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Twentieth-Century Iran: History From Below

Twentieth-Century of Iran: History From Below
25-26 May, 2001
International Institute of Social History (IISH) Amsterdam

Workshop Programme

Friday 25th May
10.00-13.30 Morning Session
  Ratna Saptari: Opening
  Marcel van den Linden: The Labour History's Global Growth
  Shahid Amin: Writing Alternative Histories
  11.30-12.00: Coffee Break
  Valentine Mogadam: The Subaltern Women's Perception of Modernity
  Dawud Gholamasad: The Civilising and Democratising Processes in Twentieth Century Iran
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-17.00 Afternoon Session
  Ervand Abrahamian: Memoirs from the Left in Iran
  Azam Khatam: The Left and City Migration and Marginalisation in Iran
  Farhad Nomani: The Nature of the Marginalisation of Women's Workforce in Iran: 1976-96
17.00 -18.00 Visiting IISH Collections
18.00 Back to the Hotel
Saturday 26th
09.30-13.00 Morning Session
  Sohrab Behdad: Involution and De-involution, Changes in the Iranian Labour Force, 1976-1996
  Eric Hoogland: Rural Labour in Contemporary Iran
  11.30-12.00 Coffee Break
  Willem Floor: The Workers of Khatunabad: Working and Living Conditions (1950-1980)
  Kaveh Ehsani: Labour and Petty Functionaries in the Making the City of Abadan
13.00-14.30 Lunch at the Dutch Trade Union Museum
14.30-18.00 Afternoon Session
  Asef Bayat: Dislocating Poor People's Histories: Urban Subaltern, the Iranian Revolution and Egypt's Islamism
  Farhad Khosrokhavar: The Subaltern Youth and Basij in the Islamic Revolution
  Touraj Atabaki: Disgruntled Guests, Iranian Subaltern on the Margin of Tsarist Empire
17.00 -18.00 Coffee, Summing up, Publication, Future Network and Workshops
18.00 Back to the Hotel


Programme (word document): programme_workshop.pdf
Abstracts (word document): 20thc_iran.pdf

Organizers: IISG/CLARA
Convenor: Turaj Atabaki
Contact addres(ses):
International Institute of Social History (IISG) Cruquiusweg 31 1019 AT Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 66 858 66 Fax: + 31 20 66 541 81

