Missive van een vriend

Missive van een vriend uit het O.I.Compagnie-schip, De Vrouwe Wilhelmina Catharina, gevoerd by Captein P. van Prooyen, gedestineerd over Batavia na Canton in China, leggende in Duins, aan zijn vriend in Rotterdam
[s.l.] : [s.n.],

In: Gedrukte stukken over het beleid in de Vierde Engelse Oorlog, 1781-1784 [convoluut]
Call number:
AB K 166

A comparable collection of documents is devoted to the Fourth Dutch War (1780-1784). This war was suddenly begun by the English on 20 December 1780, who had for years been irritated by the Dutch support for the Americans, especially by Amsterdam.
The 23 items in this KNAW copy - all printed - primarily deal with the responsibility for the start of the war. This question was asked immediately, because the war began so catastrophically. By the end of January, 1781, the English had already captured 200 Dutch merchant ships, and the damages from this alone came to 15 million guilders..
Who the person was that built up this collection, probably immediately following the peace in 1784, is not clear. Of these 23 items, we were able to identify most in other libraries, except for eight of them. Very likely, therefore, these are rare and possibly unique.
The work from this collection shown here is the Missive van een vriend uit het O.I.Compagnie-schip, De Vrouwe Wilhelmina Catharina, gevoerd by Captein P. van Prooyen, gedestineerd over Batavia na Canton in China, leggende in Duins, aan zijn vriend in Rotterdam.