Sites with a Link to the Institute
- 123World
- 1890s Society (London)
- 1920s (Louisville, KY)
- 1968 in West Germany (German Historical Institute, Washington, DC)
- AAA-TOP Inter-Coop International Business
- Abilene Christian University - Department of History
- Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (New York)
- Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Academic Info
- AccessAsia (National Bureau of Asian Research, Seattle, WA)
- AcqWeb (Vanderbilt University)
- AdamNet
- Address Warehouse (Rotterdam)
- Africa Research Central (California State Univerity at San Bernardino)
- Agnes Scott College - McCain Library (Atlanta, GA)
- Agricola (Finnish History Network)
- Al Osterheld's Homepage (San Francisco, CA)
- Alamo Community College District (San Antonio, TX)
- Alberta Labour
- Algemene Onderwijsbond
- Allan Lummus' Homepage (Memphis, TN)
- American and British History Resources on the Internet (Rutgers)
- American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- American Historical Society of Germans from Russia
- American Labor History (College Park, MD)
- American Studies Interlink (Alcalá de Henares)
- Ammattiyhdistysarkisto
- Amnesty International Burma Group
- Amsterdam Hotspots
- Amsterdam Promotion Foundation
- Anadolu University - Faculty of Economics
- Anarchist Age Weekly Review (Australia)
- Anarchist Groups Of New York
- Anarchist Librarians Web (San Diego, CA)
- Andreas Punkrocksite (Dresden)
- Anglo-American History Guide (Göttingen)
- Anne Arundel Community College (Arnold, MD)
- Antenna (Nijmegen)
- The Antiques Directory - Posters
- Arbeiderbevegelsens Arkiv og Bibliotek (Oslo)
- Arbeiterlieder
- Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv (Copenhagen)
- Arbetaren
- Architexturez
- Archiv und Bibliothek der sozialen Demokratie (Bonn)
- Archives du féminisme
- Archives of Indian Labour
- Area Studies Web Pages (University of Minnesota)
- Ari Korhonen's Homepage (Helsinki)
- Arie Wilschut's Homepage (Amsterdam)
- Armenian Embassy in the US
- Arquivo Edgar Leuenroth
- ArtHist Links
- Asia Society
- Association des Archivistes du Québec
- Association for East European Studies (Japan)
- Association for Social History (Serbia)
- Association française d'Etudes américaines
- Association for History and Computing
- Associazione internazionalista di solidarietà con Cuba
- Aston University - School of Languages and European Studies
- Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History
- ATMA - Institut Alam Dan Tamadun Melayu
- Augsburg College - History Department (Minneapolis, MN)
- Australian National University Library
- Australian Women's History
- Balade de l'Actualité (Montreal)
- BalticNetWork
- Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung
- Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- BerliNet
- Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers
- Beyond ... The Black Stump (Australia)
- Bibliographien und Literaturdatenbanken zu den Geisteswissenschaften
- Biblioteca Pública Arús (Barcelona)
- Biblioteka Literatury Polskiej w Internecie
- Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte (Stuttgart)
- Bibliothèque du Centre Pompidou
- Bibliothèque de Documentation internationale contemporaine (Nanterre)
- Bibliothèque generale et de sciences humaines de l'Université Catholique de Louvain
- Big-D's Homepage (Capelle/IJssel)
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Biz/ed (Bristol)
- Blau (Berlin)
- BOLDsearch
- Boston College - Fine Arts Department
- Braintrack
- Bredohri Software (Toronto)
- Britannica Internet Guide
- British Library
- British Library of Political and Economic Science (London)
- Brown University - Department of History
- BUBL Information Service (Glasgow)
- Building Bridges
- Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien (Cologne)
- De Burcht. Vakbondsmuseum, Henri Polakinstituut (Amsterdam)
- Business History Pages (Ohio State University)
- Canadian International Labour Network
- Canadian Union of Postal Workers - Sudbury Local 612
- Canny Link
- Capital Community Technical College (Hartford, CT)
- Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
- Carnegie Public Library (East Liverpool, OH)
- Carol A. Leibiger's Homepage (University of South Dakota)
- Carsten Tage Nielsen's Homepage (Copenhagen)
- Center for History & New Media, George Mason University
- Center for Labor Education and Research (Hawaii)
- Central Michigan University Libraries
- Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions
- Centre d'histoire de l'Europe du vingtième siècle(CHEVS)
- Centre d'histoire du travail
- Centre d'Information et de Recherche sur les Cultures d'Amérique du Nord (Montpellier)
- Centro Studi Libertari Luigi Fabbri
- Centrum Arbeidsverhoudingen (The Hague)
- Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (Amsterdam)
- Cernov, V.M.
