Willem de Blécourt Volkskunde in verwarring
Deceulaer, The hosiery industry in the Southern
in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Between consumption, politics, gender
and technology
This article studies the transformation of the hosiery
industry in the Southern Netherlands. It focuses on the diffusion of the
knitting frame and its effects, in comparison with England and France. The
history of technology is linked to social and cultural changes in consumption,
and to changes in economic policy of early modern states. The changing
proportions between hand knitting and framework knitting are related to a series
of tensions in early modern economy and society: between town and countryside,
production and consumption, men and women, economics and politics. A detailed
analysis of Belgian and French sources shows that hand knitting (by women) has
been seriously underestimated so far, while the role of framework knitting (by
men) received a disproportionate attention of both contemporaries and historians.
This teleological view of the trade is seriously misleading.
Wouters, Kinship and the struggle for power inside the
political elite of Antwerp (1520-1555)
This article examines to what extent kinship was a decisive
factor in the struggle for power in the Antwerp city council between 1520 and
1555. Contrary to the radical socio-economic changes in the commercial
metropolis, we noticed that the political elite of the city was characterised by
a strong continuity. While the old patrician families monopolised the largest
part of the available offices, homines novi increased their chances to enter the
city government considerably by marrying within the local patriciate. Despite
the large amount of university graduates in the city council, we cannot say that
a university education was of vital importance for the development of a
political career.
Stefie Herman, The limits of sexual violence. Guilt and
disgrace in Flanders during the nineteenth century
This article portrays the mentality towards sexual violence
in the informal atmosphere of daily life during the nineteenth century. The
research is based on the dossiers of the Court of Assizes of East and West
Flanders. The essay shows the relation between the offender and the victim. Who
does he choose as his victim and how does he justify his choice? The behaviour
of the criminal shows some striking characteristics. In a time of sexual civic
severity, juridical ignorance and religious condemnation of sexual practices it
was not easy for women to lodge a complaint. In this context the article
emphasises the relation between the victim and her environment and neighbourhood.
The focus is on the connection between the authorities (burgomaster, police and
justice) and sexual violence. Infra-juridical arrangements were for instance a
way to keep the people in the village quiet and peaceful.
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Harald Deceulaer studeerde geschiedenis aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Hij publiceerde o.a. Pluriforme patronen en een verschillende snit. Sociaal-economische, institutionele en culturele transformaties in de kledingsector in Antwerpen, Brussel en Gent, ca. 1585-ca. 1800 (Amsterdam, IISG, 2001), dat bekroond werd met de driejaarlijkse prijs voor geschiedenis Vlaanderen E. Sabbe, en talloze artikels over de sociale geschiedenis van de Nederlanden. Momenteel werkt hij op het Algemeen Rijksarchief in Brussel. Correspondentieadres: Harald Deceulaer, Helenalei 51, 2018 Antwerpen, België,
harald.deceulaer@pandora.beKoen Wouters studeerde geschiedenis van de Nieuwe Tijd aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Momenteel volgt hij een opleiding sociologie aan dezelfde instelling. Zijn interesse gaat vooral uit naar de gedragspatronen van stedelijke elites en naar de interacties tussen politieke en economische actoren. Correspondentieadres: Philippe Spethstraat 91, 2950 Kapellen (België), koen.wouters@vub.ac.be
Stefie Herman studeerde nieuwste geschiedenis aan de Universteit Gent. Zij promoveerde in 2001 op een licentieverhandeling over seksueel geweld in Vlaanderen. Momenteel studeert zij media en communicatie aan de Universiteit Gent. Correspondentieadres: St.Sebastiaanstraat 36, B-8480 Eernegem, België, stefieherman@advalvas.be
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