The British in Groningen
The First Royal Naval Brigade joined the fight near Antwerp in August 1914 and took refuge in Holland. About 1600 British military men were housed in barracks in Groningen. They called it Timbertown.
The British enriched the cultural experience of the inhabitants of Groningen with their marches accompanied by pipers and brass bands and by performances of the "Timbertown Follies" in the city theatre. The RNB soccer team took the field against "Be Quick" from Groningen. The internees tried hard to skate and bike as well.
The camp had an abundant library which filled the needs of its inhabitants during four long years. Drawings of cobwebs as a symbol of waiting and boredom abound in their richly illustrated camp magazine.
- The Camp Magazine. First Royal Naval Brigade, Groningen Holland.
Groningen, 1915-1918.
Call number: ZO 6106
- The British News.
Amsterdam, 1917-1918.
Call number: PM 429