- Chalkface - The Teachers' Net
- Champlain College (Burlington, VT)
- Channel 4 Television - A Family Century (London)
- Chartist Ancestors
- China Books & Periodicals Inc (San Francisco, CA)
- China Bulletin
- Choice (Association of College and Research Libraries)
- Christina Institute for Women's Studies (Helsinki)
- Church Slavonic Resources
- City University of New York - Mina Rees Library
- Clara Wichmann Instituut (Amsterdam)
- College and Research Libraries News Internet Reviews Archive
- College of Charleston
- College of Sequoias - Library (Visalia, CA)
- College Scholarships, Colleges, and Online Degrees page
- Columbia University - History Department
- Columbia University Libraries
- Comisiones Obreras de Área Municipal de Gijón
- Commie Links (Calgary)
- Committee on Canadian Labour History
- Commonwealth Trade Union Council
- Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
- Community Resource Centre (Canada)
- Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China
- Comparative Women's History Workshop (University of Minnesota)
- CompuServe's Webwijzer
- Concordia College - Carl B. Ylvisaker Library (Moorhead, MN)
- Conduct Literature for Women - Pickering & Chatto Publishers
- Confederazione generale italiana del lavoro
- Cornell University - Martin P. Catherwood Library
- Cornerstone College - Miller Library (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Crossroads Web Tutorial (Georgetown University)
- Cuba and Cuban Exiles (Otto G. Richter Library, Miami, FL)
- Cuba Poster Project (Berkeley, CA)
- CultD (Düsseldorf)
- Gwangju University Library
- Cyber Picket Line (Cardiff)
- Cyber-Express
- Czarnecki's Labor Education Newsletter
- Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre
- Daegu University - Department of Library and Information Science
- Dan Goodman's Homepage (Minneapolis, MN)
- Datenbank des deutschsprachigen Anarchismus (Berlin - Cologne)
- Dave Robertson's Homepage (St Louis, MO)
- The Daily Newsgrabber
- Demografiska databasen (Umeå Universitet)
- (Nieuw) Dennendal
- Department of Art History (Rutgers)
- Department of Labour Economics & Industrial Relations (Ankara)
- Deutsche Dichterhandschriften des poetischen Realismus (Provo, UT)
- Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen
- Deutsche Kommunistische Partei - Hamburg
- Deutsches Historisches Institut (Paris)
- DHnet - Memória Histórica
- Digikids (Belgium)
- Digital Librarian (Cortland, NY)
- Digitale Bibliotheek
- Digitale Stad Leiden
- DINO-Online
- Discover Russia: History of Russia
- Disgruntled
- Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen (Groningen)
- Dollard College (Winschoten)
- Donald MacDonald's Pages (Stirling)
- Draconis Trading (London)
- Dulwich Poster Gallery (London)
- Dutch Connection (Tokyo)
- Dutch Home Page
- Dutch Yellow Pages
- e - Révolutionnaires d'Expression communiste-anarchiste (Houilles)
- Earlham College Libraries (Richmond, IN)
- EarthStation1
- East and Southeast Asia (University of Redlands)
- East Asian Library - University of California (Berkeley, CA)
- Eastern College - Warner Memorial Library (St Davids, PA)
- Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen - Institut für Politikwissenschaft
- Ecole normale supérieure - Groupe de recherches socio-historiques (Paris)
- Economic History of Eastern Asia Site (Leiden University)
- Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Edgewood College (Madison, WI)
- Edmonds Community College - Library
- Edmonds School District #15 (Lynnwood, WA)
- ELA Productions
- Emma Goldman - Jewish Women's Archive
- Emma Goldman - PBS documentary
- Emma Goldman Papers
- Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line
- L'Ephéméride Anarchiste
- Equal Opportunity Education (Canada)
- Esteban Canales's Homepage (Barcelona)
- Eugene Public Library (Eugene, OR)
- European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (Brussels)
- Evangelisch-Soziale Parteigruppe (Zürich)
- Evangelische Fernbibliothek (Zürich)
- Explosion!, Museum of Naval Firepower
- Express Page
- Fairmont State College (Fairmont, WV)
- Falvey Memorial Library (Villanova, PA)
- Farmer's Guide to the Internet (Tennessee Valley Authority)
- Fawcett Library (London)
- (Fayetteville, NC)
- Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging
- Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging / KIEM
- Federatie Stichts Cultureel Erfgoed
