
Studies in Global Social History, vol.4
Leiden: Brill, 2010. ISBN 978-90-04-18116-8 (hardback), xv + 447 pp.
This volume discusses globalising processes from the perspective of the humanities and social sciences. It focuses on the 'global south', notably the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Densely researched case studies examine a variety of approaches for their potential to understand connecting processes on different scales. The studies seek to overcome the main traps of the 'globalisation' paradigm, such as its occidental bias, its notion of linear expansion, its simplifying dichotomy between 'local' and 'global', and an often-found lack of historical depth. They elaborate the asymmetries, mobilities, opportunities and barriers involved in globalising processes. Their new perspective on these processes is captured by the concept of 'translocality', which aims at integrating a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches from different disciplines.
Table of contents
Part One: Marginal Mobilities
. Wodaabe Women and the Outside World, Elisabeth Boesen
. Chinese Women in the New Migration Process to Europe: Marginal or Main Actors?, Carine Pina-Guerassimoff
. Proud Fighters, Blind Men: World War Experiences of Combatants from the Arab East, Katharina Lange
. 'Following the Hills': Gold Mining Camps as Heterotopias, Katja Werthmann
Part Two: Spaces on the Move
. Mapping the Ocean: Visual Representations of the Indian Ocean in the Swahili Military Press during World War II, Katrin Bromber
. Regional Attractions: World and Village in Kabylia (Algeria), Judith Scheele
. Translocal 'Kinship' Relations in Central African Politics of the 19th Century, Beatrix Heintze
Part Three: Locality and beyond
. Autochthony: Local or Global?, Peter Geschiere
. Heritage and the Making of (Trans-) local Identities: A Case Study from the Curonian Spit (Lithuania), Anja Peleikis
. Shifting Globalities – Changing Headgear: The Indian Muslims between Turban, Hat and Fez, Margrit Pernau
. Reclaiming the African City: The World and the Township, Terence Ranger
Part Four: Alternate Globalities
. 'Alternate' Globalities? On the Cultures and Formats of Transnational Muslim Networks from South Asia, Dietrich Reetz
. Globalisation in the Making: Translocal Gendered Spaces in Muslim Societies, Gudrun Lachenmann
. About 'Turks' and 'Germans': The Turkish Press in Germany and the Construction of Multiple Memberships, Christoph Schumann