Letter from Bertolt Brecht to Herman de Lange.
Svendborg (Denemarken), July 23, 1934.Archive Uitgeverij Allert de Lange - number 5/162
Dear Sir,
I have received the first proof of the Dreigroschenroman from the printers'. The setting in itself is very beautiful and, as one can see, designed in a very thoughtful way, but I am not at all happy with it. It has such an oppressive and pompous effect; I imagine the reader will shrink away from confrontating such a deathly serious and solemn writer. This is detrimental to the lightness of the tale. Moreover, I advocate an elegant design: I have sent you a copy of Rilkes' [Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids published by Insel] 'Brigge' as an examplary setting for the Dreigroschenroman......
Bertolt Brecht