- Feminist Studies Collection (Stanford, CA)
- Feminist Theory Website
- Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis Museum
- FileRoom - Anti-Censorship Organizations (Chicago, IL)
- Finnish Economic History Association
- Flavii Magistri Pagina Domestica (Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY)
- Florida Gulf Coast University's History Program
- Fondation et Institut Charles de Gaulle
- Former Yugoslavia in Cyberspace
- Forum für Osteuropäische Geschichte (Heinrich Heine University)
- Forum Sozialforschung (Vienna)
- Fotocollectie J.L. Scherpenisse
- Francis Harvey Green Library (West Chester, PA)
- Fré Meis
- Freie Universität - Bibliothek (Berlin)
- Freie Universität - Osteuropa Institut (Berlin)
- Friends and Partners (Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Pushchino)
- Frits Eisenloeffel Stichting
- Frysk Letterkundich Museum en Dokumintaasjesintrum (Leeuwarden)
- Funet Russian Archive (Espoo)
- Gadi Algazi's Homepage (Tel Aviv)
- Galaxy
- Galilei (Universidad Nacional de San Luis)
- Gateway to World History (Hartford, CT)
- Geheugen van Nederland
- Gemeente Amsterdam
- Gemeentearchief Zwolle
- Genealogy Helplist
- Genesis Project
- George Dockray's Homepage (Portland, OR)
- George P. Mason's Homepage (Windsor, Ontario)
- George Washington University Law School (Washington, DC)
- Geschiedenis On-Line
- Geschiedenisnet
- Geschiedeniswinkel Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
- GESIS (Berlin)
- Glass Ceiling (Greenville, SC)
- Global Town's Hawaii
- Gotoo Hitosi's Homepage (Sendai)
- Graphic Witness: visual arts & social commentary
- Groupe des Jeunes Historiens (Paris)
- Guide de l'Internet culturel (Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Paris)
- Guide to Labor-Oriented Internet Resources (Berkeley, CA)
- Guide to Museums and Cultural Resources
- H-Soz-u-Kult (Berlin)
- H-Women Internet Links
- Haidhauser Nachrichten (Munich)
- Hamsa (Israel)
- Hannam Academic Information
- Harvard Project on Cold War Studies
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Helderse Vereniging voor Sociale Geschiedenis
- Hispania Nova
- Historical Archives of Communist Left - "n+1" Review
- Historical Links in Wonkwang
- Histories of Feminist Rhetorics and Writing Practices
- Historische Informationsressourcen im Internet (Düsseldorf)
- History Channel
- History Department - Grossmont College (El Cajon, CA)
- History of Economics Internet References (Brussels)
- History of Education Site (Nijmegen)
- History of Leith
- History on the Internet (Overland Park, KS)
- History Online
- History Resources (University of Pennsylvania)
- History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers
- Hockaday School (Dallas, TX)
- Högskolan Dalarna - Library (Börlange-Falun)
- Hogeschool van Amsterdam - Faculteit Onderwijs en Opvoeding
- Holt Labor Library
- Homework Heaven
- Horus' History Links (Riverside, CA)
- Howard College (Big Spring, TX)
- Hugh Stephens Library (Columbia, MO)
- Humanitarian Demining Information Center
- Humbul (Oxford)
- Hytelnet (Saskatoon)
- Iconen van de post
- IDC Publishers
- Immigranten in Nederland (Amsterdam)
- Index to Business and Economics Network Resources (Memphis, TN)
- Index of Resources for Historians (Regensburg)
- Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - Library
- Indonesia (Potomac, MD)
- Indonet
- Industrial Workers of the World
- Infoarchiv Norderstedt
- InfoLink
- Infomine (Riverside, CA)
- Institute for Advanced Study Libraries (Princeton, NJ)
- Institute for Anarchist Studies
- Institute of Continuing Legal Education (Ann Arbor, MI)
- Institute of the Malay World and Civilization
- Institution of Electrical Engineers (London)
- Institutions of Labour Heritage in Finland (Helsinki)
- Institutions of the Labour Movement Heritage in Finland (Tampere)
- Instituut voor Migratie en Ethnische Studies (Amsterdam)
- Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (The Hague)
- Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek (Amsterdam)
- Integrative Global Action (Brussels)
- International Association of Labour History Institutions
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
- International Council on Archives
- International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden)
- International Labor Organization -- US Home Page
- International Labor and Working-Class History
- International Research & Exchanges Board (Washington, DC)
