Volume 44 part 1 (1999)


General Issues
Continents and Countries

Book descriptions consist of: author, title, publisher, place and year of publication, number of pages, original price; followed by a brief summary of the contents.
All listed books are available in the IISH library.

General Issues


Bogues, Anthony. Caliban's Freedom. The Early Political Thought of C.L.R. James. Pluto Press, London [etc.] 1997. xii, 199 pp. £40.00. (Paper: £13.99.)
This study is the first of two volumes dealing with the political thought the black Caribbean radical political philosopher and Marxist C.L.R. James (1901-1989). Dr Bogues focuses in this volume on James's early years and his work and ideas until his deportation from the United States in 1953, examining the relationship between the black radical tradition and James's own view of Marxism. According to the author, James's radical political philosophy, along with the ideas of other seminal thinkers in the black radical tradition, represents a counterpoint to the radical tradition based on the European Enlightenment which is overlooked in most reconstructions of radical political thought.

Gervasoni, Marco. Georges Sorel. Una biografia intellettuale. Socialismo e liberalismo nella Francia della Belle époque. [Testi e Studi, 141.] Edizioni Unicopli, Milano 1997. 455 pp. L. 35.000.
This dissertation (Université Paris VIII, 1997) highlights Sorel's liberal views on freedom and equality, which were similar to those of Tocqueville, Renan and Taine. Dr Gervasoni argues that aside from Renan, Proudhon and Marx had the strongest influence on Sorel. The author goes on to relate the development of Sorel's ideas that resulted from his extensive ties with intellectuals in his day, socialist and non-socialist alike. The author's research is based in part on recently discovered source material.

Iggers, Georg G. Historiography in the Twentieth Century. From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge. Wesleyan University Press, Publ. by the University Press of New England, Hanover [etc.] 1997. x, 182 pp. $45.00. (Paper: $15.95.)
After publishing in 1975 a concise overview of the developments and the state of historical studies in Europe in the twentieth century, Professor Iggers is offering a new, concise overview in this book of the changing ideas about the nature of history and historiography in this century. In his work he incorporates a discussion of the great challenges postmodern ideas have posed for historical discipline. Professor Iggers concludes that while the postmodern critique of traditional historiography offers important correctives, most historians remain committed to historical objectivity and believe in the logic of inquiry.

In defense of history. Marxism and the postmodern agenda. Ed. by Ellen Meiksins Wood [and] John Bellamy Foster. Monthly Review Press, New York 1997. v, 204 pp. $16.00.
The thirteen contributions in this volume, based on a special issue of Monthly Review, critique postmodernism from the perspective of structural Marxism and suggest more fruitful ways for historical materialism to deal with the postmodern agenda than currently within the scope of the intellectual and political left. Contributors are, among others, Aijaz Ahmad, Terry Eagleton, John Bellamy Foster, Fredric Jameson, David McNally and Bryan D. Palmer.


Blakemore, Steven. Crisis in Representation. Thomas Paine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Helen Maria Williams, and the Rewriting of the French Revolution. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison; Associated University Presses, London 1997. 273 pp. £30.00.
This study examines how three prominent Anglo-American writers (Thomas Paine, Mary Wollstonecraft and Helen Maria Williams) who were living in France during the Terror of 1793-1794 changed their early views of the French Revolution as a result of the Terror. As celebrated radical writers who had welcomed the French Revolution as a fundamental break with the past, they had participated, according to Dr Blakemore, in the creation of the Revolution's evolving meaning and were forced by the Terror to reconceive the Revolution within the textual space they had originally opposed.

Boris Moiseevich Sapir. Menshevik and Social Historian. An Introduction to His Life. An Inventory of His Archives at the Bakhmeteff Archive, Columbia University, New York, and A BIBLIOGRAPHY of His Publications. With Contrib. by Stephen Corrsin, Marc Jansen and Ellen Scaruffi. [IISG: Werkuitgave/Working Paper, 32.] Stichting beheer IISG, Amsterdam 1997. 57 pp. D.fl. 19.00.
This publication encompasses a biographical sketch of the Menshevik historian and archivist Boris Sapir (1902-1989) and a description of his archival collection (by Stephen Corrsin), a catalogue of his papers at the Bakhmeteff Archive, Columbia University, New York (by Ellen Scaruffi) and a bibliography of his publications (by Marc Jansen). Boris Sapir worked at the International Institute of Social History (IISH) from the Institute's beginnings in 1935 to 1940. He rejoined the IISH in 1967 after retiring as Director of the Research Department of the American Jewish Joint Committee and published several important works on the history of Russian populism and socialism (see IRSH, XVI (1971), pp. 293f., XXI (1976), pp. 147f., XXXII (1987), p. 105, and XXXIII (1988), p. 102).

Choquette, Leslie. Frenchmen into Peasants. Modernity and Tradition in the Peopling of French Canada. [Harvard Historical Studies, 123.] Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) [etc.] 1997. xi, 397 pp. £29.95.
During the French Regime in Canada throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth cen-.turies, at least 30,000 emigrants embarked for Québec and the Maritimes. Based on extensive archival research, this study chronicles the lives of nearly 16,000 of them. Professor Choquette examines first emigration to Canada according to French regional and national economic and social life, describing this migration flow's volume and composition. She then reconsiders this pattern of emigration in the context of the emerging discipline of migration history, arguing that the migration movement to Canada was a by-product of other, more perennial migration movements.

Graur, Mina. An Anarchist "Rabbi". The Life and Teachings of Rudolf Rocker. St. Martin's Press, New York 1997; The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 272 pp. $40.00.
This revised version of a dissertation (Ann Arbor, 1996) is a biography of Rudolf Rocker (1873-1958), the originally German anarchist, libertarian thinker and ideologist of the international anarcho-syndicalist movement. In political exile in England from 1895 to 1918, he became, though Gentile, a leader of the Jewish anarchist movement in East London. On his return to Germany he founded, among others, in 1922/1923 the syndicalist Internationale Arbeiter-Assoziation (IAA). After his escape from Nazi Germany in 1933, he fled to the United States, where he stayed until his death in 1958. According to the author, Rocker's life reflects the developmental course of the international Jewish-anarchist movement.

Intellectuals in Politics. From the Dreyfus Affair to Salman Rushdie. Ed. by Jeremy Jennings and Anthony Kemp-Welch. Routledge, London [etc.] 1997. viii, 304 pp. £50.00.
Covering countries as diverse as Israel, Algeria, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Poland, Russia and the United States, the fourteen essays in this collection examine the role of intellectuals in the twentieth century. The editors introduce the major issues confronting intellectuals in this century. Contributions included deal with, among others, the intellectual as a social critic (Richard Bellamy), dilemmas of the intellectual in France (the first editor), the role of the Russian intellectual in the downfall of Tsarism and Communism (Edward Acton), American intellectuals and Marxism (Steven Biel) and American mass culture (George Cotkin). Martin Hollis discusses in his epilogue the future for intellectuals in the postmodernist era.

Karl Marx - zwischen Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften. Hrsg. von Anneliese Griese [und] Hans Jörg Sandkühler. [Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Band 35.] Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main [etc.] 1997. 250 pp. Ill. S.fr. 64.00.
The eight contributions in this volume focus on Marx's relation to the natural sciences and aim to critique Marx's reception of the natural sciences on the basis of theory of sciences, historical theory and philosophy. The editors contribute a general introduction to the philosophical background of Marx's involvement in the sciences, while Peter Jäckel, Peter Krüger, Seungwan Han and Gerd Pawelzig focus on various aspects of Marx's scientific work. Martin Koch contributes an overview of the literature on the subject. A bibliography is appended.

Languages of Labour. Ed. by John Belchem and Neville Kirk. Ashgate, Aldershot 1997. viii, 222 pp. £40.00.
The eight essays in this volume - the revised versions of the papers presented at the Spring 1996 conference of the British Society for the Study of Labour History (held in Manchester) - all deal with the broad theme of language and identity from pronounced "realist" - as opposed to "postmodernist" or "anti-representational" - methodology and epistemology. Contributors included are Richard Price (on postmodernism as theory for historical research), Eileen Janes Yeo (on language and contestation), Karen Hunt, Susan Levine (on gender), the first editor and Melanie Tebbutt (on community and workplace) and Leon Fink and Roger Fagge (on labour-movement development, language and worker consciousness).

Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen and Rolf Reichardt. The Bastille. A History of a Symbol of Despotism and Freedom. Transl. by Norbert Schürer. Duke University Press, Durham [etc.] 1997. xix, 304 pp. Ill. £47.50. (Paper: £14.95.)
Aiming to elucidate the cultural and mental dimensions of the French Revolution, this study (which originally appeared in German as Die "Bastille": Zur Symbolgeschichte von Herrschaft und Freiheit (1990)) intends to trace and explain how the Bastille as an institution came to symbolize despotic reign as well as freedom and revolutionary struggle. Moving in their analysis from the French Revolution to the nineteenth century to contemporary history and from France to other cultural arenas, the authors use the semiotic reading of the Bastille to show how historical symbols function in the collective memories of societies and are used by social, political and ideological groups.

