
The Historical Sample of the Netherlands (HSN)
The HSN offers a representative sample of about 78.000 people born in the Netherlands during the period 1812-1922. The HSN-database containing individual life-courses is a unique tool for research in Dutch history and demography.
Book Population Reconstruction
Population Reconstruction by Gerrit Bloothooft (Utrecht University), Peter Christen (Australian National University), Kees Mandemakers (International Institute of Social History) and Marijn Schraagen (Utrecht University) explores the issues involved in using historical data in population reconstruction research.
Gosia Poplawska
On 12 October 2015 Gosia Poplawska defended her PhD thesis entitled 'Essays on insurance and health economics' at VU University Amsterdam.
Annual Report 2014
The HSN Annual Report 2014 is now available (PDF document).
Antonie Knigge
On 12 June 2015 Antonie Knigge defended his thesis entitled Sources of Sibling Similarity. Status Attainment in the Netherlands during Modernization at Utrecht University.
Annual Report 2013
The HSN Annual Report 2013 is now available (PDF document, text in Dutch only).
Inaugural address Hilde Bras
On 4 December 2014 Hilde Bras gave her inaugural address, entitled 'Inequalities in Food Security and Nutrition: A Life Course Perspective', on Thursday 4 December 2014 at the Sociology of Consumers and Households group at Wageningen University.
See also the News archive
On the HSN pages:
More about HSN, its history and activities.
Information about the HSN data, the sources and the structure.
Research projects, making use of HSN data.
Products, such as releases, publications and presentations.
Links to other sources on the internet.
See also:
Life Courses in Context. A collaboratory based on Dutch population registers and censuses (19th and 20th century). An overview of the data.
Cruquiusweg 31
1019AT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 20 66 85 866
email: hsn@iisg.nl