1800-1900: Struggling against Censorship

De ontwaakte leeuw, 26 september
[The Awakened Lion]
Eillert Meeter
In 1840 Eillert Meeter, a Republican, founded the journal De tolk der vrijheid [The Interpreter of Liberty]. In this and other journals he published, he launched fierce attacks against social injustices and the opaque political system. Kings and ministers were not spared his wrath. He also strongly criticized other newspapers and journals that in his view toadied to the government.
His outspoken articles led more than once to prosecution and a prison sentence. His journals were regularly banned. The second issue of his De ontwaakte leeuw [The Awakened Lion], of 26 September 1845, in the format known as a 'Lilliputter', was confiscated even before it could be distributed.
Read more about Meeter - [in Dutch]
In 1840 Eillert Meeter, a Republican, founded the journal De tolk der vrijheid [The Interpreter of Liberty]. In this and other journals he published, he launched fierce attacks against social injustices and the opaque political system. Kings and ministers were not spared his wrath. He also strongly criticized other newspapers and journals that in his view toadied to the government.
His outspoken articles led more than once to prosecution and a prison sentence. His journals were regularly banned. The second issue of his De ontwaakte leeuw [The Awakened Lion], of 26 September 1845, in the format known as a 'Lilliputter', was confiscated even before it could be distributed.
Read more about Meeter - [in Dutch]
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