University of Washington: labour and labour history in the Puget Sound.
    • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire March 25, 1911 Online exhibition presented by the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives at Cornell University in cooperation with the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE!). Many of the Triangle factory workers were women.
    • Thesaurus Professionum (THEPRO). Datenbank frühneuzeitlicher Berufsnamen (Deutschland) The Thesaurus Professionum now contains about 22.000 entries for occupational titles found in Early Modern funeral sermons and similar texts in German libraries and archives.
    • Tidewater Labor Support Committee (Hampton Roads, VA). Articles on local labour history.
    • Tobacco Bag Stringing in North Carolina and Virginia This website presents images and text from a report in the North Carolina Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill documenting tobacco bag stringing work in North Carolina and Virginia in 1939.
    • Trade Union History Project This organization was established in 1987 to foster and record New Zealand trade union and labour history. Besides an extensive introduction to the Projects activities, the website includes timelines of New Zealand labour history, recommended reading, newsletters, information on publications, seminars and conferences and links. The site will also include the material from David Verran's New Zealand Labour History website.
    • Union - The Union Makes Us Strong: TUC History Online A history of the British trade union movement since the early 19th century, based on digitised images from the TUC Library Collections.
    • Union Ring maintained by Eugene W. Plawiuk in Edmonton. A moderated Web ring "for trade union/syndicalist/labour web pages".
    • US Labor and Industrial History Audio Archive at the State University of New York at Albany. Real audio files of recordings of meetings, speeches and interviews.
    • Vakbeweging in de oorlog Trade Unions during the War. Website devoted to the history of the Dutch trade unions during the German occupation, 1940-1945. Dutch text. The site is under construction: not all listed documents are available.
    • Veröffentlichungen deutscher Parteien und Gewerkschaften at the Friedrich Ebert Stfitung (Bonn). Extensive bibliography of German political and trade union publications received by the library.
    • Women's Work in the Long 19th Century Resources for students and teachers interested in studying women's work in the United States, 1780-1920. Syllabus, course materials, and a student-produced list of external links at Kennesaw State University, GA.
    • Workers of the World. International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflict Aims to stimulate global studies on labour and social conflicts in an interdisciplinary, global, long term historical and non Eurocentric perspective. Published by Srikes and Social Conflicts International Association.
    • Workers' War : Home Front Recalled This TUC History Online website holds an exhibition of hundreds of digitised images and documents, oral testimony from those who worked on the Home Front during the war and contributions from historians providing thematic perspectives on the period.
    • Working in Paterson: Occupational Heritage in an Urban Setting 470 Interview excerpts and 3882 photographs from the Working in Paterson Folklife Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. The four-month study of occupational culture in Paterson, New Jersey, was conducted in 1994.
    • Akama Michio's Home Page at Ehime University. The first volume of Karl Marx's Capital in German, and other classical texts, by Marx and others..
    • Annuaire du socialisme / Socialism Directory / Directorio del Socialismo Links to French, English and Spanish websites on the history of labour and socialism History
    • Comintern Electronic Archives Information about a joint venture of Electronic Archives, Moscow (ELAR) and IDC Publishers to provide online access to the Comintern Archives. It consists of a free online inventory to the complete Comintern Archives (55,000,000 pages) and a subscription-based service to 1.2 million digital images of the most frequently used documents.
    • Communism: An exhibition of highlights from the Monash University ibrary Rare Books Collection Over 150 items covering all aspects of Communism from the USSR, Britain, America, China, Indonesia, and Australia. This is an online version of an exhibition at the Sir Louis Matheson Library, Clayton campus, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia, 16 March - 27 May 2005.
    • Cyber Seminar on Social Problems and Social Sciences by Takahisa Oishi at Takushoku University (Tokyo). Offers papers by the author on Marx and marxism.
    • Early American Marxism: A Repository of Source Material, 1864-1946 A website maintained by Tim Davenport dealing with the history of the early American Marxist movement. It contains brief histories of and downloadable documents from the First International, the foreign Language Federations, the Socialist Labor Party, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Communist International, and other organizations.
    • Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line Historical information and documents regarding Trotskyist movements worldwide.
    • International Library of the Communist Left Historical and current articles from the journals of the international communist current sometimes known as Bordighist.
    • Kurasje - Council Communist Archive Recent and historical texts, and other materials on a site devoted to council communism and communists, including Anton Pannekoek.
    • La Bataille socialiste A French educational site, named after the French Marxist paper of the nineteen thirties, containing topical and historical information, documentary sources, short biographies of Marxist thinkers and militants, book reviews and more.
    • 'Left-Wing' Communism - an infantile disorder? A site dedicated to the sort of people attacked by Lenin in his eponymous pamphlet - left-wing and council communists such as Anton Pannekoek, Karl Korsch, Amadeo Bordiga etc. Texts, links, and a discussion list.
    • Marx and Engels' Writings at the EServer, Iowa State University. English translations.
    • Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Extensive information on the scholarly edition of the complete works.
    • Marxists Internet Archive A large collection of works by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (in English), with in addition texts by James Connolly, Daniel DeLeon, Antonio Labriola, Vladimir Lenin, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Mao Tsetung, José Carlos Mariategui, David Riazanov, Anton Pannekoek, Josef Stalin and Leon Trotsky.
    • Spravochnik Russkogo Marksista at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Dictionary provided by Iskra Research (1999). Cyrillic script.
    • Stimmen der proletarischen Revolution German texts by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Rosa Luxemburg, Ernst Thälmann, Walter Ulbricht, and others.
    Migration, Ethnic Relations, Exile
    • Archives of Irish America The Archives of Irish America is a repository of primary research materials related to the Irish migration to the USA at New York University. Collection information, images and transcriptions of selected primary documents, excerpts from the Ireland House Oral History Collection and other exhibits.
    • Association of European Migration Institutions General information, links.
    • Awaba An electronic database and guide to the history, culture and language of the Aboriginal peoples of the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie region of New South Wales, Australia. The site gives access to a articles, a bibliography, documents and materials. At the University of Newcastle, Australia.
    • Black History Canada An annotated guide to online resources on the history of Canada's black community. Its topics include enslavement, black settlement, Caribbean and African immigration, and equity and human rights.
    • Bracero History Project An attempt being coordinated by the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, and the Institute of Oral History at the University of Texas at El Paso to collect, document, exhibit, and share a history of the bracero migrant workers from Mexico.
    • Centro de Documentación de la Emigración Española CDEE: Spanish emigration research centre. General information, extensive collection information, all in Spanish; from the website of the Fundación 1o de Mayo.
    • Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Migranten The Dutch Centre for the History of Migrants was founded in 1995 as a cooperation of several research centres. The website offers general and project information in Dutch, a bibliography and links.
    • Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration (Paris). A museum for French immigration history, especially from the 19th century onwards.
    • Clio site d'histoire sociale Bibliography, links, and conference information especially on immigration and ethnic relations in France.
    • Contested Terrain: Aboriginal Land Petitions in New Brunswick, 1786-1878 A digital collection of 90 petitions relating to land grants in colonial New Brunswick. In addition to the digitized petitions the website also features learning activities for teachers and students, contextual materials, a gallery of contemporary images, and a comprehensive bibliography; from the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.
    • Database on Return Migrants to the Maghreb (DReMM) Based on the MIREM survey carried out in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia the DReMM constitutes a rich source of information regarding the processes of reintegration of around one thousand return migrants and their post-return conditions in their countries of origin. From the European University Institute, Florence.
    • Demography and Population Studies WWW VL at Australian National University.
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie: Arbeitskreis Migration - Integration - Minderheiten The German Society for Demography's working group for migration, integration and minorities. General information, conferences.