Malaquais, Jean. Journal de guerre suivi de Journal du métèque. Phébus, Paris 1997. 335 pp. F.fr. 135.00.
During his lifetime Jean Malaquais (1908-1998) was active in leftist-communist circles in both France and the United States without definitively joining a certain movement. The war diary is a revised version of the first edition, which appeared in New York in 1943, and contains his notes as a soldier from the mobilization through his daring escape as a POW. The author alternates notes about his experiences with critical reflections on the war and the people involved. The previously unpublished "Journal du métèque" addresses his period in Vichy France from 1940 to 1942 and details his experiences in the circle of intellectuals and political refugees. The author complements his notes with political observations and anecdotes, such as the ones about the Hungarian translation of his work "Les Javanais" (1941), in which Stalin's name was consistently replaced by Trotsky's.


Britain and America: Studies in Comparative History, 1760-1970. Ed. by David Englander. Yale University Press, New Haven [etc.] 1997, in assoc. with The Open University, Milton Keynes. xviii, 317 pp. Maps. £35.00. (Paper: £14.00.)
See Neville Kirk's review in this volume, pp. 92-94.

Devine, Fiona. Social Class in America and Britain. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 1997. xi, 303 pp. £16.95.
This textbook aims to provide an accessible study of social class in the United States and Great Britain from a comparative perspective. Dr Devine covers the most recent controversies over the relationship between class and other social divisions, such as gender, race and ethnicity, over mobility and meritocracy, polarization and social exclusion. She argues that both the United States and Britain may be characterized as class societies, with broadly similar class structures, class processes and class consciousness.

Körner, Axel. Das Lied von einer anderen Welt. Kulturelle Praxis im französischen und deutschen Arbeitermilieu 1840-1890. [Historische Studien, Band 22.] Campus Verlag, Frankfurt [etc.] 1997. 398 pp. DM 98.00; S.fr. 91.00; S 715.00.
This dissertation (European University Institute, Florence, 1995) compares the cultural experiences within the French and the German working-class milieus between 1840 and 1890. Focusing on working-class songs from the French popular milieu of the oppositional leftist republican movement of artisans and workers between the July Monarchy and the Third Republic and on the work of the German social-democratic working-class poets and songwriters, Dr Körner analyses the function of culture - in terms of the arts and human intellectual works in social and aesthetic respects - in the formation of a politically-defined social milieu.

Winter, Jay and Jean-Louis Robert. Capital cities at war. Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919. [Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare, vol. 2.] Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1997. xvii, 622 pp. Ill. £ 60.00; $90.00.
An international and interdisciplinary team of thirteen authors guided by Professors Winter and Robert set out in this volume to conduct a comparative examination of the everyday experience during World War I in the three metropolitan centres London, Paris and Berlin. In five parts (on social relations of sacrifice, labour, incomes and consumption and on urban demography) available data on economic, political, moral and physical wellbeing are compared between the three cities. Individual chapters deal with the question as to whether the state of the capitals contributed to victory or defeat. CONTINENTS AND COUNTRIES



Kershaw, Greet. Mau Mau from Below. [Eastern African Studies.] James Currey, Oxford; E.A.E.P., Nairobi; Ohio University Press, Athens 1997. xxx, 354 pp. £40.00. (Paper: £14.95.)
Based on extensive oral evidence gathered during ethnographic fieldwork conducted among Kikuyu villagers in 1955-1957 and in 1962, Professor Kershaw describes in this study extensively the historical background of the Kikuyu from the pre-colonial period through the nineteenth century to the social and economic context of the Mau Mau rising of the early 1950s. According to the author, a single Mau Mau movement never existed, and none of its members ever viewed it as a whole.


Chamberlain, Mary. Narratives of Exile and Return. [Warwick University Caribbean Studies.] Macmillan Press Ltd, London [etc.] 1997. xii, 236 pp. £14.95.
See Robin Cohen's review in this volume, pp. 113-114.

United States of America

Brecher, Jeremy. Strike! Revised and Updated Ed. [South End Press Classics, Vol. 1.] South End Press, Boston (MA) 1997. ii, 421 pp. Ill. £14.99.
This is a revised and updated edition of Mr Brecher's now classic history of the rank-and-file of the American labour movement and the various labour conflicts from 1877 onward (see for the original edition IRSH, XVIII (1973), p. 464). In this new edition, the author has retained the historical chapters on the main periods, and has added new ones on the labour movement during the Vietnam era and on rank-and-file labour conflicts in the past twenty-five years. The chapters "From Mass Strike to New Society" and "A Challenge to Historians" have been omitted on the grounds that they are, according to the author, "dated".

Chicana Feminist Thought. The Basic Historical Writings. Ed. by Alma M. García. Routledge, New York [etc.] 1997. xix, 324 pp. Ill. £50.00. (Paper: £16.99.)
Within the Chicano (Mexican-American) social protest movement of the 1960s and 1970s a generation of feminists raised their voices in opposition to the gender tensions and conflicts, thus igniting a political debate between Chicanas and Chicanos based on the internal gender contradictions prevalent within the Chicano movement. This anthology brings together a selection of 82 writings by Chicana poets, writers and activists, who reflect upon this Chicana Feminist Movement that began in the late 1960s, and includes essays, interviews and poems.

Davis, Colin J. Power at Odds. The 1922 National Railroad Shopmen's Strike. [The Working Class in American History.] University of Illinois Press, Urbana [etc.] 1997. xiii, 245 pp. Ill. $49.95. (Paper: $19.95.)
In this examination of the 1922 railroad shopmen's strike, Professor Davis aims to give a synthesis of the shifting power relations among United States' labour, capital and the state in the period from 1917-1922. After exploring the working world and union organization of the railroad shopmen and the dynamic influence of the national state in this period, which experienced the transfer of power from the pro-labour Democrat Wilson to the pro-business administration of Harding, the author analyses in detail the nationwide strike, which through its violent character marked a watershed in state-labour relations.

Esposito, Anthony V. The Ideology of the Socialist Party of America, 1901-1917. [Garland Studies in the History of American Labor.] Garland Publishing, Inc., New York [etc.] 1997. x, 295 pp. $74.00.
This dissertation (University of Connecticut, 1992) examines the ideology of the Socialist Party of America in its heyday from 1901 to 1917, focusing on the Party's conception of class struggle as a means to assess the interaction between Marxism and the traditional republican idea of America as an anti-class, egalitarian society. The Socialist Party, with its ideology of class struggle, had to compete, according to Dr Esposito, with a strong current of what he calls "free-labour republicanism". Accordingly, the author aims to assess the accuracy of the prevalent contention among historians that socialism constituted an inflexible and foreign ideology in the United States.

Fairris, David. Shopfloor Matters. Labor-management relations in twentieth-century American manufacturing. [Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks, 5.] Routledge, London [etc.] 1997. xiii, 234 pp. £45.00.
See Philip Scranton's review in this volume, pp. 109-111.

Fried, Albert. Communism in America. A History in DOCUMENTS. Columbia University Press, New York 1997. xv, 435 pp. Ill. $22.50.
This collection of documents on the history of the Communist movement and the Communist Party of the United States spans the period from the party's establishment in 1919 until the 1970s. Bringing together a wide range of documents from party positions, letters and essays through diaries, personal statements and memoirs to songs, poems and cartoons, Professor Fried concludes in his general introduction - similar to his conclusion in the documentary history on McCarthyism he recently compiled (see below) - that the Great American Red Scare during the Cold War brought about the demise of the American Left as a serious political force.

Goodwin, Joanne L. Gender and the Politics of Welfare Reform. Mothers' Pensions in Chicago, 1911-1929. [Women in Culture and Society.] The University of Chicago Press, Chicago [etc.] 1997. xiv, 284 pp. $45.00. (Paper: $17.95.)
During the 1910s, the city of Chicago initiated what became the largest and most publicized mothers' pension programme in the United States. This study examines the origins and development of this experiment with public funding for single mothers in Chicago between 1900 and 1930. Dr Goodwin focuses on the role of women in shaping this policy and on the importance of class, racial and ethnic disparities among women. He also addresses the political struggle among parties, participants in civil society and the new government bureaucracies over the implementation of the programme, as well as the economic roles that pensioned women were required to play.

Jacobs, Ron. The Way the Wind Blew. A History of the Weather Underground. Verso, London [etc.] 1997. viii, 216 pp. Ill. £35.00. (Paper: £10.00.)
In this history of the Weather Underground (a radical group of opponents to the US presence in Vietnam who turned to underground guerrilla combat in the late 1960s and early 1970s) Mr Jacobs examines the group's origins in the Students for a Democratic Society movement, the group's formation of clandestine revolutionary cells, the various bombing actions and the ideological debates which underpinned the group's strategy. The author argues that the group's eventual demise resulted as much from the contradictions of its politics as from increasingly repressive FBI attention.

Kim, Hyunhee. Working Class Stratification and the Demand for Unions in the United States. [Garland Studies in the History of American Labor.] Garland Publishing, Inc., New York [etc.] 1997. xi, 185 pp. $55.00.
This study aims to analyse the impact of divisions in socio-economic among the American working class in the 1990s on worker dispositions toward unionizing. Exploring differences in the determinants of intentions to unionize among American workers of different social backgrounds, Professor Kim also explores the implications of such tendencies for a revival of the American labour movement in the future. The author concludes that this disposition depends mostly on the conditions prevailing in the workplace, the willingness of employers to institute change for workers and the actions taken by unions both outside and inside the workplace.

