Photo Collection De Brug - Djambatan

The photo collection consists of three parts:
1. The first part is a collection of more than 9,000 photos, numbered and filed in wooden cabinets, which had once been used by De Brug-Djambatan as illustrations in their editions. The collection consists of positives, pasted on cardboards, and usually provided with captions identifying them. The photos cover much of in Asian history and even prehistory, although most are from the twentieth century, especially the 1940s and 1950s.
2. The second part consists of a small chest of drawers with negatives in envelopes, numbered 1 - 699.
3. Finally, the third part consists of nine large card index boxes that contain the indexes of the collection of photographs. The cards have full descriptions about the origin of the photos, the copyright, and the publications of De Brug-Djamabatan that the photos appeared in.
A number of photos by the famous Dutch photographer Cas Oorthuys relate to the social and political situation in Indonesia just after independence. Within the country classification there is a further breakdown according to theme: religion, history, social situation, culture, and an extensive section on the military.

The countries included are as follows:
Europe I: (alphabetically) Albania to Great Britain (much on Germany)
Europe II: The Netherlands to Switzerland (much on the USSR), Djambatan (an interesting section with pictures of the branches, including Rangoon, personnel, authors, and presentations)
USA and Canada
Australia and New Zealand (not much) and Asia I: (alphabetically) Afghanistan to China (first part), including references to an extensive collection of photographs on Burma
Asia II: China (second part) to India
Asia III: Indonesia
Asia IV: Indonesia (politics and general) to Turkey
Asia V: Indochina to Japan
South-America ((c. 200 photos), Africa (c. 500 photos), sports (c. 200 photos).

Text: Emile Schwidder