Charl'z Kingsli i anglijskij christianskij socializm serediny XIX veka

Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001; ISBN 5.8243.0231.6, 296 pp.
This monograph, which is the first Russian historiographical treatment of the subject, explores the sources of Christian Socialism in England and the life and activities of Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), priest, writer, historian, and one of the founders of English Christian Socialism. It shows how his social and theological views developed and describes his political activities in collaboration with F.D. Maurice and J.M. Ludlow. The idea of Christian Socialism, as well as Kingsley's efforts to bring it into practice are treated in detail. These are illustrated in a historical description of the creation, functioning, and disintegration of Christian-socialist producers' cooperatives. Extensive use has been made of the rich collections on this subject that are housed in the Moscow State Socio-Political Library (GOPB) and the IISH. The book is written in Russian.