Lawson, Steven F. Running for Freedom. Civil Rights and Black Politics in America Since 1941. Second Ed. The MacGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York [etc.] xvi, 328 pp. Ill. £18.99.
This is the second edition of an overview study of the impact of the civil rights movements on postwar American politics. Professor Lawson attempts to show the connections between the freedom struggle and black political development at the national and local levels. In this second edition, the author has added a section on the political legacy of Malcolm X and a chapter on the events and trends in black politics and the position of blacks in the 1990s.

Lynd, Staughton. Living Inside Our Hope. A Steadfast Radical's Thoughts on Rebuilding the Movement. ILR Press, Ithaca [etc.] 1997. xii, 281 pp. Ill. $39.95; £31.50. (Paper: $15.95; £12.50.)
Professor Staughton Lynd, a prominent American "New Left" labour historian, labour lawyer and well-known member of the radical movement of the 1960s, has brought together in this volume twelve essays (all but two published previously), in which he looks back on the ideology and activities of the radical movement of the 1960s and his own role in it. The two previously unpublished essays are on "The Internationalization of Capital and Labor's Response" (which was later expanded into Solidarity Unionism (1990)) and "The Webbs, Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg", a paper delivered at the North American Labor History Conference in October 1995.

McCarthyism. The Great American Red Scare. A Documentary History. Ed. by Albert Fried. Oxford University Press, New York [etc.] 1997. vi, 234 pp. £12.99.
This documentary history provides a detailed account of McCarthyism and The Great American Red Scare, which swept across the United States from the late 1940s to the mid 1960s. Documenting both the persecuted and persecutors, Professor Fried, who recently compiled a sourcebook on Communism in the United States (see above), presents an extensive selection of documents - speeches, executive orders, congressional hearings, court decisions, official reports, letters, memoirs and essays - together with introductions and head notes for each section. The author concludes that the final outcome was the consignment of the American radical left to irrelevancy.

McCormick, Charles H. Seeing Reds. Federal Surveillance of Radicals in the Pittsburgh Mill District, 1917-1921. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh 1997. x, 244 pp. Ill. $37.50.
This study examines the origins and growth of the United States government's domestic surveillance programme in the Pittsburgh mill district during World War I and the Red Scare (1917-1921). Basing his research largely on case files from the predecessor of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Military Intelligence Division and the Office of Naval Intelligence, Professor McCormick traces how these organizations targeted antiwar and radical labour groups, particularly the Socialist party and the Industrial Workers of the World, and how the Radical division, headed by the young J. Edgar Hoover, launched a campaign against alien "Reds".

O'Donnell, L.A. Irish Voice and Organized Labor in America. A Biographical Study. [Contributions in Labor Studies, nr 49.] Greenwood Press, Westport (Conn.) [etc.] 1997. xiv, 227 pp. Ill. £47.95.
This is a biographical study of a group of twelve significant leaders of Irish origin who figured prominently in American unionism from the last decades of the nineteenth century to the foundation of the CIO in the 1930s. Dr O'Donnell uses the biographical method in this study (which he calls exploratory) to identify the characteristics that may reasonably be related to the Irish background of these labour leaders. Included are portraits of both radical and conservative labour activists: Peter McGuire, Terence Powderly, Frank Roney, Joseph McDonnell, Patrick McCarthy, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, William Foster, Mary Harris Jones, John Fitzpatrick, John Brophy, Philip Murray and Mike Quill.



Fernandes, Leela. Producing Workers: The Politics of Gender, Class, and Culture in the Calcutta Jute Mills. [Critical Histories] University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1997. xvii, 199 pp. £40.00. (Paper: £21.50.)
See Ratna Saptari's review in this volume, pp. 115-117.


Kaufman, Ilana. Arab National Communism in the Jewish State. University Press of Florida, Gainesville [etc.] 1997. ix, 173 pp. $49.95.
This study aims to explain how the Communist Party in Israel, using a specific ethnonationalist strategy of mobilization, gradually built its power and established hegemony among the minority Arab-Palestinian citizens during the 1970s; to analyse the limits and constraints of that success (which brought its hegemony to an end in the 1980s); and to evaluate the impact of the Communist Party's brand of ethnonationalism on the Arab-Palestinian minority in Israel in the 1990s and its future role in the state.

South Korea

Kim, Seung-Kyung. Class Struggle or Family Struggle? The Lives of Women Factory Workers in South Korea. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1997. xxiv, 206 pp. £35.00; $49.95.
This ethnographic study examines the group of young female factory workers in the Masan Free Export Zone in South Korea over the past three decades, the period of the "Korean economic miracle". Professor Kim focuses on the conflicts and feelings of ambivalence among young women as they participate in the industrial workforce and simultaneously struggle with defining their roles with respect to marriage and motherhood within conventional family structures and analyses how these female workers envision their place in society, how they cope with economic and social marginalization, and how they elaborate strategies for a better future.


Brechtken, Magnus. "Madagaskar für die Juden": Antisemitische Idee und politische Praxis 1885-1945. [Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, Band 53.] R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1997. x, 336 pp. Ill. DM 88.00.
This dissertation (Bonn, 1993) examines the origins and the political effects of the late nineteenth-century anti-Semitic illusion of deporting Europe's Jewish population to the island of Madagascar as a "solution" to the Jewish Question. Dr Brechtken traces the idea's origins to 1885, when it was introduced by the German orientalist, philosopher and anti-Semite Paul de Lagarde. He then analyses the rise in international support for the plan among active anti-Semitic circles in Europe during the first decades of the twentieth century and sketches the notion's fleeting popularity among the Nazis prior to Hitler's decision to implement the Final Solution leading to the Holocaust.

Cattaruzza, Marina. Socialismo adriatico. La socialdemocrazia di lingua italiana nei territori costieri della Monarchia asburgica: 1888-1915. [Società e Cultura, 17.] Piero Lacaita Editore, Manduria [etc.] 1998. 192 pp. L. 25.000.
This book is about the Italian-speaking section of the Austrian social-democratic party. According to the author, the history of these socialists living in Triest, Istria and the districts of Gorizia and Gradisca - areas that pertained to the Hapsburg Empire until 1918 - have received too little attention thus far. She deals with issues such as the "national question", between both the Italian-speaking socialists and those of other nationalities and within the section, which was besieged by conflicting views. In this context the author highlights the socialists from Triest, who in her view were the most coherent example of internationalism within the orthodoxy of the Second International in both theory and practice.

European Integration in Social and Historical Perspective. 1850 to the Present. Ed. by Jytte Klausen and Louise A. Tilly. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham [etc.] 1997. xvi, 323 pp. $64.00. (Paper: $22.95.)
The thirteen contributions to this volume, written by sociologists, political scientists and historians, explore the social dimensions of state formation and European integration from 1850 to the present from the general viewpoint that integration is primarily influenced by non-state actors: unions, businesspeople, elites and immigrants. The contributors include Gary Marks, Carl Strikwerda, Gérard Noiriel, Leslie Page Moch, Michael Hanagan, Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Chiara Saraceno. In an epilogue, Eric Hobsbawm presents his reflections on the prospects and meaning of the European Union for Europeans.

Goldman, Minton F. Revolution and Change in Central and Eastern Europe. Political, Economic, and Social Challenges. With a Foreword by Karl W. Ryavec. [East-Central European Economies in Transition.] M.E. Sharpe, Armonk (NY) [etc.] 1997. xiv, 498 pp. Maps. £55.95. (Paper: £26.50.)
This textbook aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the shared and diver-.gent experiences of the transition from communism to post-communism of the Central and Eastern European nations, covering Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech and Slovak Republics, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania and the nations of the former federal state of Yugoslavia. After a general introduction to the roots and causes of the demise of Soviet communism, Professor Goldman traces the establishment of democratic institutions, economic liberalization, achievement of a form of social accord and reorientation with the neighbouring states and the rest of the world, dealing with subjects such as the common experiences of ethnic conflict.

Lorenz, Einhart. Mehr als Willy Brandt. Die Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (SAP) im skandinavischen Exil. Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M. 1997. 257 pp. S.fr. 64.00.
The Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (SAP) in Scandinavia was a relatively small but influential left-wing socialist party in exile, with Willy Brandt as its best-known member (its leader from 1939 onward). This study focuses on the party's less well-known members, examining the learning process of the SAP émigrés, the social composition of its groups of exiles in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the relation between the émigrés and country of exile, as well as the impact of these factors on postwar German-Scandinavian relations.

Prothero, Iorwerth. Radical artisans in England and France, 1830-1870. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1997. xvi, 424 pp. £50.00; $74.95.
See Friedrich Lenger's review in this volume, pp. 97-98.

Vom Instrument der Partei zur "Vierten Gewalt". Die ostmitteleuropäische Presse als zeithistorische Quelle. Hrsg. von Eduard Mühle. [Tagungen zur ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, Band 4.] Verlag Herder-Institut, Marburg 1997. xi, 311 pp. DM 61.00.
These proceedings contain the twenty-three papers and discussion of a colloquium organized in February 1997 in Marburg, Germany on the Eastern and Central European press during the period 1945-1989 and during the transition period 1989/1990 as a historical source. The first nine contributions deal with methodological issues concerning the use of the state-controlled press of the Soviet-communist countries as a historical source. Eight contributors examine the role of the press in various countries during the transition period. The last six contributions focus on various press archives.