- Internet Communications of America
- Internet Gids
- Internet Guide for China Studies (Heidelberg)
- Internet für HistorikerInnen (Vienna)
- Internet Public Library
- Internet Resources on Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (State University of New York at Plattsburgh)
- Internet Resources for Labor History (Purdue University)
- Internet Toplinks (ZDNet)
- Iowa State University Library
- Jaap van Wingerde's Homepage (Utrecht)
- Jacksonville University - Carl S. Swisher Library
- Jan Figa's Homepage (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Jan Wohlgemuth's Homepage (Warendorf)
- Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
- Jay's Leftist and "Progressive" Internet Resources Directory
- Jeff Haydu's Home Page (University of California at San Diego)
- Jefferson Area High School (Jefferson, OH)
- Jewish Studies Program (Purdue University)
- JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy
- John Rylands University Library (Manchester)
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing
- Júlio Dantas Secondary School (Lagos, Portugal)
- Justice League Sound System
- K-12 History on the Internet Resource Guide
- Karl Hack's Homepage (Singapore)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Historische Informatiekunde (Louvain)
- Kentucky Commission on Women
- Kersplebedeb Online Store
- Kingston-Frontenac Public Library (Ontario)
- KIT Homepage - Royal Tropical Institute - Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen
- Kleintje Muurkrant (Den Bosch)
- Kleio (Istoriya i Komp'uter, Moscow)
- Kort en Bondig
- Kreitzberg Library (Northfield, VT)
- Kungliga Biblioteket (Stockholm)
- Kurasje - Council Communist Archive
- Kyujanggak Archives
- La Trobe University at Bendigo - Heyward Library
- Labadie Collection
- Labor Beat (Chicago, IL)
- Labor History (Middle Tennessee State University)
- Labor Link (New Hampshire)
- Laborize
- LaborNet
- Labour History and Industrial Relations Research Centre (Wollongong)
- Labour Left Briefing
- Labour Studies Web Page (Adelaide)
- Labour and Trade Union Page (Victoria)
- LabourNet
- Labour's Online Bookstore
- Lambrechtsen Online
- Landelijke Studenten Vakbond
- Landelijke Werkgroep Economie Onderwijs
- Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft soziokultureller Zentren Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Latin American Network Information Center (Austin, TX)
- Latino Links
- Learned City (Amsterdam)
- Leeds University Library
- Left Side of the Web (Marburg)
- Lega obiettori di coscienza (Milan)
- Leiden Law Library
- Leids Historisch Dispuut H.P.G. Quack
- Leo Haks Indonesian Art and Photography
- Lesbian History Project
- Lesley Hall's Homepage
- LibDex - The Library Index
- Librairie L'étourdi (Paris)
- Librarian's Index to the Internet (Berkeley, CA)
- Library Journal Digital
- Libweb - Libraries on the Web (Berkeley, CA)
- Liens sur la Propagande, au Vietnam et ailleurs
- Linke Links
- Links richten
- Lisa Ebeltoft-Kraske's Homepage (Minneapolis, MN)
- Littleton Jr/Sr High School Library (Littleton, MA)
- Los Angeles Unified School District Net
- Louisiana State University Libraries
- Loyola University Libraries
- Lund University Electronic Library
- Lysistrata (Canada)
- McGill University Libraries
- McMaster University - Labour Studies Programme
- Mandarin Language (The Mining Company)
- Maoist Internationalist Movement
- Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris)
- Marc Haas's Homepage
- Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (Phoenix, AZ)
- Marko Natri's Homepage (Helsinki)
- Mary Washington College - Simpson Library (Fredericksburgh, VA)
- May Day on the Web (Edmonton, Alberta)
- MayDayNet2002
- MedHist
- Mediaucracy
- Merit Badge Research Center
- Merrimack Films
- Mestska knihovna v Prerove
- Metronet (Minnesota)
- Metropolitan State University Library (Minneapolis-St Paul, MN)
- Michael Latham's History Home Page (Rocky Mount, NC)
- Michael Stilwell's Homepage (Australia)
- Michigan Electronic Library
- Michigan State University - School of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Mining Plazza
- Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (Paris)
- Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (Rome)
- Minnesota Labor Interpretive Center
- Mölndals Stadsbibliotek
- Mona Shores High School (Muskegon, MI)
- Montgomery County Public Schools (Rockville, MD)
