Suggestions for further reading and some interesting websites

(Most publications available in IISH library)

General publications on (political) posters

David Craven, Teresa Eckmann, Tere Romo, Ilan Stavans, Russ Davidson, Latin American Posters: Public Aesthetics And Mass Politics (Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 2006)
Laurent Gervereau, La propagande par l'affiche 1450-1990 (Paris 1991)
Laurent Gervereau, Terroriser, manipuler, convaincre! Histoire mondiale de l'affiche politique (Paris 1996)
Bruno Margadant, Hoffnung und Widerstand. Das 20. Jahrhundert im Plakat der internationalen Arbeiter- und Friedensbewegung (Zürich 1998)
Liz McQuiston, Graphic Agitation. Social and Political Graphics since the Sixties (London 1993)
Margaret Timmers (ed.), The Power of the Poster (London 1998)
Alain Weill, L'affiche dans le monde (Paris 1984)
Alain Weill (ed.), Affiches politiques et sociales (Paris 1995)

Soviet posters

N. Baburina, The Soviet political poster 1917-1980 (London 1988)
Elena Barkhatova, Russian Constructivist Posters (Paris 1992)
Victoria E. Bonnell, Iconography of Power. Soviet Political Posters Under Lenin and Stalin (Berkely 1997)
John Callow, Grant Pooke, Jane Powell, The Art of Revolution (London 2011)
Leah Dickerman (ed.), Building the collective. Soviet Graphic Design 1917-1937. Selections from the Merrill C. Berman collection (Princeton 1996)
Renzo Federici (ed.), Grafica Russa 1917/1930 (Firenze 1990)
Martin Heller, Christina Reble (ed.), Kunst und Propaganda. Sowjetische Plakate bis 1953 (Zürich 1989)
Maria Lafont, Soviet posters. The Sergo Grigorian collection (München 2007)
Susan Pack, Film Posters of the Russian Avant-Garde (Köln 1995)
Georg Piltz, Russland wird rot. Satirische Plakate 1918-1922 (Berlin 1977)
Huub Sanders, 'Posters, pamfletten en progressieve kunstenaars. Propaganda in de Sovjet-Unie', in: Kleio, July 2009, p. 20-23.
Aleksandr Snopkov, Pavel Snopkov, Aleksandr Shkliaruk, Shest'sot Plakatov Moskva 2004)
Margarita Tupitsyn, Gustav Klutsis and Valentina Kulagina: Photography and Montage After Constructivism (New York/Göttingen 2004)
Klaus Waschik, Seht her, Genossen! (Dortmund 1982)
Klaus Waschik, Nina Ivanova Baburina, Werben für die Utopie. Russische Plakatkunst des 20. Jahrhunderts (Bietigheim-Bissingen 2003)
Stephen White, The Bolshevik Poster (New Haven and London, 1988)
Peter Kort Zegers (et al), Windows on the War: Soviet TASS Posters at Home and Abroad, 1941-45 (Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2011)

Cuban posters

I. and J. Bach, Massenkunst in Kuba. Agitprop und Massenfeste (Berlin 1979)
Eva Cockroft, 'Art & Politics. Cuba After the Revolution. Interview with Raul Martinez and Marucha', in: Art in America, December 1983, p. 35-41.
Cuba sur les murs (Mons 1995)
Cubaanse affiches (Amsterdam 1971)
Culture et révolution. L' affiche Cubaine contemporaine (Paris 1977)
Lincoln Cushing, Revolución! Cuban poster art (San Francisco 2003)
Richard Frick, Plakatkunst der Kubanischen Revolution. Das revolutionäre OSPAAAL-Plakat (no place no year, ca. 1997)
Richard Frick, Das trikontinentale Solidaritaetsplakat / El cartel tricontinental de solidaridad / The tricontinental solidarity poster / L'affiche tricontinentale de la solidarite (Bern 2003)
David Kunzle, 'Kubas OSPAAAL-Plakate 1967-1989', in: Kunst und Krieg 1939-1989 (Berlin 1989), p. 69-76.
Régis Léger, Cuba Gráfica. Histoire de l'affiche cubaine (Montreuil, 2013) Hans-Rudolf Lutz, Grafik in Kuba (Zürich 1972)
Il manifesto della OSPAAAL : arte della solidarieta (n. pl., 1997)
Susan Martin (ed.), Decade of Protest. Political Posters from the United States, Vietnam, Cuba 1965-1975 (Santa Monica 1996)
Dugald Stermer, Susan Sontag, The Art of Revolution (New York 1970)
Reyna María Valdés, Cuba en la gráfica (n. pl. 1991)

Chinese posters

for a more extensive list of publications on art, design and posters in China, see: http://chineseposters.net/resources/bibliography.php

Julia F. Andrews, Painters and politics in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1979 (Berkeley 1994)
Jutta Bewig (ed.), Bauernmalerei aus Huxian (Frankfurt 1979)
Arnold Chang, Painting in the People's Republic of China: the Politics of Style (Boulder 1980)
La Chine à l'affiche (Paris 1997)
Lincoln Cushing, Ann Tompkins, Chinese posters. Art from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (San Francisco 2007)
Harriet Evans, Stephanie Donald (eds.), Picturing Power: Posters of China's Cultural Revolution (Lanham 1999)
James A. Flath, The Cult of Happiness. Nianhua, Art, and History in Rural North China (Vancouver/Seattle 2004)
Stewart R. Fraser, 100 Great Chinese Posters (London 1977)
Marien van der Heijden and Stefan R. Landsberger, Chinese Propaganda Posters (Amsterdam 2008) (Pdf 1.38 Mb)
Marien van der Heijden, Stefan R. Landsberger and Kuiyi Shen, Chinese Posters: The IISH-Landsberger Collections (München etc. 2009)
Katie Hill (ed.), The Political Body. Posters from the People's Republic of China in the 1960s and 1970s (Westminster 2004)
Stefan R. Landsberger, Chinese Propaganda Posters. From Revolution to Modernization (Amsterdam 1995, also Armonk, 1995)
Stefan R. Landsberger, Paint it Red. Fifty years of Chinese propaganda posters (Groningen 1998)
Ellen Johnston Laing, The Winking Owl. Art in the People's Republic of China (Berkeley 1988)
Scott Minick, Jiao Ping, Chinese Graphic Design in the Twentieth Century (London 1990)
Enzo Nizza (ed.), Il popolo Cinese. 103 manifesti dalla Rivoluzione culurale a oggi (Milano 1973)
Peasant Paintings from Huhsien County (Beijing 1976)
Patricia Powell, Shitao Huo, Mao's Graphic Voice. Pictorial Posters from the Cultural Revolution (Wisconsin 1996)

Some websites

Chineseposters.net (http://chineseposters.net).
Cuban Posters Blog (http://cubanposterart.blogspot.com/).
Ospaaal.com (http://www.ospaaal.com/). OSPAAAL Poster Archive. (http://www.docspopuli.org/CubaWebCat/).
Virt. Mus. Russischer Plakatkunst (http://www.russianposter.ru/).
Rene Wanner's Poster Page (http://www.www.posterpage.ch).
Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages (http://www.iisg.nl/landsberger/).
OSPAAAL Poster Collection ICS/ISA (http://www.sas.ac.uk/polarch/pages/ospaaal_poster_coll.htm)