Eire - Ireland

Connolly, James. The Lost Writings. Ed. by Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh. Pluto Press, London [etc.] 1997. viii, 246 pp. £45.00. (Paper: £13.99.)
This volume is a selection of 65 articles and speeches - previously unpublished in any collection - by James Connolly (1868-1916), the Irish revolutionary labour leader, socialist and founding father of the Irish Republic executed during the Easter Uprising of 1916. The editor has divided the selection into six chronologically ordered sections, each prefaced with a brief note on the historical context. In his introduction, Mr Ó Cathasaigh provides a biographical sketch of Connolly, as well as an account of the tangled history of the posthumous publication of his work.

Lane, Fintan. The Origins of Modern Irish Socialism, 1881-1896. Cork University Press, Cork 1997. vii, 263 pp. £45.00. (Paper: £16.95.)
This study examines in detail the beginnings of modern Irish socialism before the foundation of the Irish Socialist Republican Party in 1896. Exploring the influence of William Thompson, Marx, the First International, the radicalizing element of the land war, the influence of British socialism and the emergence of socialist organizations in Dublin, Mr Lane aims to show the leading role played by socialists in the politicization of the labour movement and the socialists' change in position with respect to Irish independence.


Beik, William. Urban protest in seventeenth-century France. The culture of retribution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1997. xiii, 283 pp. Ill. £40.00; $59.95. (Paper: £14.95; $19.95.)
See Moshe Sluhovsky's review in this volume, pp. 87-89.

Économie. Direction scientifique: Gérard Béaur et Philippe Minard. Conception graphique: Alexandra Laclau. [Atlas de la Révolution française, 10.] Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris 1997. 125 pp. Maps. F.fr. 120.00.
This is the tenth volume of a planned seventeen-volume series of atlases of the French Revolution (see IRSH, 39 (1994), p. 500) and deals with the much-debated question of the economic effects of the French Revolution. In this atlas the editors aim to reconcile the longstanding contradiction between those who view the French Revolution as a very welcome liberation of the French economy from the bondage of Ancien Régime feudalism and those who believe the Revolution was nefarious to the country's economic development. They present the results of the most recent historical research on the development of economic institutions, finance, commerce, land ownership, agriculture and industry.

The French Revolution in Social and Political Perspective. Ed. by Peter Jones. [Arnold Readers in History.] Arnold, London [etc.] 1996. xv, 495 pp. Ill. £45.00.
This is an anthology of 24 fairly recent articles on the French Revolution. Although two essays date back to the 1970s, most contributions are from the 1990s. The editor has tried to capture from a broadly social and political perspective the range of recent activities in which historians in this field are engaged. The volume is structured in five broader themes: "interpretations and debates"; "socio-cultural approaches"; "gender in the public sphere"; "revolutionary politics"; and "the crowd, terror and counter-terror". Contributors included are, among others, Robert Darnton, François Furet, Keith Baker, Lynn Hunt and Bronislaw Baczko.

Gaziers-électriciens. Sous la dir. de Michel Dreyfus. [Par] Éric Belouet, René Gaudy, Roger Bourderon [e.a.] [Dictionnaire biographique du Mouvement ouvrier français.] Les Éditions de l'Atelier/Les Éditions Ouvrières, Paris 1996. 347 pp. Ill. F.fr. 200.00.
This volume brings together two thousand descriptions of the lives of workers in the gas and electricity industries (gaziers and électriciens) who were nationally active within various sections and organizations of the French labour movement up until 1968. In addition to the enclosed biographies of gaziers and électriciens, previously published in the 43 volumes of the Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français (see IRSH, XXIX (1984), p. 109, 38 (1993), p. 426 and 39 (1994), p. 496) covering persons active prior to 1940, the work features new biographies of militants who figured in the labour movement between 1940 and 1968.

Gemelli, Giuliana. Le élites della competenza. Scienziati sociali, istituzioni e cultura della democrazia industriale in Francia (1880-1945). [Ricerca.] il Mulino, Bologna 1997. 410 pp. L. 50.000.
This book aims to contribute to historiography on the social sciences and scientific institutions in France. The author opens with the history of the intellectual elite and scientific and intellectual institutions around the turn of the century. She then discusses the role of the social sciences during World War I and continues with the role of intellectual experts building France's industrial democracy. In the social structure described by the book "competence" is the fourth production factor (i.e. "resource") after land, labour and capital. Surprisingly, James Burnham is absent from the index of names.

Kergoat, Jacques. Histoire du parti socialiste. [Repères, 222.] Éditions La Découverte, Paris 1997. 124 pp. F.fr.
In this booklet Dr Kergoat aims to give a concise general overview of the origins and development of the French socialist party, from the aftermath of the Commune to the present day. This history focuses on the emergence and development of the "modern" socialist party, on the congress of Épinay in 1971 and on the role of François Mitterand. The author concludes that despite the manifold organizational and ideological changes, the original character and social basis of the party have remained largely unchanged.

Reddy, William M. The Invisible Code. Honor and Sentiment in Postrevolutionary France, 1814-1848. University of California Press, Berkeley [etc.] 1997. xv, 258 pp. Ill. $40.00; £29.95.
In this study of the emerging public culture in France in the period 1814-1848, Professor Reddy states that during this period an unwritten code of honour arose in France which was very different from the moral and public codes of the Old Regime or the Revolutionary Period. Based on three case studies - on marital honour and women's identity; on competition and honour within the bureaucracy of the Ministry of the Interior; and on the political honour of journalists - the author aims to demonstrate that honour was all-pervasive in the public and private sphere precisely because it was not viewed by contemporaries as a social or political issue.

Schkolnyk, Claude. Victoire Tinayre 1831-1895. Du socialisme utopique au positivisme proletaire. L'Harmattan, Paris; L'Harmattan Inc., Montréal (Qc) 1997. 424 pp. Ill. F.fr. 220.00.
This biography of the teacher and writer Victoire Tinayre (1831-1895) aims to do justice to both the personal and the public facets of her life. The book is based largely on the wealth of correspondence saved and contains quotes in many sections. Tinayre devoted her entire life to the reform of primary education, especially for girls. She belonged to the Commune, which involved her in the reform of girls' schools. Upon returning from exile she resumed her educational career and worked with Louise Michel for a while to publish Michel's novels. Disappointed in socialism, she became a supporter of positivism. The book concludes with an extensive iconography.


Barkai, Avraham und Paul Mendes-Flohr. Aufbruch und Zerstörung 1918-1945. Mit einem Epilog von Steven M. Lowenstein. [Deutsch-jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit, Band IV.] Verlag C.H. Beck, München 1997. 429 pp. Ill. Maps. DM 84.00; S.fr. 76.50; S 613.00.
This fourth and final volume in a series of four on German-Jewish history from the early modern period to 1945 (see IRSH, 43 (1998), pp. 179f. and below for the previous volumes) covers the Weimar era, the National-socialist dictatorship, the various stages of discrimination and exclusion and the deportation and extermination of the Jews. In his epilogue, Professor Lowenstein focuses on the experiences of the small group of Jewish emigrants and their difficulties integrating in their countries of exile and dealing with their German-Jewish identity.

Bermani, Cesare, Sergio Bologna [und] Brunello Mantelli. Proletarier der "Achse". Sozialgeschichte der italienischen Fremdarbeit in NS-Deutschland 1937 bis 1943. Übers. von Lutz Klinkhammer. Mit einem Vorwort von Karl Heinz Roth. [Schriften der Hamburger Stiftung für Sozialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.] Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1997. 418 pp. DM 84.00.
See Hans Mommsen's review in this volume, pp. 103-106.

Boghardt, Julie. Minna Flake. Macht und Ohnmacht der roten Frau: von der Dichtermuse zur Sozialistin. [Campus Judaica, Band 9.] Campus Verlag, Frankfurt [etc.] 1997. 96 pp. Ill. DM 34.00; S.fr. 33.00; S 248.00.
This is a concise biography of Minna Flake, born Mai (1886-1958), a German-Jewish socialist activist who played an important role in the period before and during World War I in the circle of the leftist socialist and pacifist poets Otto Flake and René Schickele and the expressionistic avant-garde periodical Die Weißen Blätter. After her break with the KPD, Minna Flake joined the "Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei" (SAP) of Ewald Fabian and Paul Fröhlich in 1932. Fleeing Nazi Germany via Switzerland, Czecho-Slovakia and France, she reached the United States in 1941, where she died in 1958.

Demokratie in der Krise. Parteien im Verfassungssystem der Weimarer Republik. Hrsg. von Eberhard Kolb und Walter Mühlhausen. [Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte, Band 5.] R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1997. 170 pp. DM 38.00.
The five essays in this volume, all originating from a colloquium organized in Marburg, Germany by the Foundation for a memorial for Reichspräsident Friedrich Ebert, address the general question of why the majority of the German people rejected the parliamentary democracy of the Weimar Republic. The authors focus on the role of the political parties, their self-images, their role in the political system and their failure to develop a functional parliamentary style of government. Contributors are the former SPD leader Johannes Rau, Hans Boldt, Lothar Albertin, Hans Mommsen and Peter Lösche.

