Humanities and Social Science Sites History | Political Science | Sociology | Anthropology | Law | Economics and Business | Statistics
Scholarly Texts
General Reference
Lists of Universities
International Organizations
Lists of Labour Unions and Political Organizations
Humanities and Social Science Sites
African Studies Internet Resources World-Wide Web Virtual Library Africa at Columbia University.
Album des sciences sociales The Virtual Library History of France, or, Vlib Histoire, has changed its title but remains affiliated to the WWW Virtual Library project.
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library at Australian National University.
- Central Eurasian Studies Worldwide at Harvard University. Humanities and social science resources.
- DARE DATABASE - International Social Sciences Directory (Institutions, Specialists, Periodicals) at UNESCO. A searchable database of social science, peace, human rights and international law institutions, specialists and periodicals.
Demography and Population Studies WWW VL at Australian National University.
- EDIRC Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World.
- EH.Net EH.Net operates the Economic History Services web site and several electronic mailing lists to provide resources and promote communication among scholars in economic history and related fields.
- European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) This database contains the data of two former EBSEES databases, one for 1991-2000, the other for 2001-2006. The new unified database with about 85.500 titles has been developed by the Berlin State Library in cooperation with the Maison des Sciences de l´Homme, Paris. For the years 1975-1990 EBSEES is available in printed form only. Work on adding records to EBSEES ended in 2007, and no further editing will take place after December 2007. The end date for each country’s contribution varies.
- Google Directory - Arts > Humanities
- Google Directory - Science > Social Sciences
- H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Its edited lists and web sites publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion for colleagues and the interested public. Maintained at Michigan State University.
- History of Science/Science Studies Reference Sources An extensive systematic guide maintained by Doug Stewart.
- Humanities Web Sites in Japan at Tohoku University. Includes social sciences.
- ILiSSAfrica A portal giving access to websites, bibliographic databases and other information resources on sub-Saharan Africa from the Frankfurt university library, the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Hamburg, the African Studies Centre Leiden, and tables of contents from 170 serial publications on Africa.
- InfoMine: Social Sciences & Humanities at the University of California at Riverside. Subject, keyword and title search.
- Internet Crossroads in the Social Sciences at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Annotated links to data-related resources on the Internet.
- Intute - the best Web resources for education and research A free online service providing you with a database of hand selected Web resources for education and research.
Middle East Studies Internet Resources The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Middle East (part of Asian Studies VL)
- Proyecto filosofía en español Spanish philosophy website. Many resources, including digitized articles from the Cuadernos de Ruedo ibérico and Nuestra Bandera.
REESWeb: Russian and East European Studies Virtual Library at the University of Pittsburgh.
- Research Resources for the Social Sciences Arranged according to discipline.
- Savifa Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien An information gateway for South Asia Studies: a collection of internet resources in English and Indian languages, an electronic platform for publishing and archiving academic literature in the field of South Asian studies, access to the OLC-SSG South Asia bibliographical article database, and monthly lists of new acquisitions of the Library of the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg.
Social Policy Virtual Library at the University of Bath.
- Social Science Data on the Internet A searchable collection of hundreds of sites with "statistical data, data catalogs, data libraries, social science gateways, addresses" and more.
- Social Science Research Network Includes a Social Insurance Research Network (SIRN). SIRN publishes abstracts of research papers in all areas of social insurance. Abstract database, papers, electronic journals.
Social Sciences WWW Virtual Library From March 1994 to June 1997, this VL was maintained by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek, an Internet pioneer who designed and currently manages the leading World-Wide Web resource for Asian Studies.
- Statistical Data Locators at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Extensive international meta-index.
- Understanding the World Today: Social, Economic and Political Change Meta-index on long term, large scale changes in social, political and economic systems at the national and international levels maintained by Gene Shackman.
Virtual Library Eastern Europe Academic portal for the countries of Eastern, Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe which provides information in German, Russian and English on the history, culture, politics and society of the countries and regions of Eastern Europe; maintained at the Osteuropa-Institut München, Germany.