    • Dokumentationszentrum und Museum über die Migration in Deutschland DOMiD Documentation Centre and Museum of Migration in Germany (Cologne) is a merger of the associations Migration Museum e.V. and DOMiT e.V. The collection consists of books, grey literature, newspapers, magazines, documents, photos, film, audio recording, leaflets, posters and objects.
    • Early Chinese Canadians 1858-1947 A website devoted to Canada's early Chinese immigrants, covering the period 1858 to 1947; from the Library and Archives of Canada (LAC).
    • European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations at the University of Utrecht.
    • Fills i Néts de l’exili republicà, mexicans a Catalunya Interviews with descendants of Catalonian exiles to Mexico.
    • Forschungszentrum für historische Minderheiten (Vienna). Information about the Centre and its archival and library collections.
    • Génériques Association for French migrant history working to preserve migrants' organizations archives and personal papers and to make them accessible. Its site gives acces to various resources, including guides to archival collections, databases for posters, newspapers, and biographical information.
    • Gesellschaft für Exilforschung (GfE) (Marburg). An international interdisciplinary organization founded in 1984; publisher of Exilforschung. Ein internationales Jahrbuch and a newsletter, Neuer Nachrichtenbrief.
    • H-Migration: H-Net Network on the Global History of Migration H-Migration is dedicated to enhancing scholarly communication about the global history of migration and the acculturation of immigrants and their descendants into their new society.
    • Historisch Beeldarchief Migranten The Historical Image Archive of Migrants. A growing collection of digized photographs from private collections belonging to people who migrated to the Netherlands.
    • History of International Migration Online articles (html files) on migration history; a bibliography works on gender, migration and ethnicity compiled by Marlou Schrover, Leiden University (PDF file).
    • Immigration and Ethnic History Society Aims to promote the study of the history of immigration to the United States and Canada from all parts of the world, including studies of the background of emigration in the countries of origin; to promote the study of ethnic groups in the United States, including regional groups, native Americans and forced immigrants.
    • Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930 A web-based collection of selected historical materials from Harvard's libraries, archives, and museums that documents voluntary immigration to the US from the signing of the Constitution to the onset of the Great Depression. It includes images from Harvard's Social Museum, which was established by F.G. Peabody to illustrate "problems of the social order" related to the rapid influx of immigrants.
    • Institute of Migration Institute of Migration aims to promote and carry out migration and ethnic research and to encourage the compilation, storage and documentation of material relating to international and internal migration in Finland.
    • König, Mareike, Bibliotheken deutscher Einwanderer in Paris (1850 - 1914) : Benutzer und Bestände In the 19th century a large number of German speaking migrants from different strata of society lived in Paris. Several German reading rooms, such as the Deutscher Sozialdemokratischer Leseklub (Paris) Archives and libraries of these immigrants ensured that through literature they did not loose contact with their home country and native language.
    • Migrant Workers across European Labour Markets 16th-18th centuries Besides project information, the website of a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship FP7 project contains a list of published articles and a selected bibliography on migrant workers in early modern Europe.
    • Migration Policy Institute (Washington, D.C.) From the website of this independent institution visitors can download working papers and reports on American and European migration and migration policy.
    • Migration-audio-archiv Audio accounts of migration to Germany after 1955. The initial collection includes 100 audioclips each lasting between 30 and 45 minutes. They can be listened to online and on air (WDR radio).
    • Moving Here A British database of digitized photographs, maps, objects, documents and audio items from 30 local and national archives, museums and libraries which record migration experiences of the last 200 years.
    • Nurses from Surinam Photos from the private albums of Surinamese women who came to Holland in the 1950s to become nurses; from the Historical Image Archive on Migrants (Dutch text).
    • Pacific Northwest Labor History Projects This page is a gateway to a set of labor and civil rights history projects sponsored by the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies http://depts.washington.edu/pcls/, at the University of Washington. They bring together nearly one hundred video oral history interviews and several thousand photographs, documents, and digitized newspaper articles. Included are films, slide shows, and lesson plans for teachers.
