Social History Yearbook 2004

Social'naja istorija. Ezhegodnik 2004
(Social History. Yearbook 2004)
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2005, 461 p.
ISBN 5-8243-0635-4
All articles are in Russian, with English summaries
Click on a title for the English summary
- Preface
- Labour History
- History of Everyday Life
- Pushkareva, N.L., History of Private Life and History of Everyday Life: Contents and Conceptions' Correlation
- Shcherbinin, P.P., What Did the Soldier's Wife Cry For? (The Everyday Life of Russian Soldiers' Wives in the 18th - early 20th Centuries)
- Kanfer, E., Everyday Life of Workers at the Enterprise and Beyond its Gates: Prokhorov's Manufacture and the Guzhon Factory in the Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries
- Aksenov, V.B., Rumours and Fears among the Populace of Petrograd and Moscow in 1917
- Social History of Education
- People and Power
- Mosolov, V.G., "They fleece us unmercifully..." (What Ordinary Soviet Citizens Told the Agitators)
- Burds, J., "Moskal'ki": Women Agents and the Nationalist Underground in Western Ukraine, 1944-1948
- Zakharova, L.V., Every Soviet Woman Should Have a Dior Dress! (French Influence in Soviet Fashion in 1950s-1960s)
- Sources and Archives
- Summaries
- Information about the authors