- Voice of the Shuttle at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Searchable humanities links.
- Western European Studies Section: WESSWEB European studies links compiled by the Association of College and Research Libraries.
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: German Subject Catalogue A list of German humanities, sciences and social sciences resources, at the University of Karlsruhe.
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Philosophy at the University of Bristol.
WWW Virtual Library Latin American Studies at the Latin American Network Information Center, University of Texas at Austin.
WWW Virtual Library: China WWW Virtual Library - Internet Guide for Chinese Studies
WWW Virtual Library: Public Health at Griffith University, Brisbane.
- Yahoo! - Social Science From the index of the Yahoo! search engine.
- 1989-1990 Wende-Zeiten Bilder, Töne, Kommentare aus dem DDR-Fernsehen Images, sound and commentary documenting the Fall of the Wall and the other events of 1989-1990 from the GDR television archives in the Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv Babelsberg.
- American and British History Resources on the Internet at Rutgers University. Extensive list.
- Association des Bibliophiles universels Free access to public domain works in French, including the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, and texts by Pierre de Coubertin, Denis Diderot, Charles Fourier, Victor Hugo, Karl Marx, Louise Michel, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, George Sand, Voltaire, Emile Zola and other - mainly French - writers.
- Association for History and Computing: Links A list of computing in the humanities and other history websites, maintained at at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
- Center for History & New Media , George Mason University. Its many resources include databases linking to roughly 1,200 history departments around the world and to more than 5,000 US and world history sites.
- Clio Online Fachportal für die Geschichtswissenschaften.
- ECHO - Exploring and Collecting History Online The ECHO Science and Technology Virtual Center at George Mason University incorporates the links of the former WWW Virtual Library for the History of Science, Technology, & Medicine.
- EH.Net EH.Net operates the Economic History Services web site and several electronic mailing lists to provide resources and promote communication among scholars in economic history and related fields.
European History Primary Sources An index of scholarly websites that offer online access to primary sources on the history of Europe; a joint initiative of the Library and the Department of History and Civilisation of the European University Institute.
- European Network in Universal and Global History ENIUGH Organizes a European Congress on themes of World and Global History; publishes 'Comparativ' and 'history.transnational'; offers administrative help for bi- and multilateral cooperation in the fields of Masters and PhD programmes.
- H-Soz-u-Kult Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften This German information network for historians, which is part of H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences Online, is maintained at the Humboldt-University in Berlin.
- Historical Text Archive Articles, books, essays, documents, historical photos, and links for a broad range of historical subjects. It was founded in 1990 in Mississippi and is one of the oldest history sites on the Internet; maintained by Don Mabry.
- Historicum.net: Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften im Internet German historical information network: topical web guides, bibliography, electronic journals, reviews, educational materials, announcements, lists of documentary and research institutions and much more.
- Historisches Zentrum Hagen: Fachinformationen Historical information services from the Hagen Historical Centre, Germany. The Centre is home to the Virtual Library Frühe Neuzeit, the Virtual Library Zeitgeschichte, the Virtual Library Museen, H-Museum, and a number of German regional historical information resources.
- Industriële archeologie Industrial archaeology & industrial heritage site accompanying a course taught in Dutch by Peter Scholliers at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
- Latin American Pamphlet Digital Collection A collection of more than 5,000 recently cataloged and digitized titles in Harvard's Widener Library. The catalog records are linked to page images of the digitized pamphlets. As additional pamphlets are cataloged and digitized they will be added to this Collection.
Map History / History of Cartography A section of the WWW Virtual Library, maintained by Tony Campbell, British Library, London.
- Maritime History Virtual Archives maintained by Lars Bruzelius in Uppsala, Sweden. Extensive list.
- Nachrichtendienst für Historiker German site offering links to German, American, British and French newspaper articles dealing with historical subjects, history weblinks, and a publisher's catalogue.
- NZHistory.net.nz New Zealand History online
- Project Gutenberg More than 10.000 eBooks, mainly older literary works that are in the public domain in the United States. Project Gutenberg is the internet's oldest producer of free electronic books and texts.