    • Scots Abroad Databases bringing together materials relating to the life of Scots at home and abroad; in the collections of the National Library of Scotland.
    • Scottish Emigration Database The Database currently contains the records of over 21,000 passengers who embarked at Glasgow and Greenock for non-European ports between 1 January and 30 April 1923, and at other Scottish ports between 1890 and 1960. Based at the University of Aberdeen's AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies.
    • Society for Irish Latin American Studies Formerly The Irish Argentine Historical Society. The Society's scope of study is the migration of people from Ireland to Latin America, their settlement, lives, and achievements, as well as those of their descendants, together with contemporary presence of Ireland and people of Irish ancestry in the life and culture of Latin America, and the presence of Latin Americans in Ireland.
    • Traders at Northern Arizona University: on the United Indian Traders Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the authenticity of Native American arts and crafts.
    • WWW Virtual Library: Migration and Ethnic Relations at the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations ERCOMER, Utrecht University.
    Peace Movement
    • 20th Century Avant Garde Information about archives, collections, guides, selected literature relating to artists, groups and art movements such as Constant, Warburg, Duchamp, Guy Debord and the Situationist International, Otto Neurath and Gerd Arntz, Dada and Fluxus; by Co Seegers.
    • Bureau of Public Secrets Translations by Ken Knabb from the Situationist International: articles, film scripts and internal documents by Guy Debord, Raoul Vaneigem, including The Society of the Spectacle; information about about Debord’s films; texts relating to San Francisco Bay Area situationist groups; texts by and about Kenneth Rexroth; Translations of BPS texts in several languages.
    • Situationist International Archive and Lettrist International Archive at Not Bored.
    • Situationist International Archives Texts by Guy Debord, Raoul Vaneigem etc in English and French.
    • Situationist International Online an English-language meta-index based in Australia.
    Slavery and Forced Labour
    • African American History This large website for African American artists also contains online texts of slave narratives.
    • After Slavery This international research collaboration (Queen’s University Belfast, the Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina and the Du Bois Institute at Harvard University) promises to make available scanned copies of original documents from freedpeople, their allies and adversaries; contemporary images and interactive maps; extensive searchable bibliographies; blogs, podcasts and online interviews featuring some of the leading scholars in the field and other materials.
    • Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record Hundreds of images, most of them dating from the period of slavery. At the University of Virginia Library.
    • Chronology on the History of Slavery and Racism at the Holt House (Washington, DC). A timeline with references to online resources, compiled by Eddie Becker (1999).
    • H-Slavery Discussion Network seeks to promote interaction and exchange among scholars engaged in research on slavery, the slave trade, abolition, and emancipation. It is dedicated to the dissemination of information about the history of slavery and antislavery in all time periods and parts of the world.
    • Images of the Antislavery Movement in Massachusetts Digital images of 840 visual materials from the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Included are photographs, paintings, sculptures, engravings, artifacts, banners, and broadsides that were central to the debate and the formation of the antislavery movement. See also African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts.
    • Medieval Mediterranean Slavery A bibliography, a selection of sources, and a calendar of scientific events relating to medieval Mediterranean slavery. At the University of Trier, Germany.
    • Repository of Historical Documents on Slavery The repository contains high resolution images of over one hundred and fifty historical documents, some six hundred manuscript pages in all, as well as introductory headnotes, bibliographic information, and technical data. The original documents included in this repository can be found in the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University, the Rhode Island Historical Society Library, and the Brown University Archives.
    • Slave Movement During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries This site provides access to the raw data and documentation which contains information on the following slave trade topics from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: records of slave ship movement between Africa and the Americas, slave ships of eighteenth century France, slave trade to Rio de Janeiro, Virginia slave trade in the eighteenth century, English slave trade (House of Lords Survey), Angola slave trade in the eighteenth century, internal slave trade to Rio de Janeiro, slave trade to Havana, Cuba, Nantes slave trade in the eighteenth century, and slave trade to Jamaica. At the Data and Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    • Slave Trade Archives Project Initiated by UNESCO, this project is concerned with the access to and preservation of original archive materials relating to the slave trade. Project information, questionnaire and related links.
