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Reconstructing the Historical Tradition of Twentieth Century Indonesian Labour


Workshop on Reconstructing the Historical Tradition of Twentieth Century Indonesian Labour, 4- 6 December 2001, Bali, Indonesia


1. Erwiza Erman (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jakarta)
The 1953 Miner's Strike: Party Mobilization and Community Politics in Ombilin, West Sumatra

2. Riwanto Tirtosudarmo (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
From Coolies to Exploited TKI: Continuity and Change in 'Overseas' Migrant Labour Policy in Indonesia

3. I Ketut Ardhana (Univ. Udayana)
Urban Workers in Bali in the Twentieth Century

4. Aswatini (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
International Labour Migration in Indonesia: Past Experience, Future Challenge

5. Bambang Purwanto (Univ. Gadjah Mada)
In Search of Higher Payment: Rethinking the History of Labour in Colonial Indonesia

6. Sjafri Sairin (Univ. Gadjah Mada)
Behind the renewal of the working contract East Sumatran plantation workers during Colonial era.

7. Popon Anarita and Indrasari Tjandraningsih (Akatiga)
National and Community Politics of Industrial Labour in The Post-Suharto Crisis:the case of Majalaya, West Java

8. Budi Agustono (Universitas Sumatra Utara)
State, Labourers and Civil Society ( A Study of Plantation Labourers in North Sumatra)

9. Indriyanto (Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang)

10. Ratna Saptari (CLARA - IIAS/IISH)
'Party Politics' vs. 'Popular Politics': Some Reflections for the Indonesian Labour Historiography of the 1950s.

11. John Ingleson (The University of New South Wales)
From Conflict to Accommodation: re-organising labour unions in colonial Indonesia after 1926

12. Adrian Vickers (Univ. of Wollongong)
From Coolie to Karyawan: Language and the History of Indonesian Labour'.

13. Jan Elliott (Univ. of Wollongong)
One Railway Two Unions: The Communist and Non-Communist Railway Workers' Unions from 1945- 1965'

14. Michelle Ford (Univ. Of Wollongong)
The Labour Intellectual in Indonesian Labour Historiography

15. Arjan Veering (Univ. of Amsterdam)
The Dockers of Priok. Labour Control and Workers Independence in Tanjung Priok, Port of Batavia, 1885 - 1942

16. Peter Boomgaard(KITLV, Leiden)
Contextualising 'Labour'; The Concept of Labour in Twentieth-Century Indonesian Labour History

17. Jan Breman (Univ. of Amsterdam)
Labour Bondage in Rural Java

18. Emile Schwidder (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)
The Trade Union Federation of Indigenous Government Employees in the 1930s (Persatoean Vakbonden Pegawai Negeri -PVPN)

19. Marcel van der Linden (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)
The historiography of the European labour movement: Some Reflections for the Indonesian Historiography

20. Nur Fauzi & Yando Zakaria (the Agrarian Reform Consortium)
The 1990s Agrarian Reform Movement in Indonesia: Issues and Struggles

21. Elok Mahbubah
Labour Relations in the East Javanese Tobacco Plantations: Jember 1945-2001

1. Taufik Abdullah (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
2. Linda Connor (Univ. Of Wollongong)
3. Pam Nilan (Univ. of Wollongong)
4. Hilmar Farid (Jaringan Kerja Budaya)

Contact Persons:
Dr. Ratna Saptari
Dr. Erwiza Erman (LIPI)
Dr. Jan Elliott (CAPSTRANS)

International Institute of Social History, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam
tel. +31-20-66.858.66 fax. +31-30-66.541.81

