Roman Catholics Against Neo-Malthusianism

Aan H.H. Genees-, Heel-, en Verloskundigen, Alhier. [...] (To Messrs Medical Practitioners, Surgeons, Accoucheurs, in this City, [...])
NMB Archive nr 29
This call to take a stand against neo-Malthusianism remained without the result the NRKV had hoped for, but although most physicians did not declare themselves against neo-Malthusianism, there was no support for the view that contraception belonged to the realm of medicine. In 'Physicians and fertility control in the Netherlands', Journal of Interdisciplinary History 34 (2003) 2, 155-185, Frans van Poppel and Hugo Röling address the interesting question whether doctors, with their superior knowledge of the reproductive process, applied birth control in their own families.