International Research Programme on Changing Labour Relations in Asia
Aim of the Programme:
The Changing Labour Relations in Asia programme (CLARA) aims to build a comparative and historical understanding of labour relations in different parts of Asia which are undergoing diverse historical processes and experiences in terms of their national economies, their links with international markets and the nature of state intervention. This understanding will be based on the promotion of inter-Asian cooperation and the cooperation between Asian and non-Asian institutions.
This programme focuses on five strongly overlapping themes namely, the labour process, labour mobility, labour consciousness, gendered labour and labour laws and labour movements.
The programme will promote several types of activities, namely: coordination of workshops; research projects, networking, publications, and the setting up of a databank. For the first few years, the main emphasis will be on workshops and publications
On average two or three workshops are planned per year.
Besides these workshops, CLARA also organizes panels in larger conferences.
1. Working papers, with a modest circulation, meant to maintain connections with other scholars in core and allied projects working on related topics. For a complete overview of the Working Papers (available in PDF-format), please follow the link Working Papers
2. Books, preferably within a special project series published by a respectable publisher in Asia. Three types of books are envisaged:
- monographs
- edited volumes of essays based on workshops
- a bibliography on labour in Asia
3. Articles in refereed and other journals.
Organization of the Programme:
The administrative and organizational backbone of the programme consist of three committees, i.e. the management ; the academic and the executive committee. The management committee periodically fixes the project's budget and its general material conditions; the academic committee defines the projects main substantive approaches and themes; the executive committee is responsible for the actual implementation of the programme. The executive committee consists of : Dr. Ratna Saptari (programme coordinator, IIAS/IISH, Leiden/Amsterdam); Prof. Jan Lucassen (IISH, Amsterdam); Prof.
Willem van Schendel (IISH, Amsterdam); Prof. Jan Breman (ASSR, Amsterdam); Prof Thommy Svensson (NIAS, Copenhagen) and Prof Marcel van der Linden (chair, IISH, Amsterdam). An IIAS post-doc research fellow will also assist with coordination besides conducting research on one specific theme of the programme. The coordination of the programme is currrently based at the IISH.
The International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS, Leiden) is currently the main provider of the material means of the project. Through annual subsidies it enables the IISH to organize and coordinate the project. Other institutions are invited to join IIAS and IISH in the programme. All institutions giving material support to the project (subsidies, personenel) will be represented in the management committee.
Complete text of the Changing LAbour Relations in Asia brochure (PDF-format)
Dr. Ratna Saptari (programme coordinator)
Prof. Marcel van der Linden
Institute of Social History (IISH)
Cruquiusweg 31
1019 AT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel: +31(20)66.858.66
fax: +31(20)66.541.81
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