Volume 59 Special Issue (December 2014)


IRSH 59-si

Labour in Transport: Histories from the Global South, c.1750-1950

Edited by Stefano Bellucci, Larissa Rosa Corrêa, Jan-Georg Deutsch, and Chitra Joshi

Stefano Bellucci, Larissa Rosa Corrêa, Jan-Georg Deutsch, and Chitra Joshi ' Introduction: Labour in Transport: Histories from the Global South (Africa, Asia, and Latin America), c.1750 to 1950' [abstract]

Nitin Sinha 'Contract, Work and Resistance: Boatmen in Early Colonial Eastern India, 1760s-1850s' [abstract]

James W. Frey 'Getting Away with Murder: The Wrongful Deaths of Lascars aboard the Union in 1802' [abstract]

Devon Dear 'Holy Rollers: Monasteries, Lamas, and the Unseen Transport of Chinese-Russian Trade, 1850-1911' [abstract]

Lipokmar Dzüvichü 'Empire on their Backs: Coolies in the Eastern Borderlands of the British Raj' [abstract]

Paulo Cruz Terra 'Free and Unfree Labour and Ethnic Conflicts in the Brazilian Transport Industry: Rio de Janeiro in the Nineteenth Century' [abstract]

Michael D. Pante 'Rickshaws and Filipinos: Transnational Meanings of Technology and Labor in American-Occupied Manila' [abstract]

Guilherme Grandi 'The First Great Railway Strike: Rereading the Early Labour Movement in São Paulo' [abstract]

Jennifer Hart 'Motor Transportation, Trade Unionism, and the Culture of Work in Colonial Ghana' [abstract]

Walter Gam Nkwi and Mirjam de Bruijn '"Human Telephone Lines": Flag Post Mail Relay Runners in British Southern Cameroon (1916-1955) and the Establishment of a Modern Communications Network' [abstract]