Gustav Landauer im Gespräch. Symposium zum 125. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von Hanna Delf [und] Gert Mattenklott. [Conditio Judaica, Band 18.] Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen 1997. ix, 288 pp. DM136.00; S.fr. 121.00; S 993.00.
Most of the sixteen essays in this collection were presented at a colloquium held in Düsseldorf in April 1995, celebrating the 125th birthday of Gustav Landauer. The themes of the essays are Landauer's literary output from his youth (Lorenz Jäger, Thomas Regehly); the historical orientation of his literary work (Bernd Witte, Rolf Kauffeldt, the editors, Michaël Löwy); his relation to several literary and political figures of his day (Egbert Brieskorn, Erdmann Sturm, Michael Matzigkeit, Hans-Joachim Rothe); and his political activities and efforts (Peter Glotz, Bernhard Braun, Norbert Seitz, Rudolf de Jong, Gertrude Cepl-Kaufmann).

Heid, Ludger. Maloche - nicht Mildtätigkeit. Ostjüdische Arbeiter in Deutschland 1914-1923. [Haskala, Band 12.] Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 1995. 683 pp. Ill. DM 118.00.
See Karl Heinz Roth's review in this volume, pp. 98-100.

Herbert, Ulrich. Hitler's foreign workers. Enforced foreign labor in Germany under the Third Reich. Transl. by William Templer. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1997. xxi, 510 pp. £50.00; $79.95.
See Hans Mommsen's review in this volume, pp. 103-106.

Hurwitz, Harold, unter Mitarb. von Ursula Böhme und Andreas Malycha. Die Stalinisierung der SED. Zum Verlust von Freiräumen und sozialdemokratischer Identität in der Vorständen 1946-1949. [Schriften des Zentralinstituts für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung der Freien Universität Berlin, Band 79.] Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1997. 514 pp. DM 94.00.
In this book Professor Hurwitz, who previously published a two-volume study on the debates and activities of the Social Democratic Party in 1945 and the struggle for and against the "unification" of the Social Democratic and Communist organizations in 1946 in Berlin (see IRSH, XXXVII (1992), pp. 139f.), explores the origins of the "Stalinization" of the SED, which lay, according to the author, well before 1948 and the intensification of the Cold War. He concludes that by the end of 1946 the party leadership started a complex process of gradually instilling discipline and equal treatment within the parity-based lower party echelons.

Illichmann, Jutta. Die DDR und die Juden. Die deutschlandpolitische Instrumentalisierung von Juden und Judentum durch die Partei- und Staatsführung der SBZ/DDR von 1945 bis 1990. [Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, Band 336.] Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M. 1997. 370 pp. S.fr. 79.00.
In contrast to the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) never accepted any responsibility for the Nazi crimes towards the Jews until the very last phase of its existence. This dissertation (Bonn, 1997) explores the role of political questions concerning the historical relation between Jews and Germans, as well as Jews, the Jewish community and organizations in the Soviet Occupation Zone (SBZ) and the GDR from 1945 to 1990. According to Dr Illichmann, the central determining factor was West Germany's way of dealing with the Nazi past and the resulting relationship with the German Jews and Israel.

Kädtler, Jürgen [und] Hans-Hermann Hertle. Sozialpartnerschaft und Industriepolitik. Strukturwandel im Organisationsbereich der IG Chemie-Papier-Keramik. [Schriften des Zentralinstituts für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung der Freien Universität Berlin, Band 78.] Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1997. 342 pp. DM 62.00.
This study analyses the organizational and policy changes from the 1970s onward at IG Chemie-Papier-Keramik, the German trade union for the chemical, paper and ceramic industries. The factors leading to these changes include the end of the self-evident growth economy with full employment, the politicization of industrial production due to greater environmental awareness and the general trend of declining membership rolls. According to the authors, the IG Chemie-Papier-Keramik policy of branch-oriented cooperation is based on the general practice in trade union policies in the industrial world.

Kappelt, Olaf. Die Entnazifizierung in der SBZ sowie die Rolle und der Einfluß ehemaliger Nationalsozialisten in der DDR als ein soziologisches Phänomen. [Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, Band 13.] Verlag Dr. Kova, Hamburg 1997. iv, 597 pp. DM 89.00.
This dissertation (Würzburg, 1997) examines the denazification in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the early GDR and the role and influence of former national socialists on the country's politics and everyday life. Based on newly accessible source material, Dr Kappelt reconstructs the political careers of a great many leaders in the party and state institutions of the GDR. He concludes that a considerable share of them had belonged to the NSDAP and thus provided for personal continuity between the national socialist and the communist regimes.

Kickartz, Eberhard. "Der Rote Becker". Das politisch-publizistische Wirken des Büchner-Freundes August Becker (1812-1871). [Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte, Band 110.] Selbstverlag der Hessischen Historischen Kommission Darmstadt, Darmstadt; Historische Kommission für Hessen, Marburg 1997. 260 pp. Ill. DM 40.00.
This is a study of the life and political and literary work of the early nineteenth-century revolutionary, early socialist labour leader and journalist August Becker (1812-1871). Becker was a friend and soul mate of Georg Büchner (with whom he worked on Der Hessische Landbote) and the editor of the revolutionary periodical Der jüngste Tag and the literary periodical Wilde Rosen, which were published in the aftermath of the März-Revolution of 1848.

Klausmann, Christina. Politik und Kultur der Frauenbewegung im Kaiserreich. Das Beispiel Frankfurt am Main. [Geschichte und Geschlechter, Band 19.] Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/M. [etc.] 1997. 404 pp. DM 78.00.
This dissertation examines the rise of the women's movement in Frankfurt am Main between 1871 and 1914. Dr Klausmann offers a comparative analysis of the bourgeois and proletarian sections of the women's movement from the perspective of the sociology of social movements and examines the distinctive and common elements in their movement's culture and their programmatic and organizational development. In a separate chapter, the author provides a collective biography of the participants in both sections of the Frankfurter women's movement.

Kurzer, Ulrich. Nationalsozialismus und Konsumgenossenschaften. Gleichschaltung, Sanierung und Teilliquidation zwischen 1933 und 1936. [Studien und Materialien zum Rechtsextremismus, Band 5.] Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, Pfaffenweiler 1997. ix, 514 pp. DM
Though aware of the close ties between the consumer cooperatives and the trade-union and the social-democratic movements in Germany, the Nazi regime took virtually no action against these cooperatives, despite its previous statements otherwise and contrary to its practice with all other leftist organizations. This dissertation (Göttingen, 1995) examines why the cooperatives were spared by the regime. Dr Kurzer concludes that in the opinion of the Reichswirtschaftsministerium the consumer cooperatives were so important for maintaining economic stability and thus vital to the armament industry's unrestricted proliferation that they actually received financial support from the Nazi regime enabling them to remain in operation.

Laschitza, Annelies. Im Lebensrausch, trotz alledem. Rosa Luxemburg. Eine Biographie. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1996. 687 pp. DM 68.00; S.fr. 64.80; S 503.00.
See Virve Manninen's review in this volume, pp. 101-103.

Lowenstein, Steven M., Paul Mendes-Flohr, Peter Pulzer und Monika Richarz. Umstrittene Integration 1871-1918. [Deutsch-jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit, Band III.] Verlag C.H. Beck, München 1997. 428 pp. Ill. DM 84.00; S.fr. 76.50; S 613.00.
This is the third in a series of four volumes on German-Jewish history from the early modern period to 1945 (see IRSH, 43 (1998), pp. 179f. for the first two volumes). This volume deals with the period between the Reichsgründung in 1871 and 1918, when the German Jews obtained their long-awaited equal civil rights. The authors sketch the contemporaneous economic success of many Jews and the corresponding rise of political anti-Semitism during this period and focus on the emergence of non-religious Jewish social organizations and on the internal Jewish debates about a new definition of Judaism.

Weitz, Eric D. Creating German Communism, 1890-1990. From Popular Protests to Socialist State. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1997. xviii, 445 pp. Ill. $65.00; £52.50. (Paper: $24.95; £19.95.)
In this social and political history of German communism from its proto-history at the end of the nineteenth century to the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1990, Professor Weitz traces the origins of the character of the GDR, its political culture and its leadership to the legacy of popular protest and the corresponding political culture of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) shaped in the Weimar era. Central to his study is the spatial argument: the economic crisis drove the communists from the workplace into the streets, where a political culture of intransigence was forged.

Great Britain

Byrne, Paul. Social Movements in Britain. [Theory and practice in British politics.] Routledge, London [etc.] 1997. vi, 201 pp. £45.00.
Recent research suggests that as many people in Britain are active in protest or similar movements - generally labelled as social movements - as in the conventional political parties. This introductory study explores the theories surrounding these new social movements in the 1980s and 1990s, the social and political backgrounds of participants, their motivations for participation and their tactics and strategies. Comparing the British experience with the continental European and American theories, Dr Byrne argues that in Britain important but hitherto overlooked differences exist between "social" and "protest" movements.

