Volume 42 supplement 5 (1997)
The rise and decline of the male breadwinner family?
Angélique Janssens, The Rise and Decline of the Male Breadwinner Family? An Overview of the DebateSara Horrell and Jane Humphries, The Origins and Expansion of the Male Breadwinner Family: The Case of Nineteenth-Century Britain
Samita Sen, Gendered Exclusion: Domesticity and Dependence in Bengal
Lina Gálvez-Muñoz, Breadwinning Patterns and Family Exogenous Factors: Workers at the Tobacco Factory of Seville During the Industrialization Proces, 1887-1945
Michael Hanagan, Family, Work and Wages: The Stéphanois Region of France, 1840-1914
Lena Sommestad, Welfare State Attitudes to the Male Breadwinning System: The United States and Sweden in Comparative Perspective
Christine von Oertzen and Almut Rietzschel, Comparing the Postwar Germanies: Breadwinner Ideology and Women's Employment in the Divided Nation, 1948-1970