1900-1945: Mass Media and Censorship I

Mein Kampf van
)[My Struggle]
The Dutch translation of Mein Kampf – Mijn Kamp – to which the Dutch state holds the copyright, is the only book that is forbidden under criminal law in the Netherlands. The copyright to the original German edition is held by the German federal state of Bavaria. The book is banned by the Bavarian authorities in agreement with the Federal Government of Germany. Throughout Germany it is forbidden to copy or to print the book.
This edition of Mein Kampf (containing the text at the beginning: 'Meiner Kamradin, Zur Erinnerung an treue Mitarbeit in der R.J.F. – Otto A (I)seler (Reichs-Jugend-Führung)' [To my lady comrade, remembering faithful work in the R.J.F. – Otto A (I)seler (Reich Youth Leadership], is from the collection of Bela Althans. In the 1980s Althans was a leading member of various extreme-right organizations in Germany. In 1990 he organized a congress entitled 'Wahrheit macht frei' [Truth is liberty], a major point in the history of 'revisionism', the movement that denies or trivializes the Holocaust. He was arrested and imprisoned several times. Althans, who later changed his opinions, donated his extensive archive to the IISG.
This edition of Mein Kampf (containing the text at the beginning: 'Meiner Kamradin, Zur Erinnerung an treue Mitarbeit in der R.J.F. – Otto A (I)seler (Reichs-Jugend-Führung)' [To my lady comrade, remembering faithful work in the R.J.F. – Otto A (I)seler (Reich Youth Leadership], is from the collection of Bela Althans. In the 1980s Althans was a leading member of various extreme-right organizations in Germany. In 1990 he organized a congress entitled 'Wahrheit macht frei' [Truth is liberty], a major point in the history of 'revisionism', the movement that denies or trivializes the Holocaust. He was arrested and imprisoned several times. Althans, who later changed his opinions, donated his extensive archive to the IISG.
Call number: IISG