Charlton, John. The Chartists. The First National Workers' Movement. [A Socialist History of Britain.] Pluto Press, London [etc.] 1997. vi, 110 pp. £30.00. (Paper: £8.99.)
In this concise introductory history of the Chartist movement between 1838 and 1848, Dr Charlton emphasizes the working-class participation in the movement and the importance of the mass uprisings in 1839, 1842 and 1848 for the emergence of a strong, innovative working-class leadership of the radical movement. Chronicling the key events, he also examines less well-known aspects of the movement, such as the Chartist feminists and the movement's relation to Christian religion and the emergence of trade unions. The appendices feature an overview of the impact of the movement on Marx and Engels, brief biographies and an assessment of recent literature on the subject.

Chronicling Poverty. The Voices and Strategies of the English Poor, 1640-1840. Ed. by Tim Hitchcock, Peter King, and Pamela Sharpe. Macmillan Press Ltd, Basingstoke [etc.] 1997. xi, 248 pp. £40.00.
The nine contributions to this volume are intended to illuminate the everyday life and living strategies of the English poor in the "long eighteenth century" (i.e. 1640-1840). All the contributors have used new sources to investigate the lives of the poor "from below": autobiographies, settlement and bastard examinations, pauper letters and inventories, as well as legal records. Contributors are, apart from the editors, Jeremy Boulton, Tim Meldrum, James Stephen Taylor, Thomas Sokoll, Heather Shore and Gregory C. Smith.

The Condition of Britain. Essays on Frederick Engels. Ed. by John Lea and Geoff Pilling. Pluto Press, London [etc.] 1996. viii, 167 pp. £40.00. (Paper: £12.99.)
The six essays in this collection aim to re-establish the relevance of Friedrich Engels's groundbreaking study The Condition of the Working Class in Britain (1845) for examining and criticizing the present socio-economic problems of British capitalism under the changed conditions of the post-Cold War, post-Stalinist era. Contributors focus on issues such as a comparison of Engels's analysis and the contemporary state of the working and underclass (Doria Pilling), the crime question in relation to poverty (the first editor) and class consciousness (Cliff Slaughter). Peter Fryer provides a general analysis of the historical meaning of Engels's Condition from the perspective of historical materialism.

Dewey, Peter. War and Progress. Britain 1914-1945. [Longman Economic and Social History of Britain.] Longman, London [etc.] 1997. xvii, 377 pp. £48.00.
This textbook on the economic and social history of Britain in the era of the two World Wars is the first volume in a new series on Britain's economic and social history. Covering a wide array of topics and themes, including the impact of the two wars, the rise and decline of the different industrial sectors, government experiments in economic and social policy, changes in land ownership, employment, unemployment and labour relations, Dr Dewey concludes that daily life for ordinary people in Britain changed almost universally for the better during this the period.

Dworkin, Dennis. Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain. History, the New Left, and the Origins of Cultural Studies. [Post-Contemporary Interventions.] Duke University Press, Durham [etc.] 1997. viii, 322 pp. £47.50.
This study of the British tradition of cultural Marxism from the mid-1940s until the late 1970s, is a critical history of the ideas of historians such as E.P. Thompson, Eric Hobsbawm and Gareth Stedman Jones, of women's historians such as Sally Alexander, Sheila Rowbotham and Barbara Taylor and of scholars in cultural studies, such as Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall. According to Dr Dworkin, the British cultural Marxist tradition arose from an effort to create a socialist understanding of Britain, which took into consideration postwar transformations that seemed to undermine traditional Marxist assumptions about the working class and questioned the traditional Left's exclusive reliance on political and economic categories.

English population history from family reconstitution 1580-1837. [By] E.A. Wrigley, R.S. Davies, J.E. Oeppen [and] R.S. Schofield. [Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time, 32.] Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1997. xxii, 657 pp. £60.00; $85.00.
See Steven King's review in this volume, pp. 89-92.

The Essential Mayhew. Representing and Communicating the Poor. Ed. with an introd. by Bertrand Taithe. Rivers Oram Press, London 1996. vii, 256 pp. £35.00.
This is a re-edition of the public correspondence published in the weekly issues of Henry Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor between 1851 and 1852. London Labour and the London Poor has long been a classic reportage of Victorian London's working-class and underclass life. The value and meaning of this work for the social history of this era have been much debated. The editor gives a general biographical introduction to Mayhew and the literary underclass to which he belonged and focuses on three major themes in this correspondence: political economy; linguistic, sociological and moral questions concerning the life of prostitutes; and the possible causes of the "fall" into prostitution.

Gomersall, Meg. Working-class Girls in Nineteenth-century England. Life, Work and Schooling. Consultant Ed.: Jo Campling. Macmillan Press Ltd, Basingstoke [etc.]; St. Martin's Press, Inc., New York 1997. ix, 187 pp. £14.99.
This study relates the education of working-class girls in nineteenth-century England to the changing social, economic and cultural context in various economically different regions. Dr Gomersall aims to combine a detailed examination of schooling with a review of the changes in the organization of agricultural and industrial production and developments and tensions in responses to social change to chart the complex and multiple realities that informed the context of women's lives and education.

Jones, Tim. Rioting in North-East Wales, 1536-1918. Bridge Books, Wrexham 1997. 92 pp. Ill. £6.95.
This is a concise and very factual overview of popular disturbances that occurred in north-east Wales between the Acts of Union in 1536 and the end of World War I. Dr Jones has inventoried over 250 riots over issues as diverse as land enclosure, religious intolerance, work disputes, poverty and starvation and Welsh nationalism. According to the author, rioting was generally seen as an accepted and familiar method of protest and of attaining "natural justice". A chronology of known disturbances is included.

Olechnowicz, Andrzej. Working-Class Housing in England between the Wars. The Becontree Estate. [Oxford Historical Monographs.] Clarendon Press, Oxford 1997. xii, 273 pp. £45.00.
This study explores the history of the largest public housing scheme ever undertaken in England: the London County Council's Becontree Estate. Built between 1921 and 1924, it housed over 110,000 people in 25,000 dwellings. Dr Olechnowicz examines the early years of the estate, the philosophy behind its construction and management policies and the eventual denigration as a social disaster. He also explores daily life on the estate and reveals that high rents excluded many families whose housing needs were greatest.

Paul, Kathleen. Whitewashing Britain. Race and Citizenship in the Postwar Era. Cornell University Press, Ithaca [etc.] 1997. xvii, 253 pp. Ill. $39.95; £31.50. (Paper: $16.50; £13.50.)
Challenging the usual explanation for the racism of postwar British immigration policy, Professor Paul aims to show in this study of the development of postwar British immi-.gration politics that public opinion was not the main factor that led the Conservative government to restrict the flow of dark-skinned immigrants in the 1950s. Rather, the racist immigration policy was a continuum from the late 1940s Labour government onward. She argues there were continuous nationality, demographic, and migration policies that were apparently incoherent but conceived to further larger political and economic objectives, which were complicated, however, by the significance attached to skin colour.


Alföldy, Géza. Ungarn 1956. Aufstand, Revolution, Freiheitskampf. Vorgetragen am 29. Oktober 1996. 2. Aufl. Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg 1998. 170 pp. DM 38.00; S.fr. 34.00; S 277.00.
In this book Professor Alföldy, an ancient historian who was originally Hungarian, deals with the roots, development and results of the Hungarian uprising in October 1956. His account of the uprising - deriving from a lecture delivered on the fortieth anniversary of the event - is based in part on his personal experiences as a young student during the upheaval. In his research report he provides an annotated bibliography of Hungarian materials on the history of the uprising, presents selections of important documents and discusses the main question concerning the meaning and consequences of the uprising.

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Reform, Revolt and Repression 1953-1963. Ed. by György Litván. English version edited and translated by János M. Bak [and] Lyman H. Legters. Longman, London [etc.] 1996. xv, 221 pp. £12.99.
See Federigo Argentieri's review in this volume, pp. 106-108.


Aga-Rossi, Elena [e] Victor Zaslavsky. Togliatti e Stalin. Il PCI e la politica estera staliniana negli archivi di Mosca. [Biblioteca Storica.]Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna 1997. 312 pp. L. 38.000.
Opening the Russian archives to the public has shed new light on the relations between the CPSU and the European communist parties. According to the authors of this book, the newly available materials reflect a closer working relationship than previously assumed, especially where the interests of the Soviet Union's foreign policy were at stake. They further reveal that the PCI was by no means subordinate to the Soviet Union. The ties varied depending on the field of activity of the PCI. The authors have examined the records in the Archive of the Foreign Office of the Russian Federation, the RCChIDNI (Comintern archive) and the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation (Archive of Stalin).

Caprara, Massimo. Quando le Botteghe erano Oscure. [Nuovi Saggi.] Il Saggiatore, Milano 1997. Ill. L. 25.000.
These are the second memoirs noticed within two years (see IRSH, 42 (1997), p. 513) concerning the headquarters of the PCI. The author was Palmiro Togliatti's secretary for 20 years. In this key position he acquired a lot of inside information, which he has included in these memoirs. The book also contains biographical portraits of leading figures in international and Italian communism. Caprara, who relates his own career path during these years, was thrown out of the party for being a member of the group "Il Manifesto" in 1969.

