Volume 55 part 1 (April 2010)


IRSH 55-1

Ronald Johnston and Elaine McFarland '"Out in the Open in Threatening World": The Scottish Churches' Industrial Mission 1960-1980' [summary]

Suggestions and Debates

William Kenefick 'Confronting White Labourism: Socialism, Syndicalism and the Role of the Scottish Radical Left in South Africa before 1914' [summary]

Jonathan Hyslop 'Scottish Labour, Race, and Southern African Empire c.1880-1922: A Reply to Kenefick' [summary]


Peter Heumos 'Workers under Communist Rule: Research in the Former Socialist Countries of Eastern Central and South Eastern Europe and in the Federal Republic of Germany' [summary]

Review Essay

Bryan D. Palmer 'The Personal, the Political, and Permanent Revolution: Ernest Mandel and the Conflicted Legacies of Trotskyism'

Book reviews

Laird W.Bergad The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States (Dick Geary)
John Gurney Brave Community: The Digger Movement in the English Revolution (Henk Looijesteijn)
Janine M. Lanza From Wives to Widows in Early Modern Paris: Gender, Economy, and Law (Ariadne Schmidt)
Richard Price Making Empire. Colonial Encounters and the Creation of Imperial Rule in Nineteenth-Century Africa (Jeff Peires)
Aaron B. Retish Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War. Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914-1922 (Sarah Badcock)
Stephanie Cronin Tribal Politics in Iran. Rural Conflict and the New State, 1921-1941 (Reza Jafari)
Paul Almeida Waves of Protest. Popular Struggle in El Salvador, 1925-2005 (Irina Carlota Silber)
Lawrence Richards Union-Free America. Workers and Antiunion Culture (Shelton Stromquist)
Lynn Owens Cracking under Pressure. Narrating the Decline of the Amsterdam Squatters' Movement (Bart van der Steen)



Notes on contributors
