Gypsy life
A selection of childrens' books on gypsy life shows different styles and images of gypsy life.
All books are accessible through our online catalogue (OPC) and can be searched by author and title. For a list of all the publications search with collection code 'Kommers'.
The collection can be consulted in the Reading Room.
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Gypsies, 1977

The man with the bear, 1975

Arpad the gypsy, 1974

Niku the gypsy boy, 1962

The five and the secret
of the gypsies, 1961

Spinnetje, 1958

Mariska, princess of the circus, 1955

Myra the gypsy girl, 1952

The gypsies from
Akkerwoude, 1950

and the black boy, 1949

Gypsy life, n.d.

Gypsy life, n.d.

Gypsies threaten our
scouting camp, 1936

Palmyra the gypsy child,

In the hands of robbers, 1922

The gypsy camp, 1916

Led by an invisible hand, 1910

The stolen child, 1903

How Hendrik van Eichenfels
came to know God, 1825