Danilo Montaldi e la cultura di sinistra del secondo dopoguerra. Atti del Convegno, Napoli, 16 dicembre 1996. A cura di Luigi Parente. La Città del Sole, Napoli 1998. 148 pp. L. 28.000.
This book contains the papers from a workshop held in Naples in 1996 about Danilo Montaldi (1929-1975), a historian and sociologist who was also a critical marxist in extreme leftist and new-leftist circles from the 1950s until his death. As a sociologist he pioneered "oral history" research among the social underclass. As a marxist he was among the editors of the Rivista storica del socialismo from 1958 onward. Each of these aspects, as well as his role in 1968 and the years that followed, is addressed in this volume. A bibliography of Danilo Montaldi's writings and translations of his work appears at the end of the book.

Galzerano, Giuseppe. Le "Memorie" di Antonio Galotti. La rivolta del Cilento del 1828. [Passato e Presente.] Galzerano Editore, Casalvelino Scalo (SA) 1998. 441 pp. Ill. L. 33.000.
Antonio Galotti (1786-?) was one of the organizers of the revolt of Cilento in 1828 against the regime of the king of Naples. This book contains the Italian translation of his memoirs, which were published in Paris in 1831. The introduction by Giuseppe Galzerano, which accounts for more than half the book, is the result of extensive historical research in archives and libraries on the lives of Galotti and his associates and on the uprising.

Lepre, Aurelio. L'anticomunismo e l'antifascismo in Italia. il Mulino, Bologna 1997. L. 18.000.
In his introduction the author of this historical study of antifascism and anticommunism in Italy submits that the oppositions fascism-antifascism and communism–anticommunism figured prominently in the political struggle for democracy in twentieth-century Italy. Over the years the labels antifascism and anticommunism have represented entirely different political stands depending on the political changes in Italy and abroad. In four separate chapters the author discusses the origins of both movements and their history under the fascist regime, during and immediately after World War II and in the First Republic.

Lussu, Emilio. La catena. A cura di Mimmo Franzinelli. [Storie della storia d'Italia, 33.] Baldini & Castoldi, Milano 1997. 203 pp. Ill. L. 24.000.
"La catena" (first edition Paris, 1930) is the dry account of the arrest, imprisonment and flight of Emilio Lussu. In 1929, after three years in prison, he escaped from the island of Lipari with people including Carlo Rosselli, with whom he subsequently founded "Giustizia e Libertà" in Paris. In a 65-page postscript the historian Mimmo Franzinelli describes the life of this exemplary socialist. An exhaustive bibliography of works by and about Lussu and an extensive bibliography of related topics, such as antifascism, imprisonment and exile, "Giustizia e Libertà" and the Partito d'Azione, of which Lussu was a prominent member, conclude this edition.

Le radici del socialismo italiano. Atti del Convegno, Milano, 15-16-17 novembre 1994. A cura di Lucia Romaniello. [Quaderni/9 de "Il Risorgimento".] Edizioni Comune di Milano, Milano n.d. [1997.] 281 pp. L. 30.000.
This collection comprises fifteen contributions to a colloquium held in Milan in 1994. They address several little-known aspects from the history of early Italian socialism between 1830 and 1900 (i.e. before and after the establishment of the unified state). The topics covered include Garibaldi and Mazzini and their views on socialism, the influence of Fourier and Buonarroti's ideas in Italy, the leftist Hegelians, Marx and Marxism, the relationship between Marxism and anarchism and Malatesta. A comparative study of Germany and Italy deals with the proliferation of socialism and communism during the revolution of 1848.

Sandro Pertini nella storia d'Italia. [Società e Cultura, 15.] Piero Lacaita Editore, Manduria [etc.] 1997. 119 pp. L. 20.000.
In honour of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Sandro Pertini (1896-1990) a colloquium bearing this name was organized in Genoa in 1996. Pertini succeeded Turati upon his departure from the PCI in 1922. He joined the new Partito socialista unitario and later became active in the socialist resistance to the fascist regime (see IRSH, 42 (1997), p. 140). After the war he sailed through the ranks of the socialist party and was chairman of the house from 1968 to 1976 and president from 1978 to 1985. The contributions to this anthology concern the different aspects of his political career, some of which appear imbued with the "mito di Pertini".

The Netherlands

De communistische erfenis. Bibliografie en bronnen betreffende de CPN. Red.: Margreet Schrevel [en] Gerrit Voerman. Stichting beheer IISG/DNPP, Amsterdam 1997. 188 pp. Ill. D.fl. 34.50.
In 1986 a handbook providing insight into the collections concerning the history of the Dutch Communist Party (CPN) was published (see IRSH, XXXIII (1988), p. 242). The present collection of 10 contributions provides an update and supplements to this overview. Since the dissolution of the CPN in 1991 and the release of archival records from the former Institute for Marxism-Leninism (Moscow), a lot of new materials (which are described here) have become available. New contributions have been added on subjects including the surveillance of Dutch communists by the intelligence services of the Netherlands before and after World War II and Nazi Germany, as well as audio-visual materials concerning the CPN.

'en al beschouwen alle broeders mij als den verloren broeder'. De familiecorrespondentie van en over Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis. 1846-1932. Verzameld en gepresenteerd door Bert Altena, met medewerking van Rudolf de Jong. [Stichting beheer IISG, Amsterdam 1997.] 715 pp. Ill. D.fl. 89.90.
This volume features a selection of the correspondence of the leading Dutch socialist and anarchist Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (1846-1919) with his relatives. Domela Nieuwenhuis was born into a well-to-do, upper-class, intellectual milieu and started his career as a Lutheran minister, before leaving the church in 1879 and turning to socialism and later, in 1898, to anarchism. Main themes in the correspondence, besides the manifold personal tragedies he suffered (he lost three wives and four of his children), are the growing rift between Domela Nieuwenhuis and his relatives for political reasons and his increasingly difficult financial situation. The editor provides a general biographical introduction as well as introductions to the three chronological sections in which the correspondence is presented.

Russia - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Chaqueri, Cosroe. The Soviet Socialist Republic of Iran, 1920-1921. Birth of the Trauma. [Pitt Series in Russian and East European Studies.] University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh [etc.] n.d. [1995.] xxvii, 649 pp. Ill. $70.00.
See Turaj Atabaki's review in this volume, pp. 110-113.

David-Fox, Michael. Revolution of the Mind. Higher Learning Among the Bolsheviks, 1918-1929. [Studies of the Harriman Institute.] Cornell University Press, Ithaca [etc.] 1997. xvii, 298 pp. Ill. $42.50; £33.50.
This study analyses the educational and research initiatives in higher learning that the Bolshevik Party developed in the period 1917-1929. Professor David-Fox focuses on the early history and politics of three major institutions founded after the Revolution: Sverdlov Communist University, the Institute of Red Professor, and the Communist Academy, regarded as the headquarters for planned, collectivist, proletarian science and analyses the evolution of these revolutionary institutions and their relations with the Bolshevik Party.

Decision-making in the Stalinist Command Economy, 1932-37. Ed. by E.A. Rees. [Studies in Russian and East European History and Society. Macmillan Press Ltd, Basingstoke [etc.] 1997. xv, 331 pp. £40.00.
A detailed examination of economic policymaking in the Soviet Union during the Second Five Year Plan (1933-1937), the nine contributions to this volume examine the plan's formulation and implementation. Included are case studies on the role of the Politburo, the Soviet government, Gosplan and the commissariats of finance, industry, agriculture, trade and transport. The contributors analyse issues such as the conflicts between the economic commissariats and the unleashing of the Great Purges in 1936-1938.

Democratic changes and authoritarian reactions in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. Ed. by Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott. [Democratization and Authoritarianism in Postcommunist Societies: 3.] Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1997. xviii, 386 pp. £55.00; $64.95. (Paper: £19.95; $24.95.)
This book comprises eight contributions on the uneven pattern of political change in Russia and in three of the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Each of the editors has included a theoretical and comparative chapter on postcommunist political development. Three contributions deal with the new political order, the political parties and the regional politics in Russia and three others with the postcommunist political development in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

Gercen i Ogarev v krugu rodnych i dru ej. Otv. red.: L.R. Lanskij i Sergej Aleksandrovi Kniga 1. Kniga 2. [Literaturnoe nasledstvo; 99.] Nauka, Moskva 1997. 681 pp.; 814 pp. Ill.
This work is yet another source publication about Herzen and Ogarev in the prestigious Russian series "Literary Heritage". The focus in the two volumes is on documents concerning never-ending complications in Herzen's relations with family members and friends. In addition, the evolution of Herzen's and Ogarev's socialist perspective appears in new light. The highlight of the publication is its integral rendition for the first time of the famous fifth chapter of Herzen's memoirs about his divorce from his first wife, the letters from his eldest daughter Natal'ia ("Tata") to Herzen and the documents concerning Polish democrats.