    • Slave Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database This database, with information on over 35,000 voyages, offers descendants, researchers, students, and the general public a chance to rediscover the reality of one of the largest movements of peoples in world history. By David Eltis.
    • Slavery and Manumission Manuscripts of Timbuktu These 206 manuscripts, in Arabic, include documentation on Africans in slavery and manumission in Muslim societies. They are from the Bibliothèque Commémorative Mama Haidara in Timbuktu, Mali, and were selected for conservation treatment and digitization in order to make them accessible via the Web.
    • Yale Slavery and Abolition Portal Sponsored by the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition and the Instructional Technology Group, this site is designed to help researchers find primary source material related to slavery and its legacies within the university's many libraries and galleries.
    Utopianism, Millennialism, Communalism
    • Amana Heritage Museum The Amana Heritage Museum collections are comprised of approximately 12,000 objects and 10,000 archival pieces that pertain to the history of Amana and its associated religious group (The Community of True Inspiration) in Germany and America. The period of the collections covers ca. 1700 to the present, with emphasis on the communal period of Amana history (1855-1932)
    • Annuaire du socialisme / Socialism Directory / Directorio del Socialismo Links to French, English and Spanish websites on the history of labour and socialism History
    • Apocalypse and Millennium An extensive bibliography by Ted Daniels (1992), with abstracts and indexes.
    • Bibliothèque virtuelle sur les Premiers Socialismes Documents produced by Saint-Simonians, Fourieristes, Cabet and the Icarians, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon; with introductory texts and bibliographies; from collections at the Université de Poitiers.
    • BnF - Utopie - Les sources de l'Utopie Digital version of an exhibition at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (French National Library). The section 'Dreams & Nightmares' is devoted to utopias and contra-utopias of the 20th century. A concise English version is also available
    • Bureau of Public Secrets Translations by Ken Knabb from the Situationist International: articles, film scripts and internal documents by Guy Debord, Raoul Vaneigem, including The Society of the Spectacle; information about about Debord’s films; texts relating to San Francisco Bay Area situationist groups; texts by and about Kenneth Rexroth; Translations of BPS texts in several languages.
    • Catalogue of titles on Utopian Communities, Colonies, Communes and other Experiments in Living Together Ca. 4,000 records describing printed materials on French 19th-century utopian socialism, American communist colonies, Kibbutzim and other historical utopian communities in Europe, Israel, and the U.S.
    • Center for Millennial Studies (Boston, MA). Offers an extensive bibliography.
    • Communal Studies Association Conferences, journal, newsletter
    • Communal Studies Bibliographies maintained by John Goodin at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. Books and articles since 1993.
    • E-topia A Portugese electronic journal on utopianism from the digital library of the Faculty of arts, University of Porto.
    • H-Utopia Discussion network devoted to utopianism in all its forms, from literary expression to policy analysis to architectural criticism to activism. It is a member of H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine.
    • Icarians The Icarians, followers of Etienne Cabet, came to Nauvoo to establish a utopian society. General information on "Utopia in Nauvoo" (Hancock County, IL) and the Icarian Living History Museum.
    • International Communal Studies Association A multidisciplinary organization providing a common framework for scholarly exchange regarding communes, intentional communities, collective settlements and kibbutz throughout the world. General information, conference proceedings.
    • Oneida Community Collection at Syracuse University Library. Finding aid, bibliographies, online publications.
    • Society for Utopian Studies Journal.
    • Spaces of Utopia An electronic journal in English on utopianism, from the digital library of the Faculty of arts, University of Porto.
    • Utopia at the New York Public Library: the search for the ideal society in the Western world. Includes bibliography.
    Youth and Student Movements

    Last updated 28 January 2014