Volume 57 Special Issue (December 2012)


IRSH 57-Special Issue

Mediating Labour. Worldwide Labour Intermediation in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Edited by Ulbe Bosma, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, and Aditya Sarkar

Ulbe Bosma, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, and Aditya Sarkar 'Mediating Labour: An Introduction [summary]

Cassandra Mark 'The "Bargain" of Collaboration: African Intermediaries, Indirect Recruitment, and Indigenous Institutions in the Ghanaian Gold Mining Industry, 1900-1906’ [summary]

Enrique Martino 'Clandestine Recruitment Networks in the Bight of Biafra: Fernando Pó’s Answer to the Labour Question, 1926-1945’ [summary]

Hanan Hammad 'Making and Breaking the Working Class: Worker Recruitment in the National Textile Industry in Interwar Egypt’ [summary]

Magaly Rodríguez García 'The League of Nations and the Moral Recruitment of Women’ [summary]

Cristiana Schettini 'South American Tours: Work Relations in the Entertainment Market in South America’ [summary]

Sigrid Wadauer, Thomas Buchner, and Alexander Mejstrik 'The Making of Public Labour Intermediation: Job Search, Job Placement, and the State in Europe, 1880-1940’ [summary]

Christoph Rass 'Temporary Labour Migration and State-Run Recruitment of Foreign Workers in Europe, 1919-1975: A New Migration Regime?’ [summary]

Amarjit Kaur 'Labour Brokers in Migration: Understanding Historical and Contemporary Transnational Migration Regimes in Malaya/Malaysia’ [summary]
