1700-1800: Subdued freedom II

Alzo mijne Heeren van den Gerechte der Stad Amsterdam ... / dat geene Couranten, Gazettes of andere Nouvelles, ..., gedrukt, verkogt en gedivulgeert mogen worden, ... 27 januari
[Thus my Lords of the Courts of the City of Amsterdam... / that no Newspapers, Gazettes or other News Journals, ..., may be printed, sold and distributed,...]
This edict of 27 January 1791 issued by the city of Amsterdam was aimed, not for the first time, at the newspapers because, it was claimed, they were spreading untruths about state affairs, administrators and foreign heads of state, either written by themselves or taken from other newspapers and texts. As of 1 April 1791 newspaper publishers in Amsterdam were required to request permission from the burgomasters. If newspaper publishers, booksellers and coffeehouses nonetheless distributed newspapers with news that was not acceptable, then permission to publish would be withdrawn and fines would be imposed.
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Call number:
PM 14716