Golos naroda. Pis'ma i otkliki rjadovych sovetskich gra dan o sobytijach 1918-1932 gg. Ed.: A.K. Sokolov. Sost.: S.V. uravlev, V.V. Kabanov [et al.] [Social'naja istorija Rossii XX veka.] ROSSPEN, Moskva 1998. 326 pp.
This first volume in the new series "The Social History of Russia in the Twentieth Century" features a selection of documents reviewing the daily life of the populace during the first fifteen years following the October Revolution. An elaborate description is provided of the criteria for inclusion of documents; most of those selected were letters sent in to newspapers, especially those appearing in the files of the board of editors for Krest'janskaja gazeta, a periodical catering to the rural population. These records contain hundreds of thousands of letters never printed in newspapers and consequently unedited. Detailed comments on the actual documents and historical contexts are included.

lnytzkyj, Oleh S. Ukrainian Futurism, 1914-1930. A Historical and Critical Study. [Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies.] Distr. by Harvard University Press for the Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass.) 1997. xviii, 413 pp. Ill. $35.00. (Paper: $18.00.)
This study of the Ukrainian Futurist literary movement and its leader Mykhail' Semenko aims to place Ukrainian Futurism within the context of other major contemporary Ukrainian literary movements and to examine its relationship to Russian and European progressive literary movements. Professor Ilnytzkyj also focuses on the movement's political and theoretical development.

Price, Morgan Philips. Dispatches from the Revolution. Russia 1916-18. Ed. by Tania Rose. Pluto Press, London [etc.] 1997. xiii, 181 pp. £30.00. (Paper: £8.99.)
As a special correspondent for the Manchester Guardian, Morgan Philips Price was one the few Englishmen present in Russia throughout all phases of the 1917 Revolution. This volume brings together Price's published and unpublished letters and his reports from Russia, written between 1916 and 1918. Price's fluency in Russian and his sympathy with the Bolsheviks enabled him to travel around and report on events not only from Moscow but also from the provinces. In her introduction, Price's daughter, Tania Rose, sketches his journalistic career and the development of his communist sympathies. In his foreword, Eric Hobsbawm evaluates the historical significance of Price's writings.

Rabo ie i intelligencija Rossii v epochu reform i revoljucij 1861 - fevral' 1917 g./The Workers and Intelligentsia of Russia During the Epoch of Reform and Revolution 1861 - February, 1917. Red. koll.: S.I. Potolov, R.Š. Ganelin, R. Zelnik [et al.]/Ed. Board: S.I. Potolov, R.Sh. Ganelin, R. Zelnik [a.o.] Izd-vo BLIC, Sankt-Peterburg/St. Petersburg 1997. 639 pp. Ill.
This volume contains the proceedings of a colloquium held in 1995 in St. Petersburg, with the same title as the book (The Workers and Intelligentsia). It was organized by an international study group established in the early 1980s and dedicated to comparative analysis of "Strikes, Wars and Revolutions" in Europe and the United States between 1880 and 1920, which has focused entirely on Russia since 1990. In these proceedings Russian graduates and other individuals present original local research. Old hands, such as Leopold Haimson, the study group's initiator in 1980, and P.V. Volubuev, relate this material to pre-existing, more broadly-based research.

Die Russische Revolution 1917. Wegweiser oder Sackgasse? Hrsg., eingel., komm. und übers. von Wladislaw Hedeler, Horst Schützler [und] Sonja Striegnitz. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1997. 447 pp. DM 39.80; S.fr. 37.00; S 291.00.
This collection brings together eight short essays by Russian and German authors on a wide variety of topics concerning the revolutionary events in Russia in 1917 and the October Revolution, as well as 123 selections from documents on these subjects. Included are, among others, a contribution by Roy Medvedev on eighty years of Russian Revolution, one by the first editor on the various socialist parties and the struggle for power and one by the last editor on paradigmatic changes in Russian historiography on the Revolution. The documents include, essays, manifests, protocols, pamphlets, speeches, newspaper articles and letters. The appendices feature a chronological overview of important events in 1917-1918 and a list of the political parties in the Duma of 1917.

Spahr, William J. Stalin's Lieutenants. A Study of Command Under Duress. Presidio, Novato (CA) 1997. viii, 322 pp. Ill. $24.95.
This study deals primarily with the military of the Soviet high command under Stalin, from his ascent to power in 1924 to the end of World War II. After sketching Trotsky's development of the Red Army and the virtual elimination of the upper echelons of the Red Army's military command hierarchy through Stalin's purges, Dr Spahr recounts, on the basis of secondary sources, Stalin's gradual acceptance of counsel from his general staff led by marshals Zhukov and Vasilevksy after the pivotal battle of Stalingrad and the way his lieutenants operated under the duress of continuous political and security surveillance.

Straus, Kenneth M. Factory and Community in Stalin's Russia. The Making of an Industrial Working Class. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh 1997. xiv, 355 pp. $55.00.
In this study of working-class formation in the Soviet Union in the years of Stalin's First Five Year Plan, Professor Straus argues that the keys for interpreting Stalinism and explaining the social support for the Stalin regime lie in occupational specialization and community organization of the new Soviet workers. Using a Thompsonian concept of working-class formation as a historical process, the author suggests that a type of social integration of a newly emerging, semiautonomous working class, which he labels as parallel integration, was critical in stabilizing the Stalinist regime.

Wood, Elizabeth A. The Baba and the Comrade. Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia. [Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies.] Indiana University Press, Bloomington [etc.] 1997. vii, 318 pp. $35.00.
In this study Professor Wood explores the Bolshevik government's campaign to draw women into the public sphere and involve them in the world of politics in the early years of the Soviet Union. Focusing on the creation and activities of the zhenotdel, a special women's section within the Russian communist party responsible for recruiting women workers and enlisting them in the revolutionary struggles, the author reconstructs the prevailing Russian images of maleness and femaleness and examines how notions of gender sameness and difference both facilitated and complicated Bolshevik efforts to build the state during the Civil War and under the New Economic Policy.


Cruz, Jesus. Gentlemen, Bourgeois, and Revolutionaries. Political Change and Cultural Persistence Among the Spanish Dominant Groups 1750-1850. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] 1996. x, 350 pp. £35.00; $59.95.
See Manuel Pérez Ledesma's review in this volume, pp. 94-97.

Edwards, John Carver. Airmen Without Portfolio. U.S. Mercenaries in Civil War Spain. Foreword by Robert Lee Scott. Praeger, Westport (Conn.) [etc.] 1997. xvi, 150 pp. Ill. £39.95.
This study chronicles the lives and military careers of twelve American mercenary pilots who flew for the Spanish Republican government against the combined air forces of Nationalist Spain, fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Mr Edwards examines each American flyer's political and personal motivation for fighting on the Republican side and focuses, among others, on their interactions with their Spanish and Russian comrades, the international repercussions of their presence abroad, the hostile treatment they would incur by their own government and their careers after their return to the United States.

Esteban Barahona, Luis E. La I Internacional en Castilla-La Mancha. [Biblioteca Añil.] Celeste Ediciones, Madrid 1998. 200 pp. Ptas. 2.400.
This study offers a detailed description of the organizations affiliated with the First International in the areas of Central Spain near Toledo, Albacete and Ciudad Real between 1868 and 1880. The local labour movement consisted primarily of artisans, given the absence of any substantial industry. In the opening chapters the author sketches the socio-economic context and the social-political and ideological precedents to the organizations that acceded to the First Intertnational after the revolution of 1868. A few appendices, including a list of names of internationalists (along with their occupations) from the region, complete the book.

Payne, Stanley G. Franco y José Antonio. El extraño caso del fascismo español. Historia de la Falange y del Movimiento Nacional (1923-1977). Trad. de Joaquín Adsuar. [La España Plural.] Planeta, Barcelona 1997. 712 pp. Ill. Ptas 4.900.
This is an entirely new history of Spanish fascism by Stanley Payne, who published Falange. A History of Spanish Fascism (see IRSH, VI (1961), pp. 522f.) in 1961, of which Ruedo Ibérico issued a Spanish translation in 1962 that achieved a wide underground circulation in Spain. This work comprises a far broader chronological - the period covered runs from 1923 to 1977 - and thematic scope. In addition, far more sources have become available to the author since 1961. The bibliographical data provided by the publisher do not indicate that this book has been published in English.

Pons Prades, Eduardo. Las guerras de los niños republicanos (1936-1995). Prólogo: Eduardo Haro Tecglen. Epílogo: Paco Lobatón. Compañía Literaria, Madrid 1997. 557 pp. Ill. Ptas. 2.800.
In this lengthy book the author relates the fates of the children and adolescents forced to flee the war atrocities during the Spanish Civil War. The author provides several testimonies illustrating first the exodus from Spain's assorted regions and subsequently the diaspora abroad (i.e. in France, Belgium, Great Britain, Mexico and the Soviet Union). He also devotes a chapter to the children in Spanish prisons and Nazi death camps.

Riottot, Yveline. Joaquín Maurín. De l'anarcho-syndicalisme au communisme (1919-1936). L'Harmattan, Paris; L'Harmattan Inc., Montréal 1997. 376 pp. F.fr. 190.00.
This work traces the political involvement of Maurín (1896-1973) from 1914 until his arrest by the nationalists in 1936, which brought his political activities to an abrupt end. Initially a supporter of revolutionary syndicalism, Maurín joined the PCE but subsequently left it because of Stalinism. He helped found the two dissident communist parties Bloc Obrer i Camperol (1931) and POUM (1935). The book also contains a chronology of his life, an extensive index of Maurín's pseudonyms and persons quoted, brief biographies and a very detailed bibliography of publications of Maurín's works until 1973.