- Mount Royal College Library (Calgary)
- Multatuli Museum (Amsterdam)
- Murdoch University Library (Perth)
- Museo Histórico Cultural Juan Santamaría (Alajuela, Costa Rica)
- Museum der Arbeit (Hamburg)
- Museumserver
- Music Posters Archives
- NL Menu
- N.W. Posthumus Instituut
- Nachrichtendienst für Historiker (Augsburg)
- Nadir Info System (Hamburg)
- Nanyang Technological University - National Institute of Education Library (Singapore)
- National Air Traffic Controllers Association (US)
- National Chi Nan University (Taiwan)
- National Trades Union Congress (Singapore)
- Natur & Videnskab (Denmark)
- Necco (Los Angeles, CA)
- Nederlands Historisch Data Archief (Leiden)
- Nederlands Instituut voor Zorg en Welzijn (Utrecht)
- Nederlandse Internet Encyclopedie
- Nederlands Textielmuseum
- Nelson Ouellet's Homepage (New Brunswick)
- Net Navigate (Denmark)
- Net progressiste (Paris)
- Net Traveller
- Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (Amsterdam)
- Netscape's Web Directory
- NetSerf (Catholic University of America)
- New England School of Law (Boston, MA)
- New School for Social Research - Libraries (New York)
- New York State Comprehensive Research Libraries Business Links
- New York University - Bobst Library
- New York University - History Department
- NewsFlash! Online (CNA Financial Corp)
- Nick's Educational Links (Niagara University)
- Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Göttingen)
- Noema: The Collaborative Bibliography of Women in Philosophy (Indiana University Southeast)
- Norske Historiske Forening
- Northern Arizona University
- Northern Illinois University Libraries
- Norwegian School of Management
- Nova Southeastern University Libraries
- Nützliche Adressen für Geisteswissenschaftler (Marbach)
- Ohara Institute for Social Research - Hosei University
- Ohio State University Libraries
- Okanagan University College - Department of Fine Arts (Kelowna, BC)
- Omen (Russia)
- Online Degrees, Financial Aid, and Scholarships
- Open Directory Project
- Open Learning Australia
- Openbare Bibliotheek Delft
- OR Online
- Orte des Gedenkens 1914-1918 (Technische Universität Chemnitz)
- Oulu University Library
- Pace University Library (New York)
- Paideusis. Journal for Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Studies
- País Virtual
- Palo Alto College - G. Ozuna Jr. library (San Antonio, TX)
- Pancyprian Federation of Labour
- Parti communiste français - Archives
- Parti Socialiste Veveysan
- Partij van de Arbeid
- Password
- Paul Brians's Homepage (Pullman, WA)
- Paul Miesing's Homepage (Albany, NY)
- PBC Noord-Brabant
- Peace Magazine
- Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg - Library
- Philip Gwyn's Homepage (Quebec)
- PICO (Regione Toscana)
- Pierce College Library (Lakewood, WA)
- Plawiuk Pontificates (Edmonton)
- Political Resources on the Net
- Political Studies Association - Labour Movements Group
- Political Theory and Political Philosophy (Louisiana State University)
- Politics and Social Sciences (Karlsruhe)
- Politik & Kultur
- Politiken (Denmark)
- Pomoerium (Bochum)
- Postr Czar (Atlanta, GA)
- Prentice Hall's Learning on the Internet Partnership
- Preservation
- Prof Mr N.G. Pierson Bibliotheek (Amsterdam)
- Press Now (Amsterdam)
- Project HappyChild
- Prologue Group (Redwood City, CA)
- Propaganda Pages (ParaScope)
- Propaganda Posters
- ProsperNet
- PvdA-Link (Robin Arends)
- Quatrième Internationale Posadiste
- Radio Netherlands - Wereldomroep
- Recollection Used Books (Seattle, WA)
- Red Shadows: An Internet Hotlist on The Cultural Revolution
- Reference Sources in US Labor Studies (Tamiment Institute, New York)
- Regionaal Archief Alkmaar
- Regional University and Science Library Advanced Network in the North-West of Russia (St Petersburg)
- Rene Wanner's Poster Page (Switzerland)
- Repositories of Primary Sources (University of Idaho)
- Research Centre for Equal Opportunities (Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, Athens)
- Research Engines for the Social Sciences (UNESCO)
- Research Libraries Group
- Resources for the History of Art and Architecture (Binghamton, NY)
- Revelry Online (Orlando, FL)
- Revolution Times Homepage
- Revolutionäres Bündnis Zürich
- Rhodes College (Memphis, TN)
- Richard Stockton College Library (Pomona, NJ)
- Ripon School District Web Site (Ripon, WI)
- Rijksuniversiteit Leiden - Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- Routledge History Resource Centre
