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Description de l' Égypte

Description de l' Égypte ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendent l' expédition de l' armée Française
Paris : [s.n.],
Call number:
AB F 1739

The nineteenth-century work Description de l'Égypte appeals to the imagination because of its extent, design, and contents.
This Description de l'Égypte recalls the famous campaign of Napoleon in Egypt in 1798-1799 and the antiquarian interest in the glorious Egyptian antiquity. The careful execution of this report required a great deal of time to complete.
The KNAW series is the second edition, in 24 volumes, took 10 years to appear, was published by Pancoucke in Paris and appeared from 1820 to 1830.