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CLARA Seminar, 19 March 1999


CLARA - International Institute for Asian Studies - International Institute of Social History

Friday 19 March 1999, 09.30 - 17.30 at the International Institute of Social History (IISH), Cruquiusweg 31, Amsterdam

Much of the so-called 'miracle literature' that focused on globalisation, economic growth and social transformation in Southeast and East Asia has been unsettled by recent events. The drastic drop in economic growth of many Asian countries, high levels of unemployment and underemployment and inflation of basic food prices has caused concern for all. Those directly engaged in organising against and challenging the structures that have underpinned much of the recent hardship are also looking for tools that help make sense of the processes shaping labour relations in a context of economic contraction and political change. At the same time there is a renewed interest both in taking a longer term perspective to consider the historical roots of social, political and economic change, and in considering the importance of local dynamics in shaping contemporary economic realities in the region. When one looks at history 'crisis' has hit various regions at different times with different intensities. An understanding of the differential impact of dramatic transformations can only be obtained by understanding local dynamics of labour relations prior or during crises periods.
This one-day seminar attempts to bring up the various dimensions of the integration of workers into global markets, past and present and the challenges they face at various levels. The second aim is to bring together labour scholars to exchange information on ongoing research. An increasing number of scholars in the Netherlands are studying work processes, industrial relations, labour migration, etc. in Asia. Many of them are incorporated in discussion groups in different research schools but often have not had the opportunity to know of the work of others outside their respective research schools.
Within this framework, the international research programme "Changing Labour Relations in Asia" sponsored by the International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden) and the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam) plans to organize an 'encounter' of all these social scientists, historians and economists who are studying Asian labour relations and are living in the Netherlands.

Prof. Jeff Harrod, University of Amsterdam (UvA) : Melt Downs, Bail Outs and Foreign Takeovers: Different Challenges for Asian Labour
Prof. Peter Boomgaard, Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal -, Land -, en Volkenkunde (KITLV): Labour in the 1930s in Java
Ms. Babette Resurreccion, Institute of Social Studies (ISS): Changing Gender Division of Labour in Resource Use and Management in a Philippine Upland Village
Mr. Edsel Sajor, Institute of Social Studies (ISS) : Cash Cropping, Power And Labour Patterns In A Philippine Upland Village
Ms. Erwiza Erman, Centre for Asian Studies Amsterdam (CASA): Control of Labour and The Culture of Violence: The Ombilin Coal Mines, Sumatra, 1892-1940
Dr. Heidi Dahles , University of Amsterdam (UvA): Women In The Service Industries - A Balinese Case

For registration please contact:
Changing Labour Relations in Asia (CLARA)
c/o IISH Secretariat, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam,
Tel. (020) 66 858 66, Fax (020) 66 541 81,
E-mail: chlia@iisg.nl, Website: http://www.iisg.nl/asia