- Royal Library (The Hague)
- Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Amsterdam)
- Russian and East European Network Information Center (Austin, TX)
- Russian Research Genealogy
- Russophilia! (Adelaide)
- Rutgers University Libraries
- Russian Royal Links
- Saarländische Universitäts-und LandesBibliothek
- SAC Syndikalisterna
- St John's Jesuit High School (Toledo, OH)
- St Joseph's University - Francis A. Drexel Library (Philadelphia, PA)
- St Mary's School (Jacksonville, OR)
- St Peter's College Library (Jersey City, NJ)
- Sammlung Frauennachlässe (Vienna)
- San Bernardino County Library (CA)
- Sarah Witte's Homepage (New York)
- Savante
- Schaffer Library - Union College (New York)
- Scholars' Guide to WWW (Chicago, IL)
- Schweizerische Osteuropabibliothek (Bern)
- Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv (Zürich)
- Scott Ian McLetchie's Homepage (New Orleans)
- Scott's Internet Hotlist (Florida)
- Scottish Women's History Network
- Searching for History
- Seneca College Library (Ontario)
- Sevastopol 2000 K-12 Electronic School (Sturgeon Bay, WI)
- Seventh Seal (Helsingborg)
- Shepherd College - Scarborough Library (Shepherdstown (WV)
- Sher's Russian Web
- SideClick
- SISWO Vraagbaak (Amsterdam)
- SiteNET (Gray Laboratory)
- Smithsonian Education
- Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Informatie- en Documentatiecentrum (Amsterdam)
- Social Movements
- Social, political and economic change
- Social Research Informatics Center (Budapest)
- Social Science Information Gateway (Bristol)
- Social Science Resources (Carleton)
- Social Sciences Resources (Olympia, WA)
- Società italiana degli storici dell'economia
- Society for the Study of Labour History
- Sociological Tour through Cyberspace (San Antonio, TX)
- SocioSite (Amsterdam)
- Sosialistisk Venstreparti (Norway)
- South Dakota State University - Hilton M. Briggs Library (Brookings, SD)
- South Jersey Online
- Southern California College - O. Cope Budge Library (Costa Mesa, CA)
- Southern Methodist University - Foreign Language and Literatures Department (Dallas, TX)
- Soviet Literature, 1917-1953 (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Soviet Union of 1918
- Soyuz (Swarthmore College)
- Spotlight: Biography (Smithsonian Institution)
- Spunk Press
- Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Bern
- Stalin-Era Research and Archives Project (Toronto)
- Stanford University Libraries
- archiefpagina
- State University of New York at Fredonia - Political Science Department
- State University of New York at Potsdam
- State University of New York - Purchase College (New York)
- Statsbiblioteket Århus
- Steerforth Press
- Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages (Amsterdam)
- Steinmetz Archief (Amsterdam)
- Stetson University - duPont-Ball Library (DeLand, FL)
- Stichting Informatie over Maatschappelijke Problemen rond Occulte Stromingen (Leiden)
- Stichting VADA
- Stimmen der proletarischen Revolution
- Storia delle donne
- Storia Marche Novecento
- Strake Jesuit College Preparatory -- Houston, Texas
- Study Web
- Südasien-Institut - Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
- Sunshine for Women
- Swedish Dockworkers Union
- Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research
- Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation
- SynergiData (Lystrup)
- Széchényi National Library (Budapest)
- Szoborpark (Statue Park, Budapest)
- Teacher Oz's History Page
- Teaching History (Emporia State University)
- Teamsters and Other Union Links
- Technische Universität Braunschweig - Abteilung für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften
- Ted Bos' Homepage (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
- Telecommunications Workers Union - Local 7
- Telson Spur (Salt Spring Island, BC)
- Tennessee Center for Labor-Management Relations
- Tennessee Technological University
- Tjebbe van Tijen's Homepage (Amsterdam)
- TNO Arbeid
- Toronto District School Board
- Touro College Libraries (New York)
- Transformative Studies Institute (TSI)
- Traveling.Com's International History Travel Guide
- Treviso OnLine
- TrotskyanaNet
- Troy State University at Fort Benning
- Trussel's EclectiCity
- TTE-Bücherei (Cologne)
- Työväen Arkisto
- Työväen Historian ja Perinteen Tutkimuksen Seura
- Työväen Keskusmuseo (Tampere)
- UK Centre for the History of Nursing
