Van Houten on Demography

Beschouwingen over de bevolkingsleer in verband met de sexueele moraal
In: Bijdragen tot den strijd over God, eigendom en familie, p. 59-125
In: Bijdragen tot den strijd over God, eigendom en familie, p. 59-125
Haarlem: Tjeenk Willink, 1878
Call number:
N 1140/3
In 'Beschouwingen over de bevolkingsleer in verband met de sexueele moraal', an essay on demography and sexual morality, Van Houten praises the authors of Moral physiology; or, A brief and plain treatise on the population question and The elements of social science for their efforts to end the ignorance surrounding physiological matters, and Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh, who were legally prosecuted for republishing Charles Knowlton's Fruits of Philosophy, another work that openly discusses reproductive physiology and contraceptive methods.