Slovenians in the Netherlands

Easter procession
Slovenian Easter procession in Heerlerheide (1986).
The traditional [Slovenian] celebration of Easter or Vstajenje (the Resurrection) first took place at the parish church of Heerlerheide in 1931 and has continued to be celebrated there ever since. It is an old custom for food to be blessed in the church on the evening before the Easter celebration. Slovenian families bring baskets of bread, eggs and horseradish to the church where they are blessed by a Slovenian priest. The following morning, the celebration of Easter begins early with a procession past the church. Members of the community bear the figure of Marija Pomagaj and a staff with coloured ribbons, carried by children wearing green headscarves and black hats. The traditional celebration of Easter takes place every year at the Corneliuskerk at Heerlerheide.
St. Barbara 100