- UK Political Studies Association
- Ultimate Marxism Link
- Undernet #Socialism
- UNESCO Archives Portal
- UNESCO WebWorld
- UniGuide Academic Guide to the Internet
- United (Amsterdam)
- United Transportation Union Local 23 (Santa Cruz, CA)
- Unity & Struggle (New Brunswick, NJ)
- Universidad de Costa Rica. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
- Universidad Virtual del Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Grup de Recerca d'Història Social (Tarragona)
- Université Laval - Département d'Histoire
- Université Rennes 2 - Unité régionale de Formation et de Promotion pour l'Information scientifique et technique
- Universiteitsbibliotheek Maastricht
- University College Northampton Learning Resources
- University of Aarhus
- University of Adelaide Library
- University of Alabama at Huntsville - College of Liberal Arts
- University of Alicante - Análisis económico aplicado
- University of Amsterdam Library
- University of Arizona Library
- University of Auckland Library
- University of Basel Library
- University of Bern - Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
- University of Birmingham - Information Services
- University of Braunschweig - Universitätsbibliothek
- University of California at Berkeley - East Asian Library
- University of California at Berkeley - Institute of Industrial Relations Library
- University of California at Berkeley - Institute of International Studies
- University of California at Berkeley Library
- University of California at Davis Library
- University of California at Los Angeles Library
- University of California at San Diego - Social Sciences & Humanities Library
- University of Cologne - Englisches Seminar
- University College Chester
- University of Connecticut Library
- University of Delaware Library
- University of East Anglia - School of Mathematics
- University of Eichstätt - Zentralinstitut für Mittel- und Osteuropastudien
- University of Essex - Department of History
- University of Florida - George A. Smathers Libraries
- University of Fribourg - Interfacultary Institute for Central and Eastern Europe
- University of Giessen - Historisches Institut
- University of Glasgow - Faculty of Social Sciences
- University of Glasgow - Institute of Russian and East European Studies
- University of Graz - Koordinationsstelle für Frauenforschung & Frauenstudien
- University of Haifa Library
- University of Halle-Wittenberg - Institut für Geschichte
- University of Hannover - Institut für politische Wissenschaft
- University of Hannover - Institut für Soziologie
- University of Hartford Libraries
- University of Helsinki - Social History Department
- University of Hokkaido - Slavic Research Center
- University of Hong Kong - Department of Fine Arts
- University of Houston Libraries
- University of Illinois - History Department (Urbana-Champaign)
- University of Iowa Libraries
- University of Kaiserslautern Library
- University of Kentucky at Lexington
- University of London Library
- University of Mannheim - Historisches Institut
- University of Maryland - University libraries
- University of Melbourne - Department of Business Development and Corporate History
- University of Michigan Documents Center
- University of Minnesota at Duluth - History Department
- University of Miskolc Library
- University of New Hampshire - President's Commission on the Status of Women
- University of Nijmegen - Bibliotheek Sociaal-Culturele Wetenschappen
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte Library
- University of North Texas - History Department
- University of Northern Iowa - Rod Library
- University of Oregon Library System
- University of Oregon - Russian and East European Studies Center
- University of Osnabrück Electronic Library
- University of Pennsylvania - Penn Library Web
- University of Regensburg - Economic Faculty
- University of Texas at El Paso Library
- University of Texas at San Antonio - Department of History
- University of Toronto - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- University of Trier
- University of Padova - Facoltà di lettere e filosofia
- University of Pavia - Dipartimento storico-geografico
- University of Reading - History Department
- University of Redlands (CA)
- University of Siena - Dipartimento di scienze storiche, giuridiche, politiche e sociali
- University of Tasmania Library
- University of Utrecht - Letterenbibliotheek
- University of Valencia - Department of Contemporary History
- University of Vienna - Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
- University of Virginia Library
- University of Wales at Cardiff
- University of Wales at Swansea - Department of German
- University of Washington - Bothell Library
- University of Western Sydney - School of Economics and Finance
- University of Wisconsin at Whitewater - Andersen Library
- University of Wisconsin at Stout - Library Learning Center
- University of Wonkwang
- University of York Library
- Uppsala University - Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
- Urfist, Unité Régionale de Formation et de promotion pour l'Information Scientifique et Technique
- Ursula Stange's Annotated Bibliography of Chartism (Nipissing University)
- US Women's History Homepage (Syracuse University)
- Useful Page Directory
- Utah Valley State College Library
- Vanderbilt University - Jean and Alexander Heard Library (Nashville, TN)
- Vartiklis
- Västerås Stadsbibliotek
- Veldman Bedrijfsontwikkeling BV (Sittard)
- Vereniging Geschiedenis en Informatica
- Vereniging van docenten in geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland - VGN
- Vereniging voor Vrouwengeschiedenis
- Verhalen van Dordrecht
- Verkiezingsaffiches in Nederland 1918-2003
- Veteran Feminists of America
- Vietnam War Memorial
- Virginia Technological University - Political Science
- Virginia Wesleyan College (Norfolk, VA)
- Virtual Reading Room (Wageningen Agricultural University)
- Voice of the Shuttle Homepage
- Vrienden van Osho
- Vrije Universiteit - Bibliotheek (Amsterdam)
- Vrije Universiteit - Letterenfaculteit (Amsterdam)
- W.J. van den Noort's Homepage (Zwolle)
- War Resisters' International
- Wayne State University - Walther P. Reuther Library
- Washington High School (Washington, IN)
- The Weaker Vessel Links Collection
- Wendy Jo Gertjejanssen's Homepage (Minneapolis, MN)
- WebEc - WWW Resources in Economics (Helsinki)
- Wegweiser Bürgergesellschaft
- What Manifesto (Muncie, IN)
- Wichita State University - Ablah Library
- Wijkcentrum Havens Oost (Amsterdam)
- Wijnand Nieuwenhuize's Homepage (Rotterdam)
- Wilfrid Laurier University Library (Waterloo, Ontario)
- William Morris Internet Archive
- William Morris Home Page
- William Morris Society of Canada
- WLKK.COM (Erie, PA)
- Women and Gender in early Modern Wales
- Women and the Information Professions (by Joe Ryan)
- Women of Achievement and Herstory
- Women of Uganda Network
- Women-centered Spirituality
- Women's Heritage Museum (San Francisco, CA)
- Women's History (Mississippi State University)
- Women's History Resources (University of Wisconsin at Madison)
- Women's History Sites (University of Texas at El Paso)
- Women's Studies on the Net (Advocacy Network)
- Women's Studies Resource Sites (Baltimore, MD)
- Women's Studies Resources (University of Iowa)
- Women's Studies Resources (University of Maryland)
- Women's Studies Resources on the Internet (New York Public Library)
- Women's Studies Subject Guide (Kansas State University Libraries)
- WomenLink (California University of Pennsylvania)
- Working Class Movement Library (Salford)
- World Confederation of Labour
- World History Compass
- World History Search
- World Invest Network
- World Wide Academic Library Directory (NevadaLink)
- World Wide Web of Demography (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute)
- World Wide Web Resources for Social Workers (New York)
- Wortels naar het Verleden
- Wright State University Libraries (Dayton, OH)
- WWW Catalogus Nederland
- WWW Virtual Guide to the History of Russian and Soviet Science and Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- WWW Virtual Library: Demography and Population Studies
- WWW Virtual Library: German Resources
- WWW Virtual Library: Geschichte: Frühe Neuzeit
- WWW Virtual Library: History
- WWW Virtual Library: Humanities
- WWW Virtual Library: Public Health
- WWW Virtual Library: Russian and East European Studies
- WWW Virtual Library: Social Policy
- WWW Virtual Library: Social Sciences
- WWWomen
- Xavier University Libraries (Cincinnati, OH)
- XPDNC Software for Labour Unions
- Yelloweb Europe Directory
- Youngstown State University - Center for Working-Class Studies
- Zeeburg Nieuws
- Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
- Zuidelijke wandelweg
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