1700-1800: Subdued freedom II

Memorie ter adstructie van het verzoek, door Mr. J.C. Hespe en J. Verlem aan hun Edele Groot Mogende de Heeren Staaten van Holland en Westvriesland by requesten gedaan, en ter beantwoordinge van hetgeen daartegen by het bericht van Schout en Schepenen van Amsterdam is geavanceerd, als mede het request waarby dezelve memorie aan Hooggemelde Hun Edele Groot Mogende is gepraesenteerd.
Amsterdam: Verlem,
[Statement in support of the request by J.C. Hespe and J. Verlem to their Worships the States-General of Holland and West-Friesland and to answer the matters put forward in the report by the Bailiff and Sheriffs of Amsterdam, and also the request by which this same statement is presented to their Noble Worships.]
Jan Hespe and Jan Verlem
The publisher/printer Jan Verlem and the journalist/editor Johannes (Jan) Christiaan Hespe regularly encountered trouble with their patriotic journals. In 1783, for instance, they were prosecuted for the title plate of their news journal, De Politieke Kruyer (1782-7). This journal and its makers became national news when, in Amsterdam in April 1785, Verlem and Hespe were sentenced to three and fourteen days "bread and water" (i.e. a prison term) respectively, and each was subjected to a fine of 3,000 guilders for insulting the Amsterdam regents Joachim van Rendorp and W.G. Dedel in De Politieke Kruyer, issue 224, March 1785.
Their sentencing had the opposite effect to that hoped by the authorities. The convicted men were celebrated as martyrs by the patriots throughout the country. Collections were even held to pay the fine and the costs. The patriotic journal De Post van den Neder-Rhijn published by Pieter 't Hoen also responded to the verdict.
The publisher/printer Jan Verlem and the journalist/editor Johannes (Jan) Christiaan Hespe regularly encountered trouble with their patriotic journals. In 1783, for instance, they were prosecuted for the title plate of their news journal, De Politieke Kruyer (1782-7). This journal and its makers became national news when, in Amsterdam in April 1785, Verlem and Hespe were sentenced to three and fourteen days "bread and water" (i.e. a prison term) respectively, and each was subjected to a fine of 3,000 guilders for insulting the Amsterdam regents Joachim van Rendorp and W.G. Dedel in De Politieke Kruyer, issue 224, March 1785.
Their sentencing had the opposite effect to that hoped by the authorities. The convicted men were celebrated as martyrs by the patriots throughout the country. Collections were even held to pay the fine and the costs. The patriotic journal De Post van den Neder-Rhijn published by Pieter 't Hoen also responded to the verdict.
Call number: PM
Bro 4740/7