Volume 50 part 1 (April 2005)




Terry Irving and Sean Scalmer 'Labour Intellectuals in Australia: Modes, Traditions, Generations, Transformations' [summary]

Timothy J. Minchin 'Organizing a Labor Law Violator: The J.P. Stevens Campaign and the Struggle to Unionize the US South, 1963-83' [summary]

Research note

Wendy M. Gordon '"What, I Pray You, Shall I Do with the Balance?" Single Women's Economy of Migration' [summary]

Suggestions and Debates

Barbara Weinstein 'History Without a Cause? Grand Narratives, World History, and the Postcolonial Dilemma'

Book reviews

Mine Ener, Managing Egypt's Poor and the Politics of Benevolence, 1800-1952 (Roel Meijer)
Susanne Marten-Finnis, Vilna as a Centre of the Modern Jewish Press, 1840-1928. Aspirations, Challenges, and Progress (Rena Fuks-Mansfeld)
Karin M. Hofmeester, Jewish Workers and the Labour Movement. A Comparative Study of Amsterdam, London and Paris, 1870-1914 (John Bunzl)
Tânia Puschnerat, Clara Zetkin: Bürgerlichkeit und Marxismus. Eine Biographie (Jie-Hyun Lim)
Robert C. Allen, Farm to factory. A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution (Gijs Kessler)
Shelley Baranowski, Strength Through Joy. Consumerism and Mass Tourism in the Third Reich (Karsten Linne)
Eddy Tshidiso Maloka, Basotho and the Mines. A Social History of Labour Migrancy in Lesotho and South Africa, c. 1890-1940 (Wessel Visser)
Nandini Gooptu, The Politics of the Urban Poor in Early Twentieth-Century India (Ratna Saptari)
Lis Lange, White, Poor and Angry. White working Class Families in Johannesburg (Lucien van der Walt)
Helen Graham, The Spanish Republic at War 1936-1939 (Frank Schauff)
Jan Breman, The Making and Unmaking of an Industrial Working Class. Sliding Down the Labour Hierarchy in Ahmedabad, India (Christopher Johnson)
Ruddar Datt, Lockouts in India (Sjaak van der Velden)



Notes on contributors