- RGP Online The Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën (RGP) is a series of source editions, the first volume of which was published in 1905. Today, the series comprises 450 volumes that contain documents about the history of the Netherlands.
The ING, The Hague is in the process of digitising the RGP series and has developed an application that makes it possible to browse the pages online. The online version aims, as far as possible, to be a faithful replica of the original edition. At the same time, efforts have also been made to exploit the new opportunities afforded by an electronic publication by making it possible to search the text and, where possible, adding clickable lists of contents and/or indices. More information about the approach that was selected can be found under explanation.
Since December 2007 137 volumes have been made available on the Internet (november 2009).
Scandinavian Studies Web: History Virtual Library maintained by the Association of College and Research Libraries, Western European Studies Association
- Spartacus Educational Free educational material on many historical topics from this British publisher.
- Themenportal Europäische Geschichte Materials - texts, statistics, images and maps - documenting the history of Europe from the eighteenth century to the present; at Clio-Online, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin. German text.
Virtual Library Zeitgeschichte The Virtual Library Contemporary History is part of the History Network at the European University Institute in Florenz. The contents of the catalogue are concentrated on the history of Germany (1890-1949). The Virtual Library History is the oldest catalog in the Internet, founded in March 1993 by Lynn Nelson at the University of Kansas, USA. Since September 1993 this catalog is part of the WWW Virtual Library. The VL Contemparary History is maintained by Ralf Blank at the Historisches Centrum Hagen, Germany.
- Wir waren so frei This site contains films and photos taken in 1989 and 1990, during the time of the Fall of the Wall and the reunification. All of the material is from private collections. It is a cooperative project by the Deutsche Kinemathek and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
- Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte A list of German, Swiss and Austrian social and economic history websites maintained at the University of Cologne; part of the Virtual Library Deutschland.
- World History Archives Geographically arranged history links, links to resources for the struggle for social progress, discussion lists, e-texts, history departments etc., maintained by Haines Brown in Hartford, CT.
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History Hungary
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History Portugal
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History Scotland
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History United States
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Belgian History Index
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Brazilian History Index
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Finnish History Index
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History Czech Republic From the World Wide Web Virtual Library History Network
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History Denmark
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History Iceland
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History New Zealand
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History Norway
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History of the United Kingdom
World Wide Web Virtual Library: History USA (Reference)
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Russian History Index at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Slovenian History
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Swedish History Index Not maintained.
WWW Virtual Library Economic and Business History Netherlands Economic History Archive NEHA
WWW Virtual Library History of France
WWW Virtual Library: Art History At the website of CHArt - the Computers and History of Art Group (UK).
WWW-VL The World Wide Virtual Library: History Index and Central Catalogue Maintained by Serge Noiret and Inaki Lopez Martin at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
WWW-VL: History: United States History
WWW-VL: History: US Agricultural History By Dr. Lynn H. Nelson.
- Yahoo! - Arts: Humanities: History From the index of the Yahoo! search engine.
- Zeitgeschichte-online A portal for German contemporary history on the web. It is a project of the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Political Science
- International Political Science Association Directory, extensive links.
- Political Resources on the Net By Robert Cicciomessere, Italy. Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to parties, organizations, governments, media and more from all around the world.
- Political Science Resources A gateway to resources relevant to the study of politics and government around the world, maintained by Richard Kimber.
- Political Science Resources on the Web at the University of Michigan Document Center. Extensive searchable list arranged according to subject.
- Political Theory Webliography From the Louisiana State University Libraries. Philosophy, religion, marxism, anarchism etc.
WWW Virtual Library International Affairs Resources at Elizabethtown College, PA.
- Sociology Links at Allyn & Bacon's. Sections on "Collective Behavior and Social Movements", "Social Change", "Social Class and Poverty" etc.
- Socioruta Latinoamericana at the University of Québec at Montreal. "Repertorio de la información sociológica de América Latina".
- SocioSite Links to sociology and economic sociology resources on the internet, at the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.
- SocioWeb "Your Independent Guide to Sociological Resources on the Internet".
WWW Virtual Library: Sociology at McMaster University.
Economics and Business
- Conference of Socialist Economists CSE is an international organisation committed to developing a materialist critique of capitalism. It organises and supports conferences and seminars and, since 1977, has published Capital & Class.
- Economic Working Papers Archives at Washington University at St Louis.
- EDIRC Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World.
- Federal Reserve Economic Data at the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. Includes US historical data going back to the early 1950s.
- Internet Resources in Business and Economics at the Thomas J. Long Business and Economics Library, University of California at Berkeley.
- Labour Economics Gateway maintained by Jacques Brosius (Luxemburg). Meta-index of researchers, research institutions, journals etc.
- Links for Economists maintained by Thomas Beissinger.
- NetEc at the University of Manchester. A major site for research in economics, offering working papers, code for economics and econometrics, links to economics, economy and business sites.
OSU Virtual Finance Library at Ohio State University.
- Resources for Economists on the Internet An extensive guide by Bill Goffe, at the University of Southern Mississippi. Part of the WWW Virtual Library on Economics.
- Society for Economic Anthropology Directory, newsletter.
- WebEc - WWW Resources in Economics An extensive guide by Lauri Saarinen in Helsinki. Part of the WWW Virtual Library on Economics.
World Wide Web Virtual Library in Economics A dual site in Helsinki.
WWW Virtual Library Economic and Business History Netherlands Economic History Archive NEHA
- Canadian Statistics Selection of summary tables providing an overview of statistical information on Canada?s people, economy and governments.
- CIA Handbook of International Economic Statistics 1998 edition.
- EconStats Economic data, GDP, Inflation, etc. from the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, the European Union, France, Italy, Russia, and China.
- Histoire de la statistique démographique History of demographic statistics. Census, registers and other demographic forms and other documents.
- Historical Microdata around the World Links to demographic and other databases in Scandinavia, North America, Great Britain, and the Netherlands, listed at the University of Tromsø.
- National Bureau of Economic Research: Data and Data Links NBER collection: macro data, industry, international trade, and other data.
- Penn World Table, Center for International Comparisons, University of Pennsylvania Purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 168 countries for some or all of the years 1950-2000.
- Scottish Economic History Database 1550-1780 Crop yields, demographic data, price and wage series, weather statistics; at the International Institute of Social History.
- Statistical Data Locators at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Extensive international meta-index.
- Statistical Resources on the Web at the University of Michigan Documents Center. Subject-oriented annotated links to statistics on agriculture, consumers, demographics, economics, education, environment, health, labour, politics, business and industry etc.
- Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland: Linkservice The links page of the Federal Statistical Office Germany.
- UNECE Statistical Database Comparable data for Europe, North America and Central Asia
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics at the University of Florida.
Scholarly Texts
- Bianco: 100 ans de presse anarchiste Online version of the dissertation by René Bianco: Répertoire des périodiques anarchistes de langue française : un siècle de presse anarchiste d’expression française, 1880-1983, Aix-Marseille, 1987.
- Granier, Caroline. "Nous sommes des briseurs de formules". Les écrivains anarchistes en France à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle. . This dissertation (l'Université Paris 8, 2003) is available on the Research on Anarchism website.
- König, Mareike, Bibliotheken deutscher Einwanderer in Paris (1850 - 1914) : Benutzer und Bestände In the 19th century a large number of German speaking migrants from different strata of society lived in Paris. Several German reading rooms, such as the Deutscher Sozialdemokratischer Leseklub (Paris) Archives and libraries of these immigrants ensured that through literature they did not loose contact with their home country and native language.
- Mio, Andrea, Cultura libertaria e nuova società. Le riviste spagnole di divulgazione alternativa (1923-1936) Online dissertation on Spanish libertarian, alternative periodicals. The subjects are mainly sexuality, naturism and eugenics.
- Misgeld, Klaus, A Complicated Solidarity. The Swedish Labour Movement and Solidarnosc IISH Research Paper no 45
- Pozo González, Josep Antoni, El poder revolucionari a Catalunya durant els mesos de juliol a octubre de 1936 / Crisi i recomposició de l'Estat Online dissertation from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (pdf); with abstracts in Catalan and English on the index page.
- Schifres, Sébastien, Le Mouvement autonome en Italie et en France (1973-1984) This online MA thesis (Université Paris VIII) is a sequel to another text on the same subject published in 2004. Both texts are available from this website.
General Reference
- bab.la This language portal includes 29 dictionaries, a phrasebook with sample sentences and vocabulary lessons.
- China Historical Geographic Information System CHGIS GIS is a system for digitizing, saving, searching, analyzing and representing geographic information. The CHGIS datasets contain historical placenames and spatial representations that enable the user to browse the historical places as digital maps. At Harvard University.
- CIA World Factbook 2008 edition.
- Dictionarist Online Talking Dictionary The site provides translations in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Dutch, Greek, Chinese, Japanese and Korean dictionaries.
- Digitized maps at the University Library of Utrecht A presentation of maps in the collections of the Utrecht University Library, the Netherlands.
- Dissertation Online Full text access to dissertations, at the Koordinierungsstelle DissOnline an die Deutsche Bibliothek.
- Glossary of Construction Terms From Contractor School Online.
- HISCO - Web-Based Information System on the History of Work This project aims at creating an occupational information system that is both international and historical, and simultaneously links to existing classifications used for present-day conditions.
- IEG - Maps Digital historical maps from the Institute of European History, Mainz.
- iLoveLanguages is a catalogue of language-related Internet resources formerly known as The Human-Languages Page.
- Inflation Calculator maintained by Morgan Friedman at the University of Pennsylvania. Based on the US Consumer Price Index, 1800-1997.
- Internet Public Library: Reference Annotated links to general and subject-specific reference works, from the School of Information, University of Michigan.
- Maps, maps, maps ... The World of Maps: A Gateway for maps and mapping - Die Welt der Karten: ein Portal für das Kartenwesen, at the ETH-Bibliothek Zurich.
- OneLook Dictionaries 970 Searchable English-language dictionaries.
- XE.com Universal Currency Converter
- YourDictionary.com Links to hundreds of dictionaries of over 200 different languages, including specialized dictionaries on business, economics, finance, insurance, railroads, shipping, textiles etc. The site also contains links to online grammars.
Lists of Universities International Organizations Lists of Labour Unions and Political Organizations
- Activista is a search engine launched by resist.ca, protest.net and riseup.net, focused on activist
resources and social change websites. As an added bonus, vegetarian recipe sites are included.
- Anarchist Yellow Pages Syndicalist and anarchist addresses and links; at Nihil Press.
- Big Labor Resources include links to every U.S.-based union with a website - national and local.
- Cyber Picket Line at the University of Wales at Cardiff. Offers an extensive World Trade Union Directory.
- E-Mail Directory of Labor Organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean Edited by the Instituto Laboral de Educación Sindical of Puerto Rico; presented by World History Archives: Resources for the study of the history of the Americas. 1997 edition.
- European Trade Union Confederation Links to the European union confederations and industry federations.
- Global Labour Directory of Directories A list of lists, from LabourStart.
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Links to unions and related organizations.
- Jay's Leftist and "Progressive" Internet Resources Directory Labour, minority and radical links.
- LabourStart: Where trade unionists start their day on the net International labour news site.
- New Unionism Network Website of an international network of volunteers. Listed here for their online library and their comprehensive international union directory.
- Resources for Labor Union Organizing The information provided includes a list of international, U.S., state, and local website links, the full text of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and a list of U.S. government agencies.
- Trade Union and Telecommunications Related Links maintained by Donald MacDonald in Stirling, Scotland.
- Union Resource Network Extensive Union Directory.
- World Confederation of Labour Links to Christian unions, among others.
- XPDNC Meta-index of sites on labour and labour history.
Last updated 4 November 2011 |