A Dozen Photos from the Spanish Civil War

La Guerra Civil Española, the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) has been called the first media-war in history. Idealistic film makers and photographers like Joris Ivens, Robert Capa, and Gerda Taro rushed to the battlefields.
The IISH preserves about 2000 pictures from the Spanish Civil War that are less well-known. They belong to the archives of the CNT/FAI, the powerful anarcho-syndicalist trade union and its political arm. These photographs were intended for the organization's newspaper Solidaridad Obrera and other press services.
The anonymous Spanish photographers, like their famous colleagues from abroad, photographed the tragedy and the romanticism of the struggle: the ruins, the defenseless and the dead, the brave civilians at the barricades and the handsome lightly armed members of the militias.
Apart from this, there are many photographs about life behind the front. Here is a small selection from this latter category and a list of the main collections about the Spanish Civil War at the IISH.

Important archival collections about the Spanish Civil War at the IISH:
Diego Abad de Santillán - CNT - Antoine Espigoulet - José Ester Borrás - Luce Fabbri - FAI - FEDIP - Antonio Gimenez - Emma Goldman - Fernando Gómez Peláez - Graus - Martin Gudell - Jef Last - José Martínez Guerricabeitia - Cipriano Mera - Alberto Meschi - Ricardo Mestre Ventura - Francisco Olaya Morales - Charles Andrew Orr - José Peirats Valls - Vernon Richards - Rudolf Rocker - Helmut Rüdiger - Ruedo Ibérico - Liberto Sarrau Royes - Karel Skrábek - Augustin Souchy - Paul & Clara Thalmann

